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Re: mass effect 3

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:30 pm
by Jack
Sadow wrote:
Dovahkiin wrote:Anyone that thinks the ending is 'fine' the way it stands is an idiot. Either that, or they enjoy gaping plot holes the size of galaxies.

Personally I am ok with how it ended, however it could have always been better.

You're ok with plotholes? You're ok with space magic and godchildren? You're ok with your injured party members being somehow uninjured and abandoning you and the fight in the Normandy? You're okay with the extinction of the Geth and Quarians, despite which option you choose? You're okay with the extinction of most other races?

There's only one habitable planet in Sol, that's Earth. For them to have found the jungle planet in the ending sequence, they would have had to left the system. And they would have had to do it before you initiated whichever choice you made. Further, every member of your squad is seen on Earth. For them all to have been on the Normandy, they all would have had to double back as soon as you left for the conduit with the two members of your party. They would have had to stick around and picked up the other two as soon as you got hit by Harbinger's beam. Which isn't possible, considering that Harbinger is destroying anything that gets close. And if they are somehow able to get close enough to the beam to grab the other two party members, why did they leave you? Why did they abandon the fight rather than travel through the conduit? Only possible answer is that overcame impossible odds to run away like cowards. In spite of the fact that the safest bet would have been to travel through the conduit and activate the weapon.

No matter which option you choose, you destroy every mass relay in the galaxy. It was established in Arrival and further confirmed in ME3 that when a relay is destroyed, it goes supernova and wipes out the entire solar system. When you witness the explosions of the other relays, it is from a vantage point that indicates the explosions are much larger and encompasses multiple star systems. Earth is right next door to not one, but TWO mass relays(Charon Relay and the Citadel). So it and everyone in the Sol system are vaporized. The entire migrant fleet and at least most of the Geth are in the Sol System when it is destroyed. Losing most of their brothers, the Geth are reduced to retards once again. Without the Migrant Fleet and without the Geth, whatever few Quarians are on Ronnoch will not survive for long. They can not produce food and without clean environments, they will catch their death of infection.

If we ignore the fact that destroyed mass relays go super nova, there is still the fact that everyone is stranded in Sol. So either everyone dies, or only the Geth, Reapers and Quarians can survive. Earth can not support the amount of hungry mouths left in Sol. The only reason it's possible for the Quarians to survive is because of their live ships. They can still produce their own food. So it might be possible also for the Turians to survive, if they can broker a peace between the two. But not likely.

Re: mass effect 3

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:44 pm
by Sadow
I never said i was ok with plotholes. The series is not over.

I love how Bioware has "Indoctrinated" so many gamers.

Re: mass effect 3

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:55 pm
by Jack
I doubt the indoctrination theory is accurate. It's a nice thought. But seems unlikely.

Re: mass effect 3

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:08 pm
by Sadow
Indoctrination Theory is **Filtered**

im talking about all the people who played the games, complain about everything. Bioware has indoctrinated millions of people.

Re: mass effect 3

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:11 pm
by Jack
Wut? That doesn't even make sense.

Re: mass effect 3

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:21 pm
by Sadow
its hard to explain.

Mu Suggestion: Stop acting so much on the ending. Play the game. The story itself is still great, the game is fine. Play Multiplayer.

Re: mass effect 3

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:36 pm
by Jack
I don't play multiplayer.

The story is great, till the ending when it goes to hell in a hand basket.

The complaints are valid. Are story is only as good as it's first, second and third acts. If any of those fail, then the story fails. This is especially true for the final act, for which there can be no redemption. As in, a terrible first act can be mitigated by an exceptional second and third act. But the final/third act will leave a bitter taste if it does not live upto the first and second acts.

Re: mass effect 3

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:38 pm
by Sadow
I take more out of it, if i focus on everything but the ending. I have alot of fun with it.

Re: mass effect 3

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:46 pm
by Zeratul
Sadow, didn't you learn anything about indoctrination while playing the games? The indoctrinated do not see that they themselves are indoctrinated...

Re: mass effect 3

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:40 pm
by Sadow
Last i read there was another free MP dlc on its way. All earth maps. Have not heard ANYTHING on single-player stuff yet, but with each dlc, they always add in a few fixes and whatnot to the game itself.

If dlc were to come out ((note: they said they will NOT change the ending, stop complaining about it)). what would you like to see.

Take back Omega - already dialogue in the game for this, also the system omega is in, appears on the map, but you cannot go there.

Re: mass effect 3

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 3:21 pm
by dardar_is_back
Mass Effect 3 is a fun game until we reach the anticlimactic and horrible conclusion.

As a whole, I respect those who perceive video games as an art form. Ultimately, Bioware is the creator of the art and they can decide how the story concludes.