brothers vs king me

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Re: brothers vs king me

papa~smurf wrote:
Dexter Morgan™ wrote: you were in the leaving thread for 10 days, and wouldn't ya know it

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What the *censored* is wrong with you !
I have *censored* had it with this kind of bull *censored* !
What do you think your doing to me you ass , I have to live with this man and now listen to how much of an **Filtered** you are for a *censored* ever !You couldnt have put me in a more difficult spot.and for what for *censored* nothing !
You suck.I hate you right nowI hate FS right now
*censored* !
Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:26 pm[/spoiler]

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I think we can lock this baby up as per authors request
Mimes, Ninjas and Cholestoral... The silent Killers
Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:31 am[/spoiler]

In defence of MLH and my wife, it was 4 days thurs(open) fri sat sun mon(closed) that her leaving thread ran.

Ya, her friends(old and new) left also, formed an allaince and asked her to join, she didn't start an allaince. And dose it have a lot of newer, older and non FS member, sure dose, but if you lived in my house and saw her MSN, you'd know she has friends across the spectrum of this game. What happen to make her leave, well it wasn't a "what happen", it was a slow build with a "straw that broke the camels back" . this game is suppose to be FUN, and frankly, she wasn't haven't any. Not any one persons fault, but it what it is. Have fun in your allainces, but when they don't work for ya, leave.

Papa out

Just for context this was after Brother massed Papa for nothing lol

and yeah I have the mouth of a truck driver but the lips of a porn star :P
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Re: brothers vs king me

Dexter Morgan™ wrote:
Rudy Pena wrote:
Dexter Morgan™ wrote:
~Coyle~ wrote:I like Trolls, they liven up threads :smt060

Only Rudy isnt as pretty as Hux's troll. And Rudy, if you legitimately have beef with FS, talk to our diplo, or if you have a problem with me, yes with proper channels and wait ur turn i will vendie you. You talkin out the side of ya mouth. Anyone who really knows me, as you clearly DO NOT, would know i dont back down, hell i will sab ya descended i dont give a **Filtered** :smt018

You said you would vendy anyone who insults FS, which I did.

Now you tell me you wont. :( You are mean. :smt022

Also, Im not descended.

And you have ALOT better levels than me, but meh. If you start trying to tear down a good thing which is FS, and insult me at same time, yah i dont back down. You obviously don't read.

I SAID I WILL SAB EVEN DESCENDED......what can you not get about that??????
IT MEANS I FIGHT WHENEVER IM ASKED OR SO CHOOSE, I AM NO COWARD, AND HAVE PROVEN THAT being descended twice by pcarmy, and still i friggen sab down strikes after taking defences, so get it right before you blindly follow the scent of musty.........ah you aint worth it
Well I did insult you and your lil alliance too. ;)

Now you dont want a vendy cause I have better levels than you....sounds like a weak coward to me. ;) :smt112 :smt019 :smt017
R0B3RT wrote: you are like my wife
you never loose :smt101
Field Marshall wrote:I don't think there is a single member ingame that could take on the lion at the moment. Not a single person...
I'm a brown nose. Sue me.
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Re: brothers vs king me

Huxley wrote:Oh yeah trolling? You haven't experienced my trolling, yet.

But let's gather some more evidence why FS have lost their integrity as well as a established alliance not to **Filtered** with.

*papa~smurf OF FS is raided by a TAF member for a big amount of UU - TAF refuse to give ANY back and spit it back in their face*

~Coyle~ wrote:Enough for people on both sides to start loosing stats :-D

Coyle is quick to jump in, to make FS look good.

But wait, whats this . . .

papa~smurf wrote:
Mathlord wrote:
papa~smurf wrote:math, you already have spoke with FS HQ about this, you clearly know whats what

enough said.

And my response still is, congratulations to Random Logic on a mighty fine raid. Maybe the old smurf will remember to PPT before trying to ascend next time ;)

i am glad that you and FS HC have agreed on this

Papa Smurf !!
[ i want my uu back ]
The UnKnown of the INDU
{Temporarily on the Protected Planets Treaty...}

see ya around

FS remove a member who has just lost the majority of his army, ascension funds to a TAF member - no retaliation, but just kicking the guy while he's down, his so called "family" leave him to rot.

( I would like to note, I don't know the reasoning behind papa~smurf's dismissal, but, it is obvious if this was anyone else, action would have been taken, but as TAF are the puppet masters of FS, nothing happens ;))

Good call FS, roll over and let TAF **Filtered** you guys some more - you are losing your rep as this 'tough' alliance, rapidly.

