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Rough Ascended Guide

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:03 am
by Slaanesh
Feel free to fill in the blanks and errors i have made...but its just a first draft anyways, plus i dont know everything, i need your help since all of you want it, you can contribute to it XD
Also, i knew not where to put this but: Its ascended topic, and its general discussion as i would like other to help and discuss this, but if theres a better spot for i dont know it...

0 Rules
1 Races
2 Gameplay
3 Starting Out
4 Game Navagation
..4.1 Realm
..4.2 Introspection
..4.3 PowerUp
..4.4 Cosmic Development
..4.5 Planetary Fleets
..4.6 The Cosmos
....4.6a Communication
....4.6b Military Operations
....4.6c Intelligence Operations
....4.6d Assassin Operations
....4.6e Ascended Being Action
....4.6f Relations
..4.7 Historic Battles
..4.8 Histories of Deceipt
..4.9 Cosmic Trade
..4.10 Command Star
..4.11 Leave at Your Peril
5 Game Updates
6 Appendix
..6.1 Terminology
..6.2 Calculations
..6.3 Misc. Info.
edit history
future edits
needed information

0.1 ) Only one account per person, per game server.
0.2 ) No automated processes, macros, scripts or other 'non human being' run account activity is allowed.
0.3 ) No sharing or giving out your account details to others.
0.4 ) No logging into other people's accounts.
0.5 ) Attempts to break into accounts, the game, or otherwise disrupt or slow down the game, or server, are strictly illegal.
0.6 ) Using bugs or exploits of any kind, or knowing of and not reporting bugs or exploits, is illegal.
0.7 ) No profanity in user names, namable weapons/ships, or anywhere else in game.
0.8 ) Any breaking of the rules can result in punishment, suspension, banning, account deletion, or banning of your entire ISP.
1 Races
Depending on your choice during your first ascension the four races that are available are...

. Tolah:
Energy Skills
(starting values)
Attack Power= 5
Attack Skill= 5
Defence Power= 5
Defence Skill= 5
Constitution= 5
Flow= 0
Channeling= 0
Repulsion= 0
Charisma= 0
Max Life Force= 0

Physical Skills
(starting bonuses)
Attack= 15
Defence= 15
Covert= 0
Assassin= 0

Planet Types
Undeveloped = Untrained
Labour = Production of DMU
Conquerer = Attacking
Interlinked Conquerer = Attacking "Super"
Defender = Defending
Interlinked Defender = Defending "Super"
Intelligence = Covert
Shadow = Assassin

. Ori:
Energy Skills
(starting values)
Attack Power= 5
Attack Skill= 5
Defence Power= 0
Defence Skill= 0
Constitution= 0
Flow= 0
Channeling= 0
Repulsion= 5
Charisma= 10
Max Life Force= 0

Physical Skills
(starting bonuses)
Attack= 10
Defence= 0
Covert= 0
Assassin= 20

Planet Types
Non-converted Planets = Untrained
Worshipping Planets = production of DMU
Subjugator planets = Attacking
Supra subjugator systems = Attacking "Super"
Custodian planets = Defending
Supra Custodian systems = Defending "Super"
Intelligence planets = Covert
Assassin planets = Assassin

. Ajna:
Energy Skills
(starting values)
Attack Power= 0
Attack Skill= 0
Defence Power= 0
Defence Skill= 0
Constitution= 5
Flow= 5
Channeling= 5
Repulsion= 5
Charisma= 5
Max Life Force= 10

Physical Skills
(starting bonuses)
Attack= 5
Defence= 5
Covert= 5
Assassin= 5

Planet Types
Undeveloped = Untrained
Resource = Production of DMU
Invader = Attacking
Massed Invader = Attacking "Super"
Upholder = Defending
Massed Upholder = Defending "Super"
Intelligence = Covert
Dark = Assassin

. Indu:
Energy Skills
(starting values)
Attack Power= 0
Attack Skill= 0
Defence Power= 0
Defence Skill= 0
Constitution= 0
Flow= 10
Channeling= 10
Repulsion= 0
Charisma= 0
Max Life Force= 5

Physical Skills
(starting bonuses)
Attack= 0
Defence= 15
Covert= 15
Assassin= 0

Planet Types
Unvisited = Untrained
Guided = Production of DMU
Liberator = Attacking
Networked Liberator = Attacking "Super"
DGuardian = Defending
Networked Guardian = Defending "Super"
Ghost = Covert
UnSpoken = Assassin

