Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

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Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity ... 19879.html ... 5259606164

i wish all you naysayers would do some legwork of your own before ridiculing people who don't share your views.

oh and Thriller, if you go and DIG DEEPLY you will see that vaccines don't prepare you for anything, what they do (especially in babies and young children) is put your immune system into overdrive thereby burning it out prematurely, because our immune system is setup to deal with infections of all kinds AFTER they have passed through our respiratory system and NOT before, as is the case with being vaccinated.

Medical theory is that if your child is exposed to a weakened version of the disease, he will produce antibodies to that disease and become ‘immune’, so that he will never contract the illness.
At first glance, this sounds like a solid principle, BUT it only focuses on one small aspect of the immune system, the antibodies, and fails to look at all the other functions responsible for protecting your child’s health.

So, how does the immune system work?

The immune system is also made up of the skin, mucous membranes in the nose and throat, ears and eyes, nasal hairs, saliva, the spleen, intestines, tonsils, the thymus gland and even the brain. All of these parts work together in a holistic way to bring about a whole body immunity, which is only in part to do with antibodies.

• The skin acts as a barrier to prevent bacteria entering the body. It also filters out toxins through fever, which is the purpose of a fever when your child is ill.
• The nasal hairs prevent foreign particles from travelling up the nose, and the mucous membranes excrete a substance which is anti-bacterial.
• Tonsils help prevent respiratory diseases and illnesses such as Polio, and saliva contains substances which destroy and neutralise microbes.
• The spleen and intestines, among other organs, deposit fats and vitamins around the body and protect against viral and bacterial invasion.
• The thymus gland produces thymus cells, known as ‘T’ cells, which are antibodies to infection.
• There are various glands (nodes) in the body that drain it of toxins and useless material. For instance, the cervical nodes drain the head, neck and chest.
• The pituitary gland in the brain directs all of the systems above, so if the brain goes wrong, so does the immune system. It sends electrical impulses to all areas of the body, stimulating cell re-generation and muscle growth. These electrical impulses also stimulate the thymus gland – the centre of immune function.

What effect does vaccination have on this immune function?

Vaccination – the act of artificially acquiring a disease so as to become immune to it – is flawed in a number of ways. Firstly, a vaccine contains many hazardous chemicals and not just the viruses to immunise against. These each have their own toxic affect on the body. Secondly, the route of entry is different to a naturally occurring disease. Most natural diseases would enter through the mouth or the nasal cavity, not the skin.
Vaccination breaks the skin with a needle and injects foreign matter into the blood supply.
This bypasses the skin’s role in immune function, as well as the tonsils, the mucous membranes, and so on.
Normally, the body produces extra antibodies after being primed by the tonsils that there is impending infection. Therefore, if the infection takes hold, there will be an army of white blood cells, ready to neutralise the infection.
In the case of vaccination, this infection goes straight to the blood, with no prior build up for the body, and there are no extra immune cells to deal with it.
Also, with vaccination there is more than one disease present (e.g. measles, mumps, rubella all in one), whereas naturally a child would never contract 3 diseases at the same time. This puts additional strain on the immune system.

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Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Where in the **Filtered** did you keep getting this stupid information...

God damn internet.

Viruses can be caught from mosquitos, sexual intercourse, open wounds, drinking and eating..... it doesnt matter how it enters your body stupid. You'll make antibodies regardless.

ANd burns out your immune system.... :smt043

You don't have a set amount immunity cells. You are constantly making new ones. After vaccination the new cells will be programmed with the ability to make the new antigens required to fight the disease you were vaccinated for.

Mostly everything you just wrote is factually wrong or taken is the wrong context. :smt117
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Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

as i said, dig DEEPER!

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Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Last edited by Kit-Fox on Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity


what perecentage of the population has had thier immune system shut down from a vaccine?

What is an autoimmune disease?
Universe wrote:You don't have a case, as Lord Thriller clearly explained.
MajorLeeHurts wrote:^ stole the car and my Booze and my heart * sobs*
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Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Last edited by Kit-Fox on Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
The river tells no lies, yet standing at its shores the dishonest man still hears them

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Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Kit-Fox wrote:autoimmune diseases rarely actually shut down the immune system totally

Come on Thriller

What does shut it down completely than?
Universe wrote:You don't have a case, as Lord Thriller clearly explained.
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Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Kit-Fox wrote:autoimmune diseases rarely actually shut down the immune system totally

It just weakens it to a point that the immune system cannot fight even the common cold.

