Your backstory

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Your backstory

I haven't found any topics for replies like this so here it is. Post the story of how you came to be.

Here's mine:

As the sun was setting on the Ancient planet of Time Vedra, a small Asuran scout ship came out of hyperspace. On board High guard was trying to fix the ships decelerator drive, but he didn't succeed in time, so the scout ship entered the atmosphere on the steep angle and burned up........ 10,000 years go by, in that time Time Vedra is abandoned after all of it's population contracts a deadly nanovirus.
The planets cities lie in ruins, it's shipyards are all but destroyed, but at the bottom of the sea in the Ancient city of Poseidon a replicator is freed from stasis as Cities ZPM starts to fail. As his systems come back online he remembers who he is, a true Asuran from beginning to the end. He assimilated the stasis room gaining control of the Poseidon computer, after seeing that shields are failing he taps the power from the drilling station, overloading its systems and waking up the underwater volcano on which it sat. As the volcano spits lava threatening to bury the city, High guard opens a hyperspace window, saving his new home. After he assimilated all of the city systems High guard sends troops to the planet to scavenge it for resources needed to build a new ZPM. Now with his power base secured he aims the city at the milky way galaxy and fires up the star drive....
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Re: Your backstory

wow, a lot of though went into that.

my reply would simply be, i was one of your troops at the time, who scavenged for resources and then used them to replicate.

thanks for saving my arse, :lol:
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Re: Your backstory

maybe if we have some free time we could all write one just bit of fun see how creative you can be but as same time keep it secencible lol
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HairyMehoff wrote: Twitchy is indeed a true replicator. He is a most powerful NanoTiMaster. Many can take an example from this wise repli.
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Re: Your backstory

ok lol i kinda wrote two one short crap one and one very long crap one and i kinda lost the plot some where so its kinda weired but it ya wanna c it ill post it lol
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HairyMehoff wrote: Twitchy is indeed a true replicator. He is a most powerful NanoTiMaster. Many can take an example from this wise repli.
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Re: Your backstory

The sole purpose a replicator has in life is to replicate and create more of itself. Recently, an exception arose to this rule and out of the ashes of a ruined race, rose HairyMehoff. Hairy, ambitious as he was, was also intelligent. Watching and learning the happenings of the universe were important to Hairy's mission. Living among the Asgard, completely undetected, Hairy learned what it took to survive in the Universe.
Now, Hairy has come out of hiding and taken his true form. On a mission to ressurect a once great race, Hairy has begun questing across the Universe, searching for those who share his vision. He is unafraid to provoke his enemies, knowing that ultimately his goal shall be achieved. Not knowing what the future holds, Hairy faces the unknown. He is not alone, however, as he has found friends and allied himself with the most loyal. Now, even if he is someday not here to see his dream come true, he knows that others shall continue to keep it alive.
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Re: Your backstory

HairyMehoff wrote:The sole purpose a replicator has in life is to replicate and create more of itself. Recently, an exception arose to this rule and out of the ashes of a ruined race, rose HairyMehoff. Hairy, ambitious as he was, was also intelligent. Watching and learning the happenings of the universe were important to Hairy's mission. Living among the Asgard, completely undetected, Hairy learned what it took to survive in the Universe.
Now, Hairy has come out of hiding and taken his true form. On a mission to ressurect a once great race, Hairy has begun questing across the Universe, searching for those who share his vision. He is unafraid to provoke his enemies, knowing that ultimately his goal shall be achieved. Not knowing what the future holds, Hairy faces the unknown. He is not alone, however, as he has found friends and allied himself with the most loyal. Now, even if he is someday not here to see his dream come true, he knows that others shall continue to keep it alive.