Alternatively it is also possible to change your race at a cost...
Heed this warning, a large percentage of your planets adhere to your godly stance, and in this case roughly 70% of your planets will abandon you. The remaining adhere to you, and not the idea of you. Take note though among the confusion you will loose all of your weapons towards looters and others, and your resulting planets will give up their duties to help you. This CANNOT be undone. Further, your worshippers take time to regain faith (your main won't be changed immediately and can take some time).
2 Gameplay
. The game is turn-based, with turns occurring every thirty minutes. Upon each turn, you generate a certain amount of in-game currency called Dark Matter Units('DMU'), and 'Undeveloped' Planets. You can use DMU for everything from Developing worlds to buying weapons. You must guard this well, for the more DMU you have, the more likely it is that someone will try and attack you to take it!. In turn, though, you can use your turns to attack other players, to get their DMU.
Undeveloped Planets are gained from your World Acquisition Front
. Cosmic Exploratory Recon Fleets, generate a small income on their own, and also can be developed into the various unit types in the game (see Cosmic Development for more details). Either on their own, or developed into higher income producing planets, these planets (and therefore Fleets) are critical to grow your realm, and should be a primary focus when starting.
3 Starting Out
. When you first start, there are several things to do, and several ways to progress your account. While the options are numerous, a simple yet effective strategy is outlined here.
Step 1 Ascend, buy up to 1000 production, put the rest of your LF into Charisma.
Step 2 Trade all turns into DMU (because you can't touch anyone and if you can well you'd get more off of the market anyway) and buy fleets.
Step 3 For the next few days train all planets into income, use remaining income each day to build cosmic exploration fleets
4 Game Navigation
[IMAGE](The Game Interface)
. The in-game interface is located in a column at the left of the screen on all pages.

. GameTime: This is the universal, official, AWS game time.

. Rank: This is your overall rank. The rank is determined by your Influence Power(I'm not 100% on this one)

. Turns: How many attack turns you have to use. Offensive Action takes from 1 to 99 turns, 1-15 for military operations, 2-10 for intelligence operations, 9-15 for assassin operations, and 99 for ascended being action the more turns used, the greater the rewards and damage.

. Dark Matter Units: An always visible record of the DMU 'on hand' or in the open. This is the DMU that can be taken from you on a successful attack.

. Ascended Life Force Cache: An always visible record of your available Cache. Used for upgrading your physical realm stats, completely safe from any attacking force.

. Next Turn: How long until the next turn update.

. Messages: A display of how many in-game messages you have. Clicking this takes you to the in-game messaging system where you can read, reply, delete messages. To send a message, you use 'The Cosmos' link to find the player you want to send to, at which point an option to message them will be presented. If you receive a message you do not like, you can 'blacklist' the sender, preventing any further messages from that player. (You can also unblock all previous blacklists here). If a single player is blacklisted enough, it alerts the game administration to see if bad language or personal threats/insults are being used, which is illegal (and can result in that player losing all messaging ability, or even banning of account). Note: you can send a maximum of 50 messages per day.(I don't know if this exists in Ascended)

. Ads/Interesting Links: If a link or ad interests you, please click it. The ads are-in theory- designed to be interesting to you based on the game content, and do help support the site only when clicked.
4.1 Realm
A display of Your Realm is the page you see after logging into the game, or clicking 'Realm'. It displays the statistics about your account. The Realm is subdivided into three main categories: User Info, Military Effectiveness/Ranking, and Planets.

. User Info

. The User Info section deals with your account information, your personal log, Power Ups you have purchased, while also giving current statistics, including Planet Expansion Rate, available DMU, income per turn, and total turns.

. Military Capacity

. This section is divided into eight distinct scores and rankings: Offensive Power, Defensive Power, Covert Capacity, Assassin Power, Command Star Power, Influence Power, Cosmic Rank, and Kills. Beside each one of these is a rank, comparing your power in that skill to that of all other users in the game. Offensive Power is a measure of attack power, similarly Defensive Power is a measure of defensive power. Covert Capacity is a measure of your ability to spy. Assassin Power is a measure of your ability to sabotage other members. Command Star Power is simply the overall effectiveness of your Personal Star (likely not applicable until you are powerful enough to command a Star)(so long since my first ascension i dont know if this is correct). The Influence Power is used to determine you Cosmic Rank. While Kills lists the number of Descensions you have made, and your rank compared to others.

. See Calculations for how each score is determined.

