FS vs TA

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Re: FS vs TA

6/26/2012 2:32:08 PM Scott (WilliE) Drahazar@hotmail.co.uk, BMMJ13 TAF, Andi M, Mathlord TA meh we dont accept nap because it limits who we can hit for naq

8/29/2012 5:47:24 PM Drahazar Forgotten Serenity Wesley Heertjes, Mathlord TA no point in having a 24hour nap
8/29/2012 5:47:29 PM Drahazar Forgotten Serenity Wesley Heertjes, Mathlord TA way too much hassle

9/5/2012 4:56:28 PM Mathlord TA Drahazar Forgotten Serenity the only thing I'd be interested would be a full NAP between TAF and FSF...that would solve all of our problems
9/5/2012 4:57:09 PM Drahazar Forgotten Serenity Mathlord TA a full NAP is deffinetely not going to fly
9/5/2012 4:57:20 PM Drahazar Forgotten Serenity Mathlord TA FS as a standard do not do NAP's

The thing you posted was from later in that conversation:

[spoiler]9/5/2012 5:05:55 PM Mathlord TA Drahazar Forgotten Serenity, chris Odin there is a very simple fix to this, a nice happy NAP between our two families
9/5/2012 5:06:12 PM Mathlord TA Drahazar Forgotten Serenity, chris Odin I will not condone a DRA
9/5/2012 5:06:24 PM Mathlord TA Drahazar Forgotten Serenity, chris Odin every single DRA I have organized between TAF and FS has been violated within days by FS
9/5/2012 5:06:28 PM Drahazar Forgotten Serenity Mathlord TA, chris Odin as i said before FS is and will not ever be open to perminent NAPs
9/5/2012 5:06:29 PM Mathlord TA Drahazar Forgotten Serenity, chris Odin and I'm done
9/5/2012 5:06:42 PM Mathlord TA Drahazar Forgotten Serenity, chris Odin then prepare for any alliance holding the Forgotten banner to get farmed
9/5/2012 5:06:46 PM Mathlord TA Drahazar Forgotten Serenity, chris Odin and stop bothering me about it
9/5/2012 5:06:51 PM Mathlord TA Drahazar Forgotten Serenity, chris Odin or you can mass us back
9/5/2012 5:06:55 PM Drahazar Forgotten Serenity Mathlord TA, chris Odin and NAP for 48 hours after war fine
9/5/2012 5:07:06 PM Drahazar Forgotten Serenity Mathlord TA, chris Odin if it comes to that i will not hesitate[/spoiler]

That conversation ended with:

[spoiler]9/5/2012 5:17:55 PM Mathlord TA Drahazar Forgotten Serenity, chris Odin I'm not trying to be pissed off or harsh, just explaining
9/5/2012 5:18:11 PM Mathlord TA Drahazar Forgotten Serenity, chris Odin I'm not in the mood for diplomacy that I know will fail
9/5/2012 5:18:30 PM Mathlord TA Drahazar Forgotten Serenity, chris Odin if FSF ever realizes that NAPs would solve their problems far more than this, then my door is open[/spoiler]

Never did I say Permanent NAP...I said if you started war with us we'd sit on you permanently until you decided a NAP was the better alternative...but that doesn't mean I meant a permanent NAP...these were all conversations you were a part of drahazar. I could post other conversations I've had separately with Odin, daku, willie, freespirit and others over the months that confirm this story.

If your tune has changed and you are interested in a CONSIDERABLE but not necessarily permanent NAP, come talk to me. We can discuss this on the same page. Until such a point, all of this is still you trying to cover your ass.

PS I would have posted this earlier, but my msn logs are on my laptop and I was at a different computer...joy for paying attention.

13:38 General Zeus Sabotage Repelled 377,977,330 details

The forces of simpson_eh fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 305,393,963,879,000 damage on Mathlord's forces!
They managed to eradicate 4,635,986 of Mathlord's troops.
The forces of simpson_eh fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 12 damage on Mathlord's forces!
They managed to eradicate 0 of Mathlord's troops.
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Re: FS vs TA

The DRA you claim we "broke" was never a DRA. I made a lot of hits on you guys, we talked, we came to an agreement. I thought the agreement was between me and you, NOT FS and TA. You thought otherwise. The end.

