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Re: So things are getting crazy here...

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:02 pm
by Sol
Master Rahl wrote:Sol that is the issue. We we are not holding our young responsible. we are not teaching them. we are putting our kids I front of tvs, or games for 10+ hours in the day. during summer and winter about 5+ hours. we are not showing them the wonders of life. we are not giving them structured activity (don't take this one you know what I mean) and if they don't do it, we either yell and beat them, or say its ok. instead of explaining that the ACTION or lack of action is what we are pissed. (along that line spanking only for the worst events not hourly like I see).
Yes I've heard that argument a great many time but the fact still remains, not all parents will properly discipline/teach their kids, and they never all will. It's the same over here. But I'm sort of greatly saddened that gun owners in the USA wouldn't even give away a slither of their right to bare arms just to decrease school shootings, I would say you don't even deserve that freedom in the first place.

Re: So things are getting crazy here...

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 7:44 pm
by Master Rahl
that's also what some people tend to forget. USA has always barely been in control. we have huge egos, and unfortunately taught we are better then the rest of the world, through many different ways. But our education lacks what many other countries have. (Im talking about majority masses) That in its self is dangerous. The blacks think whites are attempting to suppress them, and whites think blacks are attempting to suppress them, its just a huge blame game. Add in one mentaly ill white guy in a black community (in which I don't believe either version of the story published, they are both way to covenant to their own plight. Although I am thinking (and knowing) that cop was out of line, and should have addressed his concern a different way. And I am sure the two guys did "Ricochet" the cop on his door. they were playing a deadly game all 3, but the cops ego took control and he over reacted. on the other hand what right did the two guys have to do that to the cop short of "hes bulling us" line of crap.

US has always had a gun problem. We also have a drug problem. We also have a driving problem. And in each case of school shooting in the last few months (that I looked into) and mall shootings, and movie theater shootings... THE SHOOTERS FAMILY was on the NO gun lists. But they got them anyway, from a 3rd party source.

Still there are more car deaths, and now phone (texting) deaths, but we are not blaming the car or phone. Its a tool. Its how you use the tool. A gun is not bad, nor is it good. It is just as easy to injure mass groups of people, but some people on a high horse labeled a gun as pure evil.

Re: So things are getting crazy here...

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 12:52 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Tear gas is a chemical weapon banned in war. But Ferguson police shoot it at protesters. ... rotesters/

Re: So things are getting crazy here...

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 6:11 am
by Master Rahl
and businesses being looting is a better alternative.

what is your recommendation?

Re: So things are getting crazy here...

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 7:48 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Master Rahl wrote:and businesses being looting is a better alternative.

what is your recommendation?
Not all of them. there are a few businesses that were not touched....can you guess why?

Oh, and for the record, many of the looters are from out of town. one was quoted as saying after he was asked what he felt about looting Ferguson "let it burn". look it up i kid you not!

Edit, many of the looting's would not have happened had the police not stood down.

Re: So things are getting crazy here...

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 7:58 am
by minisaiyan
basically you say that because the police enforce curfews, and laws, the looting continued?

Okay obviously the shooting was illegal. But how is looting half a city going to help, why should the police just stop stopping them. Why should that provoke them to continue?

Re: So things are getting crazy here...

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:07 am
by [KMA]Avenger
minisaiyan wrote:basically you say that because the police enforce curfews, and laws, the looting continued?

Okay obviously the shooting was illegal. But how is looting half a city going to help, why should the police just stop stopping them. Why should that provoke them to continue?
Nope, not what i said at all. and who gave the police the authority to enforce curfews? the US constitution forbids such actions by the police. furthermore, understand that the police have no power whatsoever, their powers of arrest comes from the people who are their employers. so again i ask where this authority has come from.

The police stand down because it justifies further militarization of the police. look at them, if you picked them up and dumped them in a war zone they would not look out of place.

Anyone going to guess as to how some of the businesses are surviving without being looted?

Re: So things are getting crazy here...

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:20 am
by Master Rahl
if someone makes a threat to me I end the threat. twice when someone pointed a gun at me, I ended the threat. both went to the hospital. I didn't shoot them with their own gun but I sure whipped them with it. They are armed because they are being shot at.

easy to "unmilitarise" the police, STOP SHOOTING AT THEM AND THROWING STUFF AT THEM. They stay 1 step ahead of those they enforce, because they don't have the numbers. A threat arises if they met the threat at equal force they would die, so they always are 1 step ahead. in a fist fight they pull a asp. if you have a club they pull their gun/tazer. you pull your gun, they shoot/get a lot more help/swat. What ever is needed to stop the threat.

You keep saying the police is a military force, that is because the force they are going up against is pulling guns and throwing weapons.