. Your Sphere of Control

. This section deals with your planet counts. It tells you your totals of Undeveloped planets, Conquerer, Defender, Covert, Shadow, and Labour Planets. There are two levels of offensive and defensive planets - one much more powerful than the other. The names of your planets differ from race to race as listed above(See Races). See Cosmic Development for full details on each planet type.

. Additional Account Options / Misc

. Support this site - Thank you for the this points in time, no support is given to the Ascended. Will it ever? Nobody is sure...So - for now - you accept that ascended beings are beyond help, and think back to the fact that there is a shell of yourself left on the physical plane, and wonder how much power they have it enough yet for you to channel into your ascended self... hmmmmm....

. Change Account Details/Preferences - Here you can change your email and password. Changing email automatically changes your password, and emails you the new password. Make SURE you enter your correct email, or you will not be able to get back into your account. Changing password does just that, and is recommended periodically for security reasons. Please DO NOT use the same password as other sites, forums, or chat rooms. There have been NUMEROUS examples of forums, chatrooms, proxy servers, and even other game sites, using this information to break into accounts and remove all the goods, or even delete the account. Also - if your msn or IM is the same email as you use ingame, be very careful not to give other people enough information to guess your 'secret questions/answer' as hotmail accounts can be broken into this way.
. Personal Tag
. God or Goddess
. Allow Username Display in Top Ranks
. Change Numeric Display Values
. Recieve E-mails from Demi-Gods
. Toggle Quick Attack Icons
. Change Race
. Change Sidebar Display
. **Vacation Mode Here you can put your account in 'suspended animation' -- for a minimum of 2 days, no maximum, your account 'freezes' ... Nobody can attack you, you do not gain income or planets, and nothing in your account changes.
. Descend yourself/Leave ascension...(More Information in Calculations)
. Chat Settings
. Cosmos/Log Display Settings
. Display Image Size
. 4.2 Introspection
This is where you can look at your ascended and realm stats in more detail. Divided into 4 separate sections, Personal Life Force, Physical Realm Development, Personal Ascension Realm Abilities, and Physical Military.

. Personal life force: shows your ascended life force, reserves, and cache as well as your abilities to recover/generate life force etc. Should your AL and ALR be depleted you will be descended* too the physical realm and the level of your power ups. *see descencion below. One thing to be mentioned, at this time Number of Ascended Resurrections Saved is incomplete and ungainable.

. Physical Realm Development: Shows details on your total number of planets, influence power, expansion rate, DMU production, and undeveloped planets and the level of your power ups.

. Personal Ascension Realm Ability's: This area describes your personal ability to attack and defend in all aspects of Ascended Battle and the level of your power ups.

. Physical Military: A complete detail of your total number of Military planets and military upgrades, your total ability in each area and the level of your power ups.
. 4.3 Power Up
Energy Attack Power Level
This is a measure of the pure strength of your personal attack capacity.

. Energy Attack Skill
This is a measure of your skill at wielding your raw attack power.

. Energy Absorption Power
This is a measure of your capacity to absorb attacks directed at you.

. Energy Absorption Skill
This is a measure of your ability to use your energy absorption powers

. Energy Repulsion Strength
By creating an oppositely charged energy field around yourself, you can effectively 'bounce' any direct energy attacks back to the attacker. This measures that capacity.

. Personal Constitution
If you cannot absorb all or part of an attack against you, this measures your ability to suffer the consequences, and how much damage it will do.

. Energy Flow Ability
Being able to control the flow of the energy of the universes is critical to self recovery, and energy loss recovery.

. Energy Channeling Skill
While at full energy, you can very slowly assimilate more - effectively although temporarily increasing your maximum energy levels. This measures the speed of that capacity (it is much slower than using Energy Flow to recover). After energy is full, Reserves are filled with this stat (slower), then, with both energy and reserves full, cache is increased (slowest).

. Maximum Natural Energy Capacity
While you are below your natural self energy capacity, you move quickly up to this level (energy flow). While you are above this level, you can accumulate more, but it is temporary, and slow (energy channeling). Maximum Natural Energy Capacity - your 'normal' maximum energy levels, are what is determined by this ability or trait. By concentrating on just your energy maximum, you can push that limit, increasing your natural maximum. This - in effect - is the gateway to getting more powerful as an ascended being.