Now you can go on believing that it was a DRA between FS and TA, but at the time (and Mezz can confirm this) I had no authorization to talk for FS. You wanted a chat with me one on one, and that's what you got. It's not my problem that you assumed it was an agreement for all of FS.

You'll find that after I said what I assumed was an agreement between me and you, I made my hits under the conditions I agreed I would. If you don't have the logs from back then, well too bad, can't change that. It was never between FS and TAF. We've never had an official DRA, or atleast not in the past 2 years.

Good to know though mathboy that you decided to say ok to the massing of FS members because you just didn't like us. Atleast part of the truth comes out. Guess we can stop hearing all about the constant nonsense about the FM issue, while at the same time hearing from you about how it's all under the rug.
Easy^ wrote: I am sorry if my shadow is too awesome for you to stand in.
Oooo I like higher math

E=Mc2*SGW = ( ( U = A*S*S ) + ( JT + $$$ + E*G*O ) ) + ( FS = AWESOME + Infinity ). Therefor FS -> DDE :D
Yyith wrote:Yyith says:
thats why women have small feet
get closer to the sink
Mezzanine wrote:Picture a hot summers day, sitting on the grass ( maybe smoking it too lol ), sun shining, cool breeze, cold beer, beautiful lady, perfect Serenity

Now picture your worst nightmare, the grass turned into trenches of mud, rain drenching you, ice winds, down to rations, surrounded by death and destruction

Turning your dreams into nightmares is what we do, heed this warning and pass it on, else you will forget your serenity forever

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Re: FS vs TA

Well that's not true. We had an NMA signed January 12th. Terms were:

Profitable farming and raiding is allowed. If someone farms you while you're online, you have 5 minutes to pm them for the naq back, at which point they are required to return it (same goes for us farming them).

No massing, mothership massing, sabbing, descension, ascended massing, etc. etc.

That was violated the first night and continued to be violated by a myriad of people until the treaty was removed. We tried with you daku a treaty on January 5th involving just 4 hits a day. That failed the first day because you attacked more than four times that day. Others in FS attacked even more than you did that day as well.

We proposed another treaty on January 23rd that fell through right away. We tried a couple more times over the Spring, I'd have to check my old laptop for exact details and dates, but none of them really worked. You were a consistent problem because you refused to stop farming even if you said you would.

Now I've spoken through you, MLH, Coyle, Mezz and brother over the months, among others. We've made lots of backroom deals, unofficial agreements, official agreements, real treaties and just friendly "let's not anger eachother" arrangements. They always fell through. Now if you're telling me that all of the people I spoke to were just pulling my leg all of those times in negotiations and never had a desire to actually follow through with what we agreed upon, well then let that be a lesson to the whole server and not to trust what FS leadership agrees to?

PS Got to laugh at the attitude: Crap he caught us in making up stuff from the summer...maybe he doesn't remember what happened last spring and winter...yeah we can make up stuff from then and then noone can deny it...genius.

13:38 General Zeus Sabotage Repelled 377,977,330 details

The forces of simpson_eh fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 305,393,963,879,000 damage on Mathlord's forces!
They managed to eradicate 4,635,986 of Mathlord's troops.
The forces of simpson_eh fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 12 damage on Mathlord's forces!
They managed to eradicate 0 of Mathlord's troops.
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Re: FS vs TA

xDaku wrote:Good to know though mathboy that you decided to say ok to the massing of FS members because you just didn't like us. Atleast part of the truth comes out. Guess we can stop hearing all about the constant nonsense about the FM issue, while at the same time hearing from you about how it's all under the rug.

You know what, double post time because I left out a few things that deserve a whole separate thread. There still are, at this moment, people in FS that I like and respect. That list has dwindled over the years as a lot of your better known fighters have left. Hell, aside from your farming, we got along just fine. My problem with FS comes from the concept of what you have built your name around over the years. There were members in your alliance that worked to change that. People like Mezz, Coyle and brothers who fought hard and built strong during a war. They changed the stereotype of FS sniping defenses while building nothing of their own.

