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Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 2:11 pm
by lordernest
Just at that moment a fleet of warships comes out of hyperspace and go to high orbit.
Darth Ernest stood on the bridge of his warship Hatred.
Commanding officer walks up to Ernest and kneels and speaks,"My Lord we have arrived at the location and have moved to high orbit of the planet." Ernest nods and says,"You have done well Commander,prepare the shuttles for departure of the planet below and also include our newest prize in the shuttles. Commander says,"As you command my Lord." He walks away while Ernest begins to sit down into meditation.

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 3:30 pm
by Londo Mollari
Torn stepped out from behind a near by rock, rifle in one hand and his unactivated saber in the other.
"It amuses me you think you can render me prone, but your offer intrigues me. However, at the moment i have more i seek vengeance on in the more immediate vicinity. A number of Sith seek to kill me to stop me giving information to the Jedi. I no longer care for the jedi, but I wish to destroy these Sith.
"If you aid me in killing the Sith, I will go with you to your master. What say you?"

Ru'can smirked beneath his helmet, all the Jedi and Sith were the same, their arrogance knew no bounds

He considered the deal from all possible angles. Whilst it was not what his orders dictated, it did satisfy his own personal agenda

He had not exactly planned to engage a large force of force users, however, the equipment he had brought along would more than suffice.

Very well, Jedi. You have a deal, I will assist you in your hunt for the Sith on this planet.

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:28 pm
by lordernest
Commander of the Hatred walked up the staircase and walkway to where Darth Ernest sat in meditation and and knelled."Commander i see that you have done the tasks i asked of you, excellent.",Said Ernest. Commander spoke," My Lord all 7 shuttles are ready to go and land before your arrival if you wish." "Do it, and i am on my way to my shuttle.",said Ernest. The commander walked away and prepared the shuttles to land and Ernest walked slowly but surely to where his shuttle was four levels down.

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 12:39 pm
by lordernest
Ernest arrived on his shuttle and his pilot spoke," My Lord Our Troops are now landing near the Sith temple under cover and with ysalamiri so the Sith wont be able to sense them." "Excellent tell them to continue being that way until my arrival on the planet surface, which should take how long pilot?",Said Ernest. "My Lord about 4hours to reach the location without being detected.", Said the pilot. "Excellent, launch us off pilot", spoke Ernest. Ernest's shuttle prepared to leave with sensor jamming ware on it.