. Outward Charisma
How you are viewed within the mortal planes affects your ability to draw loyal followers. This measures your influence in the lower planes, and will affect your rate of cosmic growth. (Simplify: This helps to Increases the Production of Untrained Units)

. Production Capacity
By concentrating your energy on the physical world, and willing the galaxy to advancements in resource output, you can drive an increase in the overall effectiveness of your realms ability to draw resources from their labours. This increases your worldly income potentials. (Simplify: This helps to Increases the Production of Dark Matter Units)

. Physical Realm Attack Power
By concentrating your energy on the physical world, and willing the galaxy to advancements in aggression and power, you can drive an increase in the overall effectiveness of your realms ability to attack and wage war. That and you teach them to use methods and technologies of Ascended origin. Applies to Command Star offensive as well. (Simplify: This helps to Increases the power of Attack type Units/Weapons)

. Physical Realm Defense Strength
By concentrating your energy on the physical world, and willing the galaxy to advancements in defense and self protection, you can drive an increase in the overall effectiveness of your realms ability to defend itself against the aggression of others. That and you teach them to use methods and technologies of Ascended origin. Applies to Command Star Defense as well. (Simplify: This helps to Increases the power of Defense type Units/Weapons)

. Physical Realm Covert Capacity
By concentrating your energy on the physical world, and willing the galaxy to advancements in stealth, subterfuge and sabotage, you can drive an increase in the overall effectiveness of your realms ability to wage a secret war of undercover operations and black other black ops...That and you teach them to use methods and technologies of Ascended origin. (Simplify: This helps to Increases the power of Covert type Units)

. Physical Realm Assassin Prowess
By concentrating your energy on the physical world, and willing the galaxy to advancements in targeted killing and counter-intelligence, you can drive an increase in the overall effectiveness of your realms ability to disrupt the underground and politics of any enemy. That and you teach them to use methods and technologies of Ascended origin.(Simplify: This helps to Increases the power of Anti-Covert type Units)

Also i will say that *ONLY* Ascended life force cache is spent on all power ups. Basically the higher each level is the more you get from that particular area of your realm.
. 4.4 Cosmic Development
With three areas of interest here starting with Your Sphere of
Control; which lists all of your developed and undeveloped planets(see
Realm for more information).
Next is the World Acquisition Front which shows your current amount of
Cosmic Exploration Recon Fleets, and the cost for the next fleet.
Finally on the right is Planetary Population Development and Evolution. Because each race has different planet names, ill just describe each
planet type here.

Undeveloped Planets, default planet type, generates some income
Labouring race, produces income
. 3,000 DMU
Conquering race, occupies 1 planet
. 4,300 DMU
Ascension enhanced, further evolved conquering race, 5 planet system
. 81,500 DMU
Defesive race, occupies 1 planet
. 4,600 DMU
Ascension enhanced, further evolved defensive race, 5 planet system
. 89,100 DMU
Covert race, occupies 1 planet, produces own fleets
. 6,300 DMU
Specialized assasin race, occupies 1 planet, produces own fleets
. 8,500 DMU
. 4.5 Planetary Developments
This section has 4 areas of interest, starting with Current Fleets, which list your current fleets, the amount of damage they have incured and the cost to fix them.
Second is your Military Capacity, which lists your current Powers and Rank(see Realm for more information)
Third is Your Sphere of Control(see Realm for more information). And finally on the right we have Construct Planetary Based Fleets, this is where you can purchase the amount of a specific type of offensive or defensive fleet. As listed,

Offensive Fleet Type Power
. Conventional Rockets 15
. Nuclear Rockets 30
. Space Vessels 60
. Fusion Powered Ships 120
. Cold Fusion Powered Vessels 450
. Dark Matter Enhanced Ships 1,080
. Macro Quantum Multiverse WorldShips 2,560