That said, this mentality you guys have of it being okay to farm the game because you won't give your opponents anything to kill and a war will hurt others more than you, while somewhat effective in the right circumstances, is pretty backwards. You win in your eyes by not participating. By sitting there until your enemy gets bored of watching you sit there. People don't call you on your war bluff because people don't want to be bothered by an exceedingly boring war, especially if all they get out of it is another farming arrangement which you will break right away. There's no point to them in fighting you and while you had a stronger lineup of fighters, you could make that a reality. As far as I can see this war, however, that is all in the past. Gone are the days where you can dictate policy, even if you think you still can. I'm sure FS will realize this eventually that they just aren't intimidating enough to warrant people giving them the time of day.

That's what changed in our diplomacy. We previously had come to the brink of war on several occasions, but relationships between top brass on both sides were strong enough that we sought to overcome those differences. We do not have that relationship with your leadership now. We also aren't dealing with a bigger threat currently so there is no reason to avoid extra tension as we have done in the past. This time it's just FS and TA resolving our differences with no outside interference. Funny how that works.

Oh and one more thing about your apparently personal agreement between yourself and TA. You made a series of arrangements with me where you promised you'd stop farming TAF so much. You yourself admitted that you violated those each time. You made an agreement with us about farming limits...four attacks, must be 80 bil or better. That failed first day. Also recall Coyle was there with us during that...that agreement was supposed to be for all of FS...you broke it. FS broke it day one. So there went that.

The next week we signed an actual NMA. That fell through when farming for unprofitable amounts of naq continued to happen by your side. FS would claim because one person failed a hit thanks to an ascended blessing that we violated the treaty and we'd get a flood of little 50-100 bil hits on 3-4 tril+ defenses. That treaty went away exceedingly fast.

We tried again and again. We tried to be the friends you claimed we were. To remember the old times when FS and TAF did fight alongside eachother. To remember that once upon a time FS, TL and TAF were the "good guys". It got exceedingly harder and harder to see that friendship.

You talk about being in our logs as much as you want as if it is your god given right...we'll see how long you keep the faith.

13:38 General Zeus Sabotage Repelled 377,977,330 details

The forces of simpson_eh fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 305,393,963,879,000 damage on Mathlord's forces!
They managed to eradicate 4,635,986 of Mathlord's troops.
The forces of simpson_eh fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 12 damage on Mathlord's forces!
They managed to eradicate 0 of Mathlord's troops.
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Re: FS vs TA

Read my post, we never had a DRA. Never said anything about a NMA. The NMA was broken by our side when your member decided to send completely vulgar messages to one of our guys, and then got massed for it.

You can ask Coyle anytime you want, that agreement was between you and me. You can also ask Coyle, it was not 4 hits a day, you might have misread, but it was 4 hits every hour. This was happening around the time you were getting your asses handed to you by OE at the start of your war and 95% of your empire was inactive with loads of naq out.

Now where you talk about people like Mezz, brothers, and coyle trying to change anything, well that's plain hilarious. Coyle for one, in a lot of ways, hated the diplomacy FS has shown with people over the last year. He loved the original DDE wars. Same with brothers. Mezz didn't try changing the old FS at all, and when he did, it was an idea that was approved by all of FS before we went public with it. It wasn't one man, or two, or three. It was the whole family.

You wanna know the two alliances in the game that didn't agree with our changes? OE and TAF. Now, you can keep complaining about the new FS, and the old one being better all you want. At the same time, you can keep continuing the talk about Mezz changing the old FS into something better. Because in all sense, you're contradicting yourself hilarious.

You can keep talking trash about us not keeping our DRAs while at the same time the only official DRA we have seems to be working wonders. DDE and FS have tried a NA. Know where that went? To a second war. We tried a DRA. Know where that went? Friendship. You got your proof for a NAP being better, and I got mine for a DRA being better. Now you can try pushing your weight around to get a NAP out of us for your benefit, just because we don't have the accounts we did before, but that's all on your image. You want to force a NAP because you don't like your logs looking bad from the failure of your members building a defense or logging in, that's your image.