THEN, to add insult to injury, brother masses him? Is this a cover up to show papa was not dissmissed with TAF influence? Who knows...

Successful troll is successful? Get out of here :)

Not that it's any of your business but that was a 'fair hit' by anyones definition and our policy is we make fair hits and accept fair hits, Papa was offered his UU back by me and Coyla despite the fact he lost them through what he admitted was he own mistake, would have been allowed to vendetta if he wanted but decided to leave, and if you ask him he will tell you the raid wasnt his primary reason for leaving. The massing by Brother was not authorised and was heat of the moment action after they argued.

Did you even read my last reply or was it to full of reason and facts for you ?

How about these little facts, when the issue of that raid was raised...

Mathlord ask if we could resolve it or at least defer it until after the OE-v-TAF war was over as he wanted to keep that war OE-v-TAF with no interference or distraction

You personally PMed me asking for me to get on MSN, why ? Because you wanted FS to join the war on OEs side. I politely declined and told you we would not be joining that war.

Go troll somewhere else, or better yet go fight your own war instead of trying to get others to fight it for you.
Last edited by MEZZANINE on Sat Feb 11, 2012 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: brothers vs king me

RoKeT sig extract wrote:Being massed , one will not consider massing back, but MUST MASS BACK, since we will show no weakness. If one cannot comply, than he is not worth our Name...

LOL just LOL.

None of you are worthy of your names obviously. :smt043
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Re: brothers vs king me

Huxley wrote:
RoKeT sig extract wrote:Being massed , one will not consider massing back, but MUST MASS BACK, since we will show no weakness. If one cannot comply, than he is not worth our Name...

LOL just LOL.

None of you are worthy of your names obviously. :smt043

He wasnt massed ;)
No defense, lots of uu = fine raid :smt110


...what makes you think Tom can't hurt you? Guy's a genius :P He's walking around, a free man, with over a hundred child molestation charges on him - Daku
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Re: brothers vs king me

Huxley wrote:Oh yeah trolling? You haven't experienced my trolling, yet.

But let's gather some more evidence why FS have lost their integrity as well as a established alliance not to **Filtered** with.

*papa~smurf OF FS is raided by a TAF member for a big amount of UU - TAF refuse to give ANY back and spit it back in their face*

~Coyle~ wrote:Enough for people on both sides to start loosing stats :-D

Coyle is quick to jump in, to make FS look good.

But wait, whats this . . .

papa~smurf wrote:
Mathlord wrote:
papa~smurf wrote:math, you already have spoke with FS HQ about this, you clearly know whats what

enough said.

And my response still is, congratulations to Random Logic on a mighty fine raid. Maybe the old smurf will remember to PPT before trying to ascend next time ;)

i am glad that you and FS HC have agreed on this

Papa Smurf !!
[ i want my uu back ]
The UnKnown of the INDU
{Temporarily on the Protected Planets Treaty...}

see ya around

FS remove a member who has just lost the majority of his army, ascension funds to a TAF member - no retaliation, but just kicking the guy while he's down, his so called "family" leave him to rot.

( I would like to note, I don't know the reasoning behind papa~smurf's dismissal, but, it is obvious if this was anyone else, action would have been taken, but as TAF are the puppet masters of FS, nothing happens ;))

Good call FS, roll over and let TAF **Filtered** you guys some more - you are losing your rep as this 'tough' alliance, rapidly.

THEN, to add insult to injury, brother masses him? Is this a cover up to show papa was not dissmissed with TAF influence? Who knows...

Successful troll is successful? Get out of here :)


1 i left on my own and Colye gave me enough uu to make my trip to Unknown.

2 yes FS and TAF HC's came to an agreement and during those talks FS HC agreed with TAF HC that the hit was a "fair" one, and no action would be taken or for that matter, uu returned. I left FS and began raiding Taf zero accounts with one strike weapon (i believe mathlord will verify this) I felt that it was the right and honorable thing to do. Sure taf massed my main and ascended account. Since it was my own fault for ascending off PPT, i was not going to put FS in a position of justifying my actions to TAF, or putting what ever agreement they had reached in peril.