Orbital Defence Type Power
. Satellites 20
. Networked Satellites 40
. Nuclear Armed Satellites 80
. Fission Powered Networked Satellites 320
. Miniture Black Hole Mines 1,280
. Multiversic Phase Networks 2,560
. 4.6 The Cosmos
This option takes you to the rankings screen. You can search for players here, jump to any page (18 per page), or click on a player name to engage them. At the top of the page, is another ranking listing: Ranking By Relation (Your peace agreements, People who declared peace with you, Your enemies, People who declared war with you);
On any ranking screen, clicking a player name takes you to the 'stats' page, which shows their basic information (if your covert is not high enough, it will replace their info with '????') and offers the different ways in which you can interact with them. All options are listed below. You may:
. 4.6a Communication
Send Message This will open a window with which to send an in-game mail to this player. Reminder: Players can (if the message is insulting/crude) blacklist you so you will not be able to send them any more messages. Enough blacklists by different players, and the game administration is alerted. Crude/rude or personally threatening messages are illegal.
. 4.6b Military Operations
Attack - Attacking others is a core part of the game. As such, it is a fairly complex activity - or at least gets more complex as your realm grows. Attacking has 1 aspect: Your Military Units. If your total offensive power is higher than their total defense power, you win - always holds true. Additionally, the DMU you gain on winning, is from 60 to 100 percent(max ive seen) of their total DMU, based on realm energy & stat differential. Being at war with them adds ??% to your total(Be warned though that war is a minimum 24 hour commitment, and if they in turn declare war on you, the damage you suffer will greatly increase if they do so and attack back!).You can see 'calculations' for how Offense and Defense, as well as the death rates per unit type.

. Destroy - An attack to destroy as many planets as possible, however, the damages increase in both directions. Both your loses as well as your opponents loses are increased.

. Hunt Assassins - Does just that. Your strike must be higher then the defenders defense. You destroy their Assassin planets while also destroying the defense. Its probably the most common way people go when massing. Once you get the defense destroyed the assassins are practically gone and you can proceed to use "Destroy Military" or Destroy Intelligence" to completely destroy their realm.
. 4.6c Intelligence Operations
Recon - Spy on the opposing Realm using your Intelligence planets you can learn important information, such as their amount of Defender, Interlinked Defender, Conquerer, Interlinked Conquerer, Intelligence, Assassin, Military Ascended Enhancements Total Capacities(potential of each plants effectiveness, Exploration Fleets, and Planetary Fleets

. God Quest - For information about the Ascended being in the that realm. Can show a list of Personal Abilities Life force/cache/reserve and the name of the name of their Main self.

. Sabbatoge - If you wish to reduce the effectiveness of their Planetary Fleets to weaken them.
. 4.6d Assassin Operations
Destroy Intelligence - Sending your own shadow planets to completely obliterate their intelligence planets.

. Destroy Military - Sending your own shadow planets to completely obliterate their Offensive and Defensive planets/systems.
. 4.6e Ascended Being Action
Assault "foe" Directly - After fighting through their entire military might, you assault them directly pitting ascended might against ascended might.
. 4.6f Relations(All relations are minimum 24hour commitments)
. Declare War - Declares was with the current selected Realm

. Set Neutral - Sets relation to neutral with the current selected Realm

. Declare Peace - Declares peace with the current selected Realm

. Reset all relations with everyone - anyone you have declared peace or war with will be reset to neutral.(unless relation was changed less than 24hours prior)
. 4.7 Historic Battles
A place where you can come and relive all of your victories and defeats, by reading through the logs of your attacks, and attacks on you.
. 4.8 Histories of Deceipt
Look over your knowledge of other realms, and see if you have noticed or caught anyone within your realm, by looking through these logs.
. 4.9 Cosmic Trade
While there is no player to player trades in Ascended, you can convert one resource into another.

. Convert Your Life Force (LF)into physical currency
You can convert your own life force directly into the currency of the physical realm. 1,000 life force = 1,000,000 DMU

. Convert Your turns into physical currency
You can convert your own saved time indirectly into the currency of the physical realm. 1 turn = 1,000,000 DMU

. Convert Your LF Cache into usable LF for battle. 1 = 1

. Convert Your LF Cache into life force reserves (usable in battle, not for purchases). 1 = 1

. Equalise your mass and energy
You can convert all of your mass into energy (mixing it with your energy cache), and then by solidifying the equilibrium you can reform the mass, thus equalising both your energy and mass. You will loose approximately 10% in the process due to heat, light and resonance losses.

. Convert physical currency (DMU) into Life Force
Since the currency is energy based, you can convert the currency of the physical realm into Ascended Life Force. The process is not clean, and you note you get less converting one way, than the other... 10,000,000 = 1,000

.Convert your turns to allow for a name change
You can directly set aside time allocations to allow for meditation (and a few misdeeds), in turn giving you the ability to change your worldly name. Each name change will drain 3000 turns, i.e: Turns into Name Change - 3000 = 1

. Convert your turns to wreckage turns.
You can devote a portion of your turns to your demi-gods for harvesting wreckages. This cannot be reversed. You must convert a minimum of 10 turns at a time. Each turn is worth 1.3 wreckage turns. You have a 20,000 capacity.