DRA's work. We honour them. You wanna keep believing otherwise to justify your means to your end, go for it.

And do us all a favour and stop sprouting the **Filtered** about what Mezz, brothers, Coyle, or anyone else in FS has done or did do for FS. I was there. I was closer. I was a part of every big decision FS has made since before Easy left and I know better than anyone the false propaganda coming from your mouth. You don't know anything about what anyone's ever done for FS, so stop pretending.

Edit: Oh and the funny thing, go and read the FS vs DDE threads. Brothers used to boast about his sniping, with pride. Idiocy at it's finest coming from you mathyboy.
Easy^ wrote: I am sorry if my shadow is too awesome for you to stand in.
Oooo I like higher math

E=Mc2*SGW = ( ( U = A*S*S ) + ( JT + $$$ + E*G*O ) ) + ( FS = AWESOME + Infinity ). Therefor FS -> DDE :D
Yyith wrote:Yyith says:
thats why women have small feet
get closer to the sink
Mezzanine wrote:Picture a hot summers day, sitting on the grass ( maybe smoking it too lol ), sun shining, cool breeze, cold beer, beautiful lady, perfect Serenity

Now picture your worst nightmare, the grass turned into trenches of mud, rain drenching you, ice winds, down to rations, surrounded by death and destruction

Turning your dreams into nightmares is what we do, heed this warning and pass it on, else you will forget your serenity forever

Blood in 2012 - Updated 1st Sep, 2012:
Attack Soldiers killed: 32,934,122
Defence Soldiers killed: 17,810,494
Attack Supers killed: 777,708,800
Defence Supers killed: 1,004,092,379
Spy Killers killed: 301,726,911
Spies Killed: 1,223,520,310
Total: 3,357,793,016

Raiders lost: 5,324,560
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Super Soldiers lost: 907,918,161
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Re: FS vs TA

Sep 09, 00:21 FreeSpirit Attack defended 15 1,957,176 862,774 42,027,282,678,000 20,127,910,058,500 details
Sep 09, 00:21 FreeSpirit Attack defended 15 3,794,443 0 82,958,304,677,200 22,904,915,180,500 details
Sep 09, 00:20 FreeSpirit Attack defended 15 1,714,966 1,166,058 77,348,377,659,300 49,508,424,566,600 details
Sep 09, 00:20 FreeSpirit Attack defended 15 1,787,836 1,185,175 38,658,652,070,200 24,868,125,343,200 details
Sep 09, 00:20 FreeSpirit Attack defended 15 1,687,758 1,326,045 79,658,607,777,400 56,622,022,124,000 details
Sep 09, 00:17 FreeSpirit Attack defended 15 2,043,109 1,185,553 43,270,805,751,000 27,196,638,978,200 details
Sep 08, 23:40 FreeSpirit Attack defended 15 1,387,228 0 42,005,558,683,000 12,950,380,160,700 details
Sep 08, 16:34 Snakekeeper Attack defended 15 4,088,361 0 87,132,751,310,000 8,522,275,064,940 details
Sep 08, 04:37 Snakekeeper Attack defended 15 5,750,282 0 73,853,535,710,000 8,994,197,381,400 details

Obviously this is completely reasonable and nothing more than our failure to build big enough defenses...
Last edited by sarparto on Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FS vs TA

Find it funny that Daddy Daku saying that Math is our big brother, when FS are so innactive they can't even post defending themselves and need Daddy Daku to for them. Oh yes, a NMA is so different from a DRA we are so sorry we forgot which acronym we were calling it this week. Maybe it's good the rest of FS aren't posting, seems each post makes FS look more and more like idiots.

xDaku wrote: The NMA was broken by our side when your member decided to send completely vulgar messages to one of our guys, and then got massed for it.

xDaku wrote:
DRA's work. We honour them. You wanna keep believing otherwise to justify your means to your end, go for it.

