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Re: Clarkey

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 8:30 pm
by Clarkey
Andy, if you got the quote part then fine, the link is only to the post that was warned for and is not needed as everything else is in the PM.

If you did not get the quote part in the PM then please tell me.

Re: Clarkey

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:21 pm
by GhostyGoo
I'd just like to pop in here and say i quite like Clarkey - admittedly wasn't sure at first and then i spent a little time watching what some mods (seemingly particular ones) have to put up with and that swayed it for me. You're alright by me Clarkey, as i've said before, i reckon you are only ever guilty of treating people the way they act.

Re: Clarkey

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:38 pm
by Clarkey
Thanks Goo.

I believe the majority of people that don't like me or don't like me in this position is probably because of my mouth and how I use it towards people in this community, but I guess it's ok for me to receive just not give.

I hardly ever receive negative comments about how I perform my role as a moderator and the actions i take when carrying out rule breakages etc. This just tells me that it's my attitude some people don't like rather than my Moderator abilities.

It also has to do with the area of the forum that you mod. In the For Admin section when I hand out verbal and board warnings I never get people complaining to me about warning them or feeling that i am being too harsh towards them. No-one starts petitions to get me removed from the staff because they don't like me or don't like what i do.

But in the General section, I hand out a warning and immediately i'm being too harsh, and a petition gets half-assed put together in an attempt to have me removed.

It's so bad in this community that I won't bow down and take my beating from people that don't like me. If you dish it out I will dish it back. It's how I roll.

But I suggest if anyone has any strong arguments as to why I should be removed from this staff then please don't hesitate to send those arguments to the Administration as believe me they will take it seriously. I don't laugh at the fact i was given another chance and I know exactly what path I go down. This may be an insentive, if I was petitioned off and removed off this staff that would be me gone for good, I wouldn't look back, I wouldn't return to the forum, I wouldn't regret a single moment (well besides the obvious) from my time on this forum. But let me make this clear, you would need to provide extremely strong evidence to make it even a little bit convincing that you are petitioning me off the staff for the right reasons, and for the overall good of the forum.

Re: Clarkey

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:58 pm
by GhostyGoo
I think you are quite right.

I don't go in general at all except to spy on you :P

I had a similar time at it myself back when an alliance i was fighting ingame found out i was a player and a super moderator. I reckon there are a couple of folk still playing that could comment on what happened thereafter and some people simply would not accept it. It eventually became inpossible for me to play and moderate because every little decision i made on forum conduct was punished ingame. This was reciprocated by myself (admittedly) by operating a zero tolerance towards these players on forum.

Sure, i believe in rules and regulations (even try to evolve them if i feel the need) but some people ought to speak as they would be spoken to and submit their own conduct to scrutiny before pointing fingers at staff.

There's no need to be jaded, none at all - those two petitions that have just been dealt with were out of order. Not because they were levelled at a member of the staff but because they were clearly inciteful and unconducive towards a system of governance. Its the old chestnut isn't it? You can't make good from a bad advert. As for doing it twice, well, quite pathetic really and exactly an example of what sort of behaviour justifies some of your (Clarkey's) err less politely put replies.

Yer alright mate.

Re: Clarkey

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:05 am
by Clarkey
Thanks everyone for the feedback.