. Convert Your Ascended Power Points (AP) into Turns
NOTE: Your APP will automatically convert to Life force every turn change. This turn change you will gain roughly a maximum of 14,646,835,454 Life force. The 'exchange rate' is 611,300 life force for each 1 Ascension power point.
Converting to turns will use ALL of your APP, you have been warned, you will also need a minimum of 31,248 AP to convert, fear not though your Ascension Points will stop automatically converting before this number.
. 4.10 Command Star
This Area is where you can customize your personal star, for use when ...(I don't really know) You can change the Name of your Command Star, increase its weapon and shield capacity, as well as equipping it by producing "weapons" and "shields"(again i don't know if there is a generic or race specific)
. 4.11 Leave at Your Peril
Log out...
5 Game Updates
Check the game updates link in the top left corner of the page after logging into the ascended server. Listed here are all the updates made to the Game by year.
6 Appendix

. 6.1 Terminology
I'll try to keep this part alphabeticle...
. Descension - The effects of this are slightly different depending on how you were descended. First lets start with being descended in Battle...
. If your Ascended self becomes Descended you will be unable to log in to Ascended for 2 weeks, The stat bonus you receive in Main will be cut in half, your Main ascended title will be change to "of a descended ***". Also during the two week period you will not be able to ascend again, until the time period is up. Once the 2 weeks is up you will be give(i think) 4 days of protection so that you may build your realm back up as you will have lost half of everything(again not sure).

. Destroy Intelligence - Your assassin power must be greater than your opponents assassin power in order for you to successfully initiate this action.

. Exploration Fleets - every 1 fleet gains you 1 planet per day, multiplied by your Charisma Level. However Once you reach 2 brilion planets you will notice that you begin finding fewer 'habitable' planets. (Does anyone know the way this calculation would be written out?)

. 6.2 Calculations...
. Damage Calculations - Attack, worlds destroyed does not show "Supers" destroyed, if you send 500 "Supers" and 10 worlds are destroyed you lose 2 "Supers" however if you lose less then the interval of 5 it is rounded up. Example 500 "Supers" sent 224 worlds destroyed returns 222/5=44.4 which is rounded up to be 45 "Supers" lost.
. Damage Calculations - Destroy, unlike Attack which shows planets destroyed and not "Supers", Destroy shows "Supers" killed and not planets though it stills states it as worlds in the Historic Battles section, under the details of the attack/after the attack.
. 6.3 Misc. Info.
. Alternatively, with a new update, It is possible for you to fail in your attempt to descend someone, resulting in you descending yourself for 2 days.(not sure what else happens here)
. If the Ascended realm seems to much for you, you may descend yourself and forgo the chance to ascend again by becoming a Damion; basicly a fallen divinity...This is the only race open to fallen ascendeds who chose their own demise...(which with there being no set races anymore...) However you should be warned that Daimons do not gain G&R. However The bonuses are: whatever your ascended account was giving to your main account at the time of banishing yourself, MINUS the ascended blessing (so no unique tech to this race.) (for example if you were prior, you got 5% bonus on att/def/cov/income, and the ascended blessing, and new weapon values. You keep all but the ascended blessing.) Also, in battle and covert, YOU TAKE DOUBLE CASULAITIES - basicly, they are living fast and dying fast. From this race, you can choose a fully mortal race(which would allow you to ascend again after you gain 1001 G&R[uncomfirmed as of yet, just waiting for someone whos been here, but I believe that when you re-ascend after switching races you go back into the normal cylce at the next level as you would if you hadn't become a Daimon), or keep this race.
Edit History
July 7th Edits
minor text errors/comments
Initiate revolution(details)
Fixed Spoiler errors(ending/starting in the incorrect spot)
Calculations(added something here, but i don't have any actual calculations yet)
July 11th Edits
Cosmic Trade Details
Cosmic Developments(Confirmed Prices)
Planetary Fleets(Confirmed Prices)
Hunt Assassins(details)
Races, Ajna Planet Names
July 12th Edits
Daimon Information
Destroy(more details)
Calculations(some numbers to be aware of[also using it for misc info])
Spacing, bold, minor spelling, and caps(trying to make it look prettier)
July 19th Edits
Unfortunatly, most of my edits have been undone thanks to a computer malfunction so only a couple small updates today...
Calculations(couple of small things)
Planet Names(for the Ori)
December 2nd Edits
Updated the Ori planet names. Made a copy of this as my old one is gone...basically having to start over on this but at least i have this much info.
December 6th Edits
Added an Appendix for terminology explanations and Calculations.
Added a . at the begining of each indent so they will have indents in the post(for easier viewing).
Added Needed Information section, lists things I know I need.
Added a Credits section for those who help add to the guide.
January 22nd Edits
After much delay I have gone over and did some small changes and updates to catch this old thing up to the current version. Just gonna add some information on demi's and then it should be done for a basic guide.
Future Updates
The Demi Section
Needed Information
As for a basic guide to the ascended server it should be complete unless anyone out there notices something that needs to be changed.
Angelis~ - Lots of General Information.
Legendary Apophis - Planet names for Ajna and development cost confirmation.
Ethereal Tassadar - Planet names for each race.
Rabbid Thom - For the short and simple Starting Out Guide

