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Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 2:45 am
by Lord Dougy
nah, don't really like it, it would be boring, its not really a war game if we do that... remember it takes 40 odd days till someone can descend, and the more ppl the better as the rank mod won't be so effective.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:27 am
by Weiland
We could be like the ori in main maybe...

Ask people to donate / devote themselves and their armies and resources to us, and in return we shall help them ascend!

Then, when they have all surrendered their stuff to us, we kill em! :D

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 7:44 am
by alexandro98
The problem is lot of us have previous alliance. There are Furlings, Omega, OoC, TA, etc.. We would form little sub alliance's under this new alliance, and there would be squabbles between them.
We also have Alliance friends on main that havent ascended yet but are going to eventually. We wouldnt want them to fall to the alliance once they ascend, so they would want their friend to get invited so they dont get knocked out. Thus our alliance would get bigger and bigger and not so "Elite".
So basically we would have to choice between the ascended alliance or our old alliance.
The only way I can see this to work is everyone swear to the new alliance over their old alliance.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 8:01 am
by Lord Dougy
like thats ever going to happen,
how about everyone tries to join Omega and bows down to us, and swears loyality?

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:47 am
by RepliJake
I like Dougy's idea best

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:51 am
by RepliMagni

I suppose we could be like the stone masons and have secret hand shakes. :-D

Really I want a load more people in'll make it much more interesting.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:43 pm
Xanthors wrote:i like the idea, it will keep us being an elite, and we wont have to share our ascended power with anyone else:)

took that right out of my mouth

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:57 pm
by curiousmanners
ok heres the deal I LOVE IT i say we take the ascended server and main through force smite the ones who walk outside the rules and smite all people who only believe they are worthy

May ascenscion be kept for the elite

make a forum and a memberlist however only give it to those who are loyal to our cause i volunteer for a position of power


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 1:41 pm
by RepliMagni
curiousmanners wrote: i volunteer for a position of power

Very noble and generous of you Curious. :lol:

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 1:43 pm
by curiousmanners
what can i say i like having power i'm the leader of a treaty in main leader of stuff in real life and i'll volunteer in ascended

I will bless you with my experience

magni, thnx for noticing lol


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 2:48 pm
by Lord Dougy
i must ask y u guys want to do this? not much a challenge is it, knocking down the little ppl before they have a chance to fight and keeping all of us in a safe friendly atmosphere... hello!! this is a war game true there alliances already but there is no monopoly alliance which makes it fun.

and now u guys want to make an alliance made up of the strongest members in the ascension!! and the members control 80% at least of all the ascended!?

and how are others meant to prove themselves worthy of joining?? if no-one attacks eachother, wat do they prove their worth in? how the train the most worshippers??

as u can see i'm quite strongly against it, of course if Omega approves of this alliance then i would join as i serve Omega but till then i'm not liking all this peace in the air. I didn't manage to getting to the ascended server playing with dolls and being nice to everyone, even tho due to it i got massed at least 3 times but i still ascended :P

oh well thats my little speech for tonight for war and not peace in a war game. And if ur going to say well we would be attacking ppl that newly ascend... *clap* *clap* well done in hitting a child and getting away with it. don't u guys want a challenge of descending urself if u planned a war wrong or something, having a risk!?

now i've finished :-)

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:04 pm
by Wintermute
Well having put some thought into it, I've actually come up with what could be a pretty effective strategy against us if we try keeping people out. I'm not going to elaborate about it right here but it could be done with the right approach.

I think the initial challenge would be to take over the main server, and prevent people from ascending that way.

As far as alliances, I believe most people who ascended were leaders of those alliances so they could probably get away with this without too much trouble. How about if nobody is asked to attack members from their main alliances. If you have friends who you want to ascend...hurry and get them to ascend soon then!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:07 pm
by Lord Dougy
guess my speech fell on deaf ears :cry:

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:19 pm
by curiousmanners
sry dougy we heard u we just don't care to us its a challenge and i'm for the alliance i would love to take over main and have our alliance in anscended but if you've noticed the number of ppl ascending is growing and with it our competetion eliminate compettion we gain more power

We take out who we want (i like the no attack ur own allaince members thing) but no matter how many we take out there will always be too many for us to get and there will be ones who grow in power

its like russian roulette

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:24 pm
by RepliJake
As a big part of one of the alliances that have a fair few members in ascension I would just like to say...


You people aren't really that scared... are you?????