One of these things is not like the other.
Mar 18, 14:52 General Zeus Sabotage Repelled 104,724,369 details






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Re: FS vs TA

Take the diplo talks to the MSN"s and PM"s.. War is war lets have some fun.. Thanks for the kudos guys ima given it my best.. :smt050
philipbanks 2:41 PM

Man I can mass from right here in my shower and it feels nice

lesennemis 2:42 PM

stop using massing for non pure duties in the shower and yes i am quoting that
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Re: FS vs TA

xDaku wrote:Read my post, we never had a DRA. Never said anything about a NMA. The NMA was broken by our side when your member decided to send completely vulgar messages to one of our guys, and then got massed for it.

A DRA is just about the same thing as an NMA genius, it's just what TAF has always called them. Stop trying to use semantics to make up stuff.

xDaku wrote:You can ask Coyle anytime you want, that agreement was between you and me. You can also ask Coyle, it was not 4 hits a day, you might have misread, but it was 4 hits every hour. This was happening around the time you were getting your asses handed to you by OE at the start of your war and 95% of your empire was inactive with loads of naq out.

On January 5th, that was a day, not per hour. There was a separate arrangement that you are referring to that also didn't work once you broke that agreement too. That was to prevent you from page farming TAF alliances. You later decided that didn't suit you and you kept doing it. It's adorable you now saying that was when OE was handing us our asses...in January the war was going quite differently but whatever new version of history floats your boat today ;)

xDaku wrote:Now where you talk about people like Mezz, brothers, and coyle trying to change anything, well that's plain hilarious. Coyle for one, in a lot of ways, hated the diplomacy FS has shown with people over the last year. He loved the original DDE wars. Same with brothers. Mezz didn't try changing the old FS at all, and when he did, it was an idea that was approved by all of FS before we went public with it. It wasn't one man, or two, or three. It was the whole family.

You wanna know the two alliances in the game that didn't agree with our changes? OE and TAF. Now, you can keep complaining about the new FS, and the old one being better all you want. At the same time, you can keep continuing the talk about Mezz changing the old FS into something better. Because in all sense, you're contradicting yourself hilarious.

You can keep talking trash about us not keeping our DRAs while at the same time the only official DRA we have seems to be working wonders. DDE and FS have tried a NA. Know where that went? To a second war. We tried a DRA. Know where that went? Friendship. You got your proof for a NAP being better, and I got mine for a DRA being better. Now you can try pushing your weight around to get a NAP out of us for your benefit, just because we don't have the accounts we did before, but that's all on your image. You want to force a NAP because you don't like your logs looking bad from the failure of your members building a defense or logging in, that's your image.

DRA's work. We honour them. You wanna keep believing otherwise to justify your means to your end, go for it.

And do us all a favour and stop sprouting the **Filtered** about what Mezz, brothers, Coyle, or anyone else in FS has done or did do for FS. I was there. I was closer. I was a part of every big decision FS has made since before Easy left and I know better than anyone the false propaganda coming from your mouth. You don't know anything about what anyone's ever done for FS, so stop pretending.

Edit: Oh and the funny thing, go and read the FS vs DDE threads. Brothers used to boast about his sniping, with pride. Idiocy at it's finest coming from you mathyboy.

The sad part of all of this was I was complementing Mezz, Coyle and Brothers at making you actually relevant in wars. They fought hard. They DID build nicely in wars too even if you apparently want to deny it? Did I always agree with their policies? Of course not, but there was a respect there that made things work between our two groups. Now you're just a sad remnant of what you had.

You were a part of all of FS' decisions? Good for you! Yet here I thought you weren't capable of speaking for FS...I guess that's just nitpicking though.

You can cry foul and claim we are the bad guys all you want. I will repeat what I said a few pages back. Never before in the game have someone been accused of bullies for attempting to force another alliance into a situation where both sides don't attack the other and have peace. We are such bullies for peace...god I hate those Tauri...