Re: Because it should be done...Rough Ascended Guide

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:23 pm
by Angelis~
It's very informational.

Destroy - damages the weapons more but also your own so be careful using it.

Hunt Assassins - Does just that. Your strike must be higher then the defenders defense. You destroy their Assassin planets while also destroying the defense. Its probably the most common way people go when massing. Once you get the defense destroyed the assassins are practically gone and you can proceed to use "Destroy Military" or Destroy Intelligence" to completely destroy their realm.

Re: Because it should be done...Rough Ascended Guide

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:16 am
by ƒëmmë ƒatalë

thankyou. haven't read right though it yet but is good to see someone give it a go :)

Re: Because it should be done...Rough Ascended Guide

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:01 pm
by Slaanesh
Angelis~ wrote:It's very informational.

Destroy - damages the weapons more but also your own so be careful using it..

I need a bit more information on this one...
As in it damages your weapons more than what?
And thanks for your help

Sorry for the delay in editing, i was afk for a couple days, also i still need the planet names for Ori. All help is greatly appreciated. Also wanna add that I need Daimon information...


Re: Because it should be done...Rough Ascended Guide

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:41 pm
by Legendary Apophis
Great work there with your guide. :)

Ajna planets:

Your Sphere of Control
Undeveloped Planets
Resource Planets
Invader Planets
Massed Invader Systems
Upholder Planets
Massed Upholder Systems
Intelligence Planets
Dark Planets

In details:
[spoiler]Planetary Population Development and Evolution
Population Type Development Cost Quantity of Races/Planets
(labouring race, produce income) 3,000 Dark Matter Units
(conquering race, occupies 1 planet) 4,300 Dark Matter Units
Massed Invader
(ascension enhanced, further evolved conquering race, 5 planet universe) 81,500 Dark Matter Units
(defesive race, occupies 1 planet) 4,600 Dark Matter Units
Massed Upholder
(ascension enhanced, further evolved defensive race, 5 planet universe) 89,100 Dark Matter Units
(covert race, occupies 1 planet, produces own fleets) 6,300 Dark Matter Units
(specialized assasin race, occupies 1 planet, produces own fleets) 8,500 Dark Matter Units[/spoiler]

Re: Because it should be done...Rough Ascended Guide

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:50 pm
by Slaanesh
Legendary Jimster wrote:Great work there with your guide. :)

Ajna planets:

Your Sphere of Control
Undeveloped Planets
Resource Planets
Invader Planets
Massed Invader Systems
Upholder Planets
Massed Upholder Systems
Intelligence Planets
Dark Planets

In details:
[spoiler]Planetary Population Development and Evolution
Population Type Development Cost Quantity of Races/Planets
(labouring race, produce income) 3,000 Dark Matter Units
(conquering race, occupies 1 planet) 4,300 Dark Matter Units
Massed Invader
(ascension enhanced, further evolved conquering race, 5 planet universe) 81,500 Dark Matter Units
(defesive race, occupies 1 planet) 4,600 Dark Matter Units
Massed Upholder
(ascension enhanced, further evolved defensive race, 5 planet universe) 89,100 Dark Matter Units
(covert race, occupies 1 planet, produces own fleets) 6,300 Dark Matter Units
(specialized assasin race, occupies 1 planet, produces own fleets) 8,500 Dark Matter Units[/spoiler]

Thanks, that actually confirms that the cost are all the same as well

Re: Because it should be done...Rough Ascended Guide

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:55 pm
by Angelis~
Destroy damages planets more not weapons. The number of planets destroyed vs a normal attack are greatly increased. However, not only are you destroying more of the enemies defense planets but the enemy is destroying more of your strike planets.

