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Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 8:49 pm
by Kilik
Im sorry if this question was awnsered in the FAQs I didnt see it when I read through. What is a good way to get recruits besides having freinds click on your link? And also how often do turns start and end? Thanx in advance!

Re: recruits

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 8:54 pm
by Forum
increase your unit production via the training screen (bottom right)....

Syth wrote:Im sorry if this question was awnsered in the FAQs I didnt see it when I read through. What is a good way to get recruits besides having freinds click on your link? And also how often do turns start and end? Thanx in advance!

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 9:02 pm
by Kilik
Hi its me again, itsays that I get 4 units per day does htat mean at the end of 24 hours I get all 4 units or does that mean like after say 6 hours I get 1 unit? Also if your not interested in attacking because you know that you wipe be used to clean the other players wall, is there any thing you can do to increase your power like a little minigame that gives you units or naq? (Please don't be mad at me its my first day here) Once again thanx in advance :D

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 9:33 pm
by compmage
Unit production is spread out threwout the day. Also there are no 'mini-games' that help you. This is war not war-games... ;)

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 9:42 pm
by myFriend
<i will not get mad><i will not get mad><i will not get mad><i will not get mad>it rally does not sound like you read the help page.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 10:41 am
by Apocalypse.
The best way to recuirt is to have all your buddies click you link now provided you are a popular guy you get a whole lot of clicks which transulates to a whole lot of troops .
Another way as forum said is to incasrese unit producation rate this may seem expensive but belive me in the long run it helps troops incrase gradually throughout the day as myfriend said you can check out the help page for a whole lot of info that fourm has put up there , there are no mini games and u have to be patient as you improve over all your troop number goes up as it's very hard to lose a large amonut of guys wuickly they mostly stick around rember training spies droops the amount of naq u get :)
Hope this helps excuse the typos good day !

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 6:26 pm
by Raconar
Amon Ra wrote:The best way to recuirt is to have all your buddies click you link now provided you are a popular guy you get a whole lot of clicks...

Well even if you are not so popular you can get a bunch of clicks by joining an alliance or guild (see my signature or head to the Recruitment Forum)...alliance/guild information and who is apart of what alliance/guild does not show up in game (though it does show who is who's commander...) but it can still help you, because everyone in the guild/alliance will click your link...usually...