Vaccines are useful in away so your body recognises the make up of harmful virus's and thus, building an resistance to that strain.
Recognises faster in order destroy the virus faster... and more efficiently.
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Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

important links you need to read. forget about what site they are posted on, click the bolded sections of the text for the articles source: ... lodes.html ... ldren.html ... order.html

and Poland has suspended the swine flu shots from last year after their health services tested the shots on homeless people, 21 of which from 1 centre alone-died. that's mainstream news!

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Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

[KMA]Avenger wrote:important links you need to read. forget about what site they are posted on, click the bolded sections of the text for the articles source: ... lodes.html ... ldren.html ... order.html

and Poland has suspended the swine flu shots from last year after their health services tested the shots on homeless people, 21 of which from 1 centre alone-died. that's mainstream news!

You are ignorant to how socially irresponsible you are being. It's to a point that makes me want to sock you one.

The polish health minister did not give the go ahead for the H1N1 because she thought it had not been adecuately tested... not because they ran a bunch a kavorkian trials on poor people. That incident involved the H5N1 flu strain.(Learn to read things in proper context). The part where is says "Tested on Homeless People" part should have given enough information to realise that those people conducting the trials were involved in foul play. You don't even understand any of the science at all behind the treatment. They were obviously doing something wrong or not controlling for side effects... or a million other things involved in unethical scientific testing.

This crap is no different than the creationist or Alternative healing crap; Unbeleivable ignorance in the face of overwhealming evidence.

You don't even understand the basic science behind this, please go learn more about it or STHU already.


Why is formedahye in vaccines? because when they develop a viral culture they use it so the viruses are unable to replicate or reproduce themselves, some of it is naturally transfered over upon injection but you know what... less than the amount naturally occuring in your OWN BODY.

Humans are not the weak fragile things you are trying to make us put to be. We can survive radiation, murcury, lead, arsenic, venom in small doses without any ill effect.

Your so utterly and competely detached from reality that it could be funny, if it were not so tragicaly sad.

Enjoy your cage of fear; it's not keeping you safe, just shutting out everything else.
Universe wrote:You don't have a case, as Lord Thriller clearly explained.
MajorLeeHurts wrote:^ stole the car and my Booze and my heart * sobs*
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Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity


i was hoping that you would investigate further and end up on the Rockefeller foundations website where they ADMIT this is what they were going to do back in 68!

but hoping you would learn that and many other facts on your own is like asking big bird to fly.

go see for yourself, and also go read Ecoscience, a book put out in the 70's by Obamas now science Tzar.

go read the books and white papers put out by these people where they openly admit to killing people via vaccines, poisons in the water and GMO food.
none of this is new, they have been talking about it since the days of Darwin FFS!

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Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Yup reinforce your preconceptions, cling on to the inane idea you are some kind of rebel.

I have had all my vaccines and i am perfectly healthy... why didnt the government want to kill me....?
Universe wrote:You don't have a case, as Lord Thriller clearly explained.
MajorLeeHurts wrote:^ stole the car and my Booze and my heart * sobs*
Jack wrote: Just wanna be more like you, Master Thriller. :-D
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Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

Thriller wrote:Yup reinforce your preconceptions, cling on to the inane idea you are some kind of rebel.

what the hell are you on?! to claim i am anything other than a husband, farther, concerned citizen of this planet is in my mind 1 hair away from being something i am not. and as i have said on many occasions, unlike you, i have no ego, i couldn't careless for it.

Thriller wrote:I have had all my vaccines and i am perfectly healthy... why didnt the government want to kill me....?

maybe because they like ignorant saps people who further their agenda by turning a blind eye while they rob with their banker bailouts and kill with their wars and eugenics progs?!

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Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

i hope all your shots are up to date Thriller [-X ... e-effects/

its amazing how quite it gets round here when i don't post for a while 8-[ :-k :?

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Re: Vaccines- biological preparation that improves immunity

This is an important very recent interview that needs to be seen to be believed:- 1 ot 3 parts.

Vaccines need a very big light shinning on them & their makers...
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The normalcy bias refers to an extreme mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects. This often results in situations where people fail to adequately prepare for a disaster, and on a larger scale, the failure of the government to include the populace in its disaster preparations. The assumption that is made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster never has occurred that it never will occur. It also results in the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs. People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation.

Are you suffering from normalcy bias?
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