Also for reading attack logs you need to make note of something.


Angelis's forces of Forgotten Unknown ruthlessly and relentlessly assult the worlds, fleets and populations of *****, inflicting 7,708,915,636,531,200 damage .
Many suffered, generations knew nothing but war, and in the end - ontop of countless populations ...
2,154,952 of *****'s worlds were completely destroyed!

*****'s forces of ***** retaliated, inflincting 6,689,058,662,802,400 damage on the fleets and worlds in Forgotten Unknown
6,076,906 of Angelis's worlds were destroyed!

When attacking someone the attacker's kills are shown in the super planets. Meaning the 2,154,952 worlds destroyed were in fact 10,774,760 planets destroyed. However, the defenders kills are shown in normal planets even though both armies have all supers trained and no normals. The above log is using Destroy.

Why Admin Jason did that, I cannot guess.

Re: Because it should be done...Rough Ascended Guide

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:28 pm
by Slaanesh
Awesome, more information for me to add, and with your info about planets destroyed, reminded me about some calculations to add. Thanks XD


Re: Because it should be done...Rough Ascended Guide

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:42 am
by Ethereal Tassadar
Planet names list to follow. I saw you are missing some, and some you merely gave name according to function.

The format is:
Super Attacker
Super Defender

Undeveloped Planets
Labour Planets
Conqueror Planets
Interlinked Conqueror Systems
Defender Planets
Interlinked Defender Systems
Intelligence Planets
Shadow Planets

Unvisited Planets
Guided Planets
Liberator Planets
Networked Liberator Systems
Guardian Planets
Networked Guardian Systems
Ghost Planets
UnSpoken Planets

Undeveloped Planets
Resource Planets
Invader Planets
Massed Invader Systems
Upholder Planets
Massed Upholder Systems
Intelligence Planets
Dark Planets

Worshiping Planets
Supra Custodian

I didn't dwell into the realms of the Ori for any longer than my eyes allowed me to witness their abnormality, therefore didn't gather enough information.

Take a look in my own guide, the information is accurate. Combining the two might fill in some gaps you seem to have throughout your own, due to your limited understanding of non-linear space-time.

Re: Because it should be done...Rough Ascended Guide

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:10 am
by seti god of chaos
So if I have a top cov can they destroy my inteligence planets with strike???? Also when they try and destroy it with assasins does there assassin power have to be higher than my cov power?? If this is the case one could just have an insane cov level and no one could see there stats and destroy their cov?

Re: Because it should be done...Rough Ascended Guide

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:24 am
by Lithium
seti god of chaos wrote:So if I have a top cov can they destroy my inteligence planets with strike???? Also when they try and destroy it with assasins does there assassin power have to be higher than my cov power?? If this is the case one could just have an insane cov level and no one could see there stats and destroy their cov?

to protect super planets and intelligence u need high assassin lvl and planets trained. if u ve insane cov u still get spied easily

Re: Because it should be done...Rough Ascended Guide

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:51 pm
by Angelis~
Their assassin power has to be higher then your assassin power to use Destroy Intelligence.

A defense protects your assassins.
Your assassins protect your military and covert planets.
Your covert hides your planet count and dmu out.

As stated above no matter how many planets you put into covert anyone can just train a billion covert planets with a good covert level and spy on anyone in the ascended server.

Also the ones with the question marks are always the best dmu hits. 8-[

Re: Because it should be done...Rough Ascended Guide

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:13 am
by Slaanesh
Ethereal Tassadar, thanks for the extra Ori planet names.

Angelis, you seem to have lotsa useful information on the ascended realm, always is interesting to read your posts, as it gives me more detailed information...

well this project has been moving forward, however...i am going to hafta be afk for a few days at least as my laptop decided to cease functioning, however i should be back soon so i would still appreciate anyone who has information that i dont continue to share it and ill get this updated as soon as i get back, thanks again everyone.

Count Vladamier

Re: Because it should be done...Rough Ascended Guide

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:33 am
by Lithium
well where u need info just ask.

Re: Because it should be done...Rough Ascended Guide

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:54 pm
by Angelis~
Thanks mate. The knowledge comes from having to actually teach people how to play ascended. Not just telling but actual step by step teaching. :)

There are a few people around here that I'd say have the up most knowledge of the server.

And as Lithium said, Just ask. One of us will answer any of your questions you may have about the server.