3 during the time i was untagged, i still had full view of the fourm, and HC view. I came to the concussion that FS was not the allaince i wished to be in, for reasons that i haVE EXPLAINED TO mezz, WHO I STILL LOVE DEARLY JOIN HVE.

in effect...i moved on, no harm or foul

what happen after this, is also in the past now and i only wish to live a simplier life in the "clouds"
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Re: brothers vs king me

kinda wondering.....i know its a little on topic (shudder the thought)

but has almost been hit yet ?
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Re: brothers vs king me

Ahh papa~smurf, I understand why you don't want to agree with me, but let's face it, you were screwed over. When your alliance/"family" supposedly stick up for each other no matter the actions taken, and you was not given that honour - FS like to throw that motto around about being in the FS family, no matter what happens they'll be there to .. blah de blah...

MEZZ, I did not ask you to join the war, read the message I said something along the lines of "interesting events, if its what I think it is, catch me on msn"

The fact is, I know FS have been pushed around by TAF, and FS just lay down and let them screw you.

Your alliance was split, and this all comes back to your HC/leadership covering up the fact that you are suck ups to TAF, which is extremely amusing.
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Re: brothers vs king me

Huxley wrote:Ahh papa~smurf, I understand why you don't want to agree with me, but let's face it, you were screwed over. When your alliance/"family" supposedly stick up for each other no matter the actions taken, and you was not given that honour - FS like to throw that motto around about being in the FS family, no matter what happens they'll be there to .. blah de blah...

well as Elvis Costello said....

Sulky girl, I saw you practising your blackmail faces
Suddenly you're talking like a duchess
But you're still a waitress
I saw through your pretence
But in my defence
There are a few events
I think we'll spare the censor....
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Re: brothers vs king me

papa~smurf wrote:kinda wondering.....i know its a little on topic (shudder the thought)

but has almost been hit yet ?

nah been on ppt the whole time since i went on before i saw this thread but me and dex are going at on the market reset
zebism is the way of the furutre!
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Re: brothers vs king me

Huxley wrote:Ahh papa~smurf, I understand why you don't want to agree with me, but let's face it, you were screwed over. When your alliance/"family" supposedly stick up for each other no matter the actions taken, and you was not given that honour - FS like to throw that motto around about being in the FS family, no matter what happens they'll be there to .. blah de blah...

MEZZ, I did not ask you to join the war, read the message I said something along the lines of "interesting events, if its what I think it is, catch me on msn"

The fact is, I know FS have been pushed around by TAF, and FS just lay down and let them screw you.

Your alliance was split, and this all comes back to your HC/leadership covering up the fact that you are suck ups to TAF, which is extremely amusing.

Yes you who had never even spoken to me before in 6 1/2 years of playing suddenly got all wet and eager to speak to me when you though things might kick off between FS & TAF, read my post carefully, I never said you asked for our help outright, but it was very much implied by your PM. And no matter how many times you claim we are being 'pushed around' you will not draw us into your conflict. If TAF do something to deserve a war with FS they will get one but it will take a lot more than trolling by their enemies, we are not so easily manipulated.


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Re: brothers vs king me

Huxley wrote:Ahh papa~smurf, I understand why you don't want to agree with me, but let's face it, you were screwed over. When your alliance/"family" supposedly stick up for each other no matter the actions taken, and you was not given that honour - FS like to throw that motto around about being in the FS family, no matter what happens they'll be there to .. blah de blah...

MEZZ, I did not ask you to join the war, read the message I said something along the lines of "interesting events, if its what I think it is, catch me on msn"

The fact is, I know FS have been pushed around by TAF, and FS just lay down and let them screw you.

Your alliance was split, and this all comes back to your HC/leadership covering up the fact that you are suck ups to TAF, which is extremely amusing.

Allaince wasnt Split lol, 2 people left(:() and the new members went with them :smt043 Old FS like the way we do things and thats all that matters :smt117
Anyway basically TL and TAF are the only two allainces FS give leeway too (lots of friends in both) and sort things out without war. Everyone else can just **Filtered** off :smt025 and if you think were soft sure go ahead and poke ;) That goes for ANY allaince :)


...what makes you think Tom can't hurt you? Guy's a genius :P He's walking around, a free man, with over a hundred child molestation charges on him - Daku
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Re: brothers vs king me

Huxley wrote:Ahh papa~smurf, I understand why you don't want to agree with me, but let's face it, you were screwed over. When your alliance/"family" supposedly stick up for each other no matter the actions taken, and you was not given that honour - FS like to throw that motto around about being in the FS family, no matter what happens they'll be there to .. blah de blah...

MEZZ, I did not ask you to join the war, read the message I said something along the lines of "interesting events, if its what I think it is, catch me on msn"

The fact is, I know FS have been pushed around by TAF, and FS just lay down and let them screw you.

Your alliance was split, and this all comes back to your HC/leadership covering up the fact that you are suck ups to TAF, which is extremely amusing.