Anyway, on topic, thank you for dropping PPT Haikon. Once again a failed attempt at massing one of TA's smaller defenses while the attacker loses their defense, spies, mothership and most of their strike. Kudos on making it not trivial to take down, however. That cost me a lot of turns to break that defense!

[spoiler]Your Achievements (war points per in brakets)
Attack Mercs Killed (30) 60,435,758
Defence Mercs Killed (10) 125,128,230
Attack Soldiers Killed(60) 110
Defence Soldiers Killed(20) 5,074,032
Attack Super Soldiers Killed(300) 57,678,039
Defence Super Soldiers Killed(100) 135,999,616
Spies Killed(50) 196,098,588
Spy Killers Killed(50) 2,664
Mothership Weapons Destroyed(300) 5,169,280
Mothership Shields Destroyed(300) 6,125,319
Mothership Fleets Destroyed(200) 5,543
Planet Defences Destroyed(300) 159,018
Planets Taken(5000) 6
Naquadah Stolen(0.0001) 26,145,208,536,970
Untrained Kidnapped(50) 9,071,108
Weapon Points Destroyed (Sab+Att)(0.0001) 5,296,262,814,135
Attack Turns Used(1) 40,790
TOTAL WAR EXPERIENCE POINTS 50,379,618,924[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Your Failures
Attacking Mercenaries Lost 108,620,990
Defending Mercenaries Lost 40,727,568
Away Team Lost 10,851
Home Guard Lost 288,935
Super Soldier Lost 66,638,981
Super Guards Lost 29,511,049
Covert Ops Lost 0
CounterIntelligence Agents Lost 10,900,536
Mothership Weapons Lost 3,536,576
Mothership Shields Lost 4,982,913
Mothership Fleets Lost 0
Planet Defences Lost 0
Planets Lost 1
Naquadah Lost 2,632,027,786,700
Untrained Lost 36,940
Weapon Points Destroyed (Sab+Att on You) 0
Attack Turns Used Against You 6,000
Plus/Minus 0[/spoiler]

13:38 General Zeus Sabotage Repelled 377,977,330 details

The forces of simpson_eh fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 305,393,963,879,000 damage on Mathlord's forces!
They managed to eradicate 4,635,986 of Mathlord's troops.
The forces of simpson_eh fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 12 damage on Mathlord's forces!
They managed to eradicate 0 of Mathlord's troops.
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Re: FS vs TA

On a lighter note, well done to Haikon to reducing my defense to 3 mil supers. Though to some nice loss it was well done.

And thanks to log watching TA for saving my weps


Feb 06, 06:16 Field Marshall Attack defended 15 88,977,968 0 x,x62,635,278,400 900,114 details

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Re: FS vs TA

oh comeon madclown just when i saw you massing asgrad holmes.. i started massing you and as i was enjoying that moment u ruined it by running on ppt.. damn :smt086
Last edited by Aisar Saqib on Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: FS vs TA

Aisar Saqib wrote:oh comeone madclown just when i saw you massing asgrad holmes.. i started massing you and as i was enjoying that moment u ruined it by running on ppt.. damn :smt086

yeah my appologies if i were better prepared then maybe i could have had some fun, ill be off ppt in 2 days if your online then we will have some fun :P
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Re: FS vs TA

Has anyone in TA been successfully massed in this "war" yet?

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Master Splinter:"The moral high ground...the best place to sight your artillery"
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Re: FS vs TA

I do believe they successfully massed a 1 tril defense last week...something along those lines...

13:38 General Zeus Sabotage Repelled 377,977,330 details

The forces of simpson_eh fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 305,393,963,879,000 damage on Mathlord's forces!
They managed to eradicate 4,635,986 of Mathlord's troops.
The forces of simpson_eh fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 12 damage on Mathlord's forces!
They managed to eradicate 0 of Mathlord's troops.
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Re: FS vs TA

Mathlord wrote:I do believe they successfully massed a 1 tril defense last week...something along those lines...

Wow, such fearsome warriors... #-o
Albert Einstein:"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
Master Splinter:"The moral high ground...the best place to sight your artillery"

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