If I walked up to your house with a gun, what would your reaction be? to stop me. that is all they do, they just want to beable to go home to their families. (besides a few morons)

Re: So things are getting crazy here...

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:29 am
by [KMA]Avenger

Look, the police are in many cases provoking this response. not in all cases, but many of them. as for Ferguson, many of the protesters were peaceful. one witness said that the protesters were moving towards the police with their hands up in the air non threateningly when the police fired teargas at them. the police even threw teargas at reporters, that was caught on tape. so tell me then, whey do you need a militarized policeman to throw teargas at peaceful protesters and journalists?

Police never needed this stuff before, and they don't need it now.

Re: So things are getting crazy here...

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:35 am
by RoKeT
Master Rahl wrote:
minisaiyan wrote:
RoKeT wrote:
Setesh wrote:
minisaiyan wrote:you know what would fix that issue?
Take guns away from idiots on the streets. Then you can take guns away from the police. then nobody shoots each other.

Right, because that worked for getting drugs off the street didn't it?
+1 no offense Chris but taking my gun away will get you shot not bring peace to anyone. I'm American and maybe the UK doesn't get it. But I hunt, I feed my daughter with Venison. I vowed a long time ago when the gun issue came up that if you took my gun then I take your life, or my own in the process... Never giving up my guns :smt050
With all due respect, what happens if your girl comes home from school having had an altercation with another student, and comes across your gun. What happens if she takes it to school the next day?
this is where you teach your kid to take responsibility, and thought process. also keep it locked up, and apart.

cant wait to take my new rifle to the range.
~Dä Vinci~ wrote:Wait if someone took ure gun away you would kill them or commit suicide #-o
Suicide by police isn't that what it's called? Lol all I meant was, I will die for my rights with American pride. My guns are in a safe at all time, my ammo is in a desperate safe in my room. My daughter knows and respects what a fire arm is. She has also probably fired more guns then half the people on this forum. When she is older she will understand why as a female she needed to learn firearm safety but for now. Its just nice to pass on a tradition my daddy taught me to a my kin.

Re: So things are getting crazy here...

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:24 am
by Legendary Apophis
Before someone gets fooled, the video featuring Igor Stelkov, one of the Ukraine's Donbass leaders, in the Ferguson riots, is a FAKE. In the real video linked in the bottom of the article, there's nobody in front of the phoning dude in yellow shirt.

Re: So things are getting crazy here...

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:06 am
by shooty08
Damn. I didn't mean for this to go all second amendment... ... gun-facts/

This may be useful to your arguments there.

I'm perfectly fine with people owning firearms. I own a few myself. But as an officer of the law you shouldn't be allowed to elevate the level of force in a situation unless the suspect does first. That means the perpetrator needs to have a gun out or be drawing a gun before they can be shot.

In this case, from testimony from both sides and evidence available, I think the officer needs to be charged with murder 2. The autopsy results show that Brown was shot no fewer than 6 times, with two of those hitting him in the head. Keep in mind, according to eyewitnesses, this is after he surrendered. No matter how many times or how hard Brown hit the officer, he didn't follow procedure. Even if he was a small-time crook, even if he hit the officer, even if he resisted arrest. He is supposed to be brought in and taken to trial. Those charges would have resulted in a long time in jail, but not a death sentence. The officer decided he was all the justice that was required in this case. That isn't his call to make.

All other incidents resulting from this case have to be resolved on an individual basis. I do have to point out they arrested a Holocaust survivor, Hedy Epstein, for "failing to disperse" ... 89822.html

"I've been doing this since I was a teenager. I didn't think I would have to do it when I was ninety," Epstein told The Nation during her arrest. "We need to stand up today so that people won't have to do this when they're ninety."

Re: So things are getting crazy here...

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 1:48 am
by [KMA]Avenger ... drug-raid/

And that's the reason why police should not have military grade equipment. the simple truth of the matter is, if they have that equipment they will use it.

The cop in the interview states "there was no indication there were children present", or words to that affect. i don't know about anyone else but i don't advertise at the door that i have 3 kids in my home, nor do i inform anyone who knocks on my door of kids in my home. what that has to do with anything is neither here nor there! they were on a drug raid and say their informant made a purchase of meth at the door but did not report seeing any kids. however, the police did not make any arrests and nor did they find anything. furthermore, while the raid was ongoing the baby is screaming but the police told the mother the baby was fine....does the picture of the baby show he is fine!?!

I hope she sues that police dept so badly they go bankrupt and all go out of work!

This is by no means an isolated incident. getting back to Ferguson, the police there are going after the journalists and throwing tear gas at them, arresting them and corralling the jounos into free speech zones. they have stripped jounos of their credentials saying "this doesn't mean a thing" stating only jounos with a 50k rig (50 thousand dollar camera) is a journo.

The police are out of control and are militarised to the hilt. it's well past time they are reigned in!