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2009 Annual Spam Temple Award Rules

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:23 am
by Solus
adapted from Semper's annual 2008 awards rule model

1. Multie use is strictly prohibited in the voting and nomination threads. ALL nomination or voting posts by anyone found guilty of multying will be voided.

2. The Spam Awards Section follows all the regular SGW forum rules.

3. You are only allowed to make one post per Nomination and Voting thread. Only the Misc Moderators and forum Admins are exempt from this rule to keep the threads under control.

4. Discussion is to take place in the "2009 Annual SGW Spammer Awards" subforum, and NOT in the nomination or voting subforums.

5. You cannot Nominate if you have less than 50 post's. You cannot VOTE if you have 100 post's or less. this will be determined from the start of nominations. Any account that is found spamming or whatever to gain the necessary postcount inside the nomination/voting time will be ignored.


1. Nominations will commence from Monday 25th January 2010, for approximately one week until Monday 31st.

2. No discussion is allowed in the nominations threads. Please nominate ONLY.

3. You may only Nominate one player per award.

4. The top 3 Nominations will go up for voting. In the event of a draw, all drawing parties will be put through.


1. Voting will commence from Tuesday 2nd February 2010, for approximately five days until Monday 8th February 2010.

2. You may only vote for one of the Nominee's per Category.

3. Please only place the name of your chosen winner in your post. Do not Discuss voting in the thread.


The awards will take some time to tally up and finally make the award statement, so I ask everyone to have a bit of patience.
Voting will end on Monday the 8th and the awards will be up soon after.

There will be one winner, and one runner up per Category. In the event of a draw for runner up, both will gain the title, in the event of a draw for winner we will have a method of sudden death over a twelve hour voting period will occur, the loser will become a runner up.

I add here that any malicious posting will result in all your votes/nominations being nullified across the entire competition at a minimal punishment. The moderators can use their own discretion to add forum warnings and beyond on top of that.