ur forgetting one thing... that replicators are eternal and even when destroyed can be replicated. so of course you will be around to be witness to the fruits of your labours :)
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Re: Your backstory

woot* (unless i get myself banned hehehehe :-" ) and yes i wanna c urs twitchy!
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Re: Your backstory

lol mine are so **Filtered** i compleley los tthe plot hahah this is how bored i was i kinda made two and well there both **Filtered** i admint it but meh here goes
The NanoTiMasters are a mysterious race of skeletal warriors that have lain dormant in their stasis-tombs for millions of years. They are ancient beyond reckoning, pre-dating even the Goa'uld. Yet, they are beginning to awaken, for the galaxy is ripe for harvest, to replicate and amass an army to wipe out there enemies.
1.)The NanoTiMasters story is one of an ancient betrayal. Aeons ago, the Asuras race clung to their short lives in fear of oblivion at the hands of their massive and ravaging star. They pushed the limits of science in an effort to lengthen their lives, but to no avail. Then, the gods they known as the Indu were discovered, offering immortality at a terrible price.
The Asuran high Council agreed, and their souls were encased in living metal bodies. What they did not know was that the process dulled their minds and senses so they became slaves of the Indu. The Indu Gods needed warrior-slaves to harvest the life forms and recourses of the galaxy so the gods can feast on the unascended souls, and the Indu’s new NanoTiMasters served this purpose well.

2.)Once on a primitive planet known as Commorragh lived a vile and evil race this race is know written about and nothing is spoken or talked about only fact that is known is that the planet is scrubbed off every planet and blocked on every record of gate addresses,all that is known that the leader is called Twitchy. One thing is known is that that race had a terrible plague of some kind that wiped them to the treat of extinction pushed the limits of science in an effort to lengthen their lives, but to no avail.
Then when off world they found a mighty race known as the Replicator’s who a race of self-replicating machines, and arguably one are of the most advanced races in the universe. After a meeting with the grand council of the replicator planet they were given two options to either die out or hand there planet over to the replicator army and to visit another galaxies to find a race of people Asurans on a planet called Asuras.
After searching for several years they come a cross the most beautify city they had ever seen which was so technologically advance it made this race look like there ships were play toys. After speaking to the Asuran High Council they agree that if the High Council were to help then they would have to serve them till there debt were paid off.
The Asuran high Council agreed, and their souls were encased in living metal bodies, with there body of nanites the survivors of this new race decided that with new powers and technologies that a new name would suit them well after they gather in one of the many great halls they came up with a name, so from that day fourth they would be known as NanoTiMasters.

Many thousands of years passed and they had paid there debt off and were allowed to leave free with the knowledge they had obtained to start a new life. But old habits die hard they returned to where once they had came from and resurrected massive cities and battle ships to concur there old Provence, but they grew two quickly and soon had to take over new planets and convert more recourses in to metals that they could use to build more ships and more great cities.
After a while of taking from the weak they started to catch the attention of some highly advanced creatures they had never seen before there technology was matching there own and these little grey things had yummy technology that could not be resisted. After infesting many of these new found species planets they gathered aid of a primate yet resourceful young race since there weapons were ineffective they needed other means. They requested an audience with the High council of the NanoTiMasters an were given one but only to be betrayed catapult and information extracted from there minds. After they had finishes thy found out a lot about them like there names there history and the fact that there were many other planets out there just waiting for the picking. The two new found races were named the Tauri and the Asgard and since the capture of both representatives of these species had been captured all out war had been declared on the NanoTiMasters.
They also found out that they had an affective way of neutralising the Replicators, so the first thing was to do was to warn then and to ask if they wished to join sides and defeat common enemies. After joining forces they headed towards the one weapon which was capable of taking out every race in the universe which is where they encountered there another highly advance race of parasitic worms who took human hosts as a massive battle was under way all four races were fighting to take control of this ancient device but at the end of the day there can be only one victory, one winner, one race to come out and clamed this universe for there selves.
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HairyMehoff wrote: Twitchy is indeed a true replicator. He is a most powerful NanoTiMaster. Many can take an example from this wise repli.
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Re: Your backstory

lol reading through that and realised that has nothing to do with any think and quite frank is just stupid but ahh well
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HairyMehoff wrote: Twitchy is indeed a true replicator. He is a most powerful NanoTiMaster. Many can take an example from this wise repli.
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Re: Your backstory

Still Interesting! Especially the part about the only thing anybody knew was that the leader is twitchy!
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Re: Your backstory

hehe that wass a last min add in :P
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Up the Repli Nation
HairyMehoff wrote: Twitchy is indeed a true replicator. He is a most powerful NanoTiMaster. Many can take an example from this wise repli.
:D :D
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