Yes you who had never even spoken to me before in 6 1/2 years of playing suddenly got all wet and eager to speak to me when you though things might kick off between FS & TAF, read my post carefully, I never said you asked for our help outright, but it was very much implied by your PM. And no matter how many times you claim we are being 'pushed around' you will not draw us into your conflict. If TAF do something to deserve a war with FS they will get one but it will take a lot more than trolling by their enemies, we are not so easily manipulated.

A better constructed post. I'm not going to keep repeating myself, I have presented you with the facts how much TAF have pushed you all around, stop maneuvering around it.

You would be surprised, we know TAF communicate with our other enemies (Kikaz for example) - There is nothing wrong with it.

~Coyle~ wrote:
Huxley wrote:Ahh papa~smurf, I understand why you don't want to agree with me, but let's face it, you were screwed over. When your alliance/"family" supposedly stick up for each other no matter the actions taken, and you was not given that honour - FS like to throw that motto around about being in the FS family, no matter what happens they'll be there to .. blah de blah...

MEZZ, I did not ask you to join the war, read the message I said something along the lines of "interesting events, if its what I think it is, catch me on msn"

The fact is, I know FS have been pushed around by TAF, and FS just lay down and let them screw you.

Your alliance was split, and this all comes back to your HC/leadership covering up the fact that you are suck ups to TAF, which is extremely amusing.

Allaince wasnt Split lol, 2 people left(:() and the new members went with them :smt043 Old FS like the way we do things and thats all that matters :smt117
Anyway basically TL and TAF are the only two allainces FS give leeway too (lots of friends in both) and sort things out without war. Everyone else can just **Filtered** off :smt025 and if you think were soft sure go ahead and poke ;) That goes for ANY allaince :)

Yeah, okay. lmao.
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Re: brothers vs king me

Almost38 wrote:
xDaku wrote:
killtacular wrote:
xDaku wrote:
killtacular wrote:I guess its not to fun when someone comes in your thread talking (what you call crap) about this and that. I think its rather funny how you guys are taking it. Enjoy that crow, heard it taste like chicken.

Another flawless troll victory.


Difference is relevancy. ;)

I'm just polishing a turd. No relevance needed.

Forum rules would disagree. And almost, you instigated it you genius, rofl.

P.S. Easy wouldn't have let you back in either. Once FS always FS - unless you've scammed someone in the past. And you're going by what we post on these forums? Rofl, shows how clueless you are.

i never said he would of i said he ran the allaince differently i i started doing fair farming hits they told me to calm down which i did i even stopped farming tats cause i was asked by them but then those stupid hits started so ofc im going to start farming everything

~Coyle~ wrote:Wow dunno were you wacky thoughts are coming from. Just people whinning cause they dont like how things are being done, well Boo bleeding who. And no TAF were hardly in our logs so again tell the truth and also backstabbers? Lol im sure there's a hell of alot of people in alot of allainces that will tell you other wise ;)

Also the hits Strike force was making hits to you was because of how much you were hitting for and how often, and also you just admited you were the agressor, words getting twisted now are they lol
YAY DRAMA :smt060
Boring old day on the forums until this came up :-)

Feb 06, 15:24 Almost38 0 Naquadah stolen 15 317,402 601,250 27,064,820,298,300 4,456,270,690,030 details
Feb 06, 14:44 Almost38 0 Naquadah stolen 15 329,734 272,994 60,424,459,064,300 4,502,246,447,550

Stupid hits by Myself on behalf of TA whilst i was a member there, as requested at the time Almost was farming them.

As a now Ex member of TA but present at the time, i can happily admit there was a little over agressiveness on both sides.

I think its safe to say this whole escapade has been blown out of proportion and both sides are trying to find someone to blame.

i get that FS are bored now they have no war, and are looking forward to their team battles, but it appears obvious to me, and perhaps others reading this thread, that the scammer argument has fell apart, the over aggression has been proved to be not just Almost but both parties involved. Perhaps jsut drop the case and allow Dex and Almost to play with each other for a little. No need to keep going round in circles over something that doesnt matter. Let them have their vendetta and be done with it.
Scott - Harchester wrote:Kev is the Chuck Norris of Gatewars, He doesn't join active alliances - the active alliances join him.
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Re: brothers vs king me

They are having there vendetta :razz: that was dealt with pagessss back :razz:


...what makes you think Tom can't hurt you? Guy's a genius :P He's walking around, a free man, with over a hundred child molestation charges on him - Daku

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