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Quantum Suggestions Guidelines

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:16 pm
by Bernie Sanders
1. When thinking up suggestions, try to be ''smarter than the average bear''. Don't just go and post the first idea that comes into your head; try to elaborate on your ideas. Give reasons for how and why they would improve the game, as well as possible advantages and disadvantages.

2. Balance is a fickle thing. When suggesting ideas, try to come up with solutions that will balance the game for all races, not an idea that will improve one race bonus and not another.

3. Even though this should go without saying, people still post stupid ideas. Why? Who knows. Anyway please refrain from posting silly ideas that will ruin the integrity of the game as we know it. These ideas just serve to clutter up the game suggestions forum and therefore prevent good ideas from being seen and then possibly implemented. Stupid idea may include but are not limited to: bank interest, race filter search, highest naquadah filter, etc.

Naming Posts:
There have been many posts with titles such as:
"Good ideas"
"Some suggestions"

Please when posting a suggestion, give the topic title a name that is relevant to the suggestion. ''Ideas'' and/or ''Suggestions'' are not specific enough. This way people that are interested in the idea can read it, people can remember what the suggestion is about, and it makes the lives of the Mods easier.

We would also ask that you limit one idea to one topic, as trying to discuss several ideas in one thread can become quite confusing.

If you suggest something, try to make it detailed. No suggestion can be defined with one sentence. Try to write it in a way that is easily understandable for everyone.

Before you post, always search for existing topics on the issue. Maybe someone has posted that idea before you. When searching, filter it down to the Suggestions section. Also try with more keywords of your idea one after another. There are topics with unspecific names. Look into those too. Maybe what you want to suggest is in a topic which wasn't named well.

If you find a similar topic suggested before, add a reply to that. If you feel it's okay, and just needs to be modified, suggest those modifications. Add what you think would make the suggestion better.

Keep in mind that if you make a suggestion that was suggested before, it will likely sink. However, if you add to an existing topic, the size of the topic will bring in more people, and the suggestion is more likely to be noticed.

Your angelic Quantum mods,
S1eepy and Sniper.