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Where'd you all go?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 1:43 pm
by Thoth
Where'd all my cliché evil brothers and sisters go? You've all GONE. C'mon all you ones that like the game need to pillage and gain power, conquer a few planets. All us roleplayer goa'uld need to band together into a new Coalition and regain some form of power and governing body.

(I need to talk to you about that Semper I got some ideas playing on our goa'uld characters similarities in background story, also if you go and check on Thoth now he is young as I'm only counting the years outside of stasis.)

I think it would also be awesome to see some new RP goa'ulds popping up, for example What happened to ya ernest? Get yo ass back here boy I ain' done with you yet!

To sum it up:

In the game we never play we should rule it.

In the forums we need to band together to show the humans their place again, we may not become gods of the galaxy again, but we'll atleast live a better life.

Re: Where'd you all go?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 1:55 pm
by ~Vix~
Good luck, with the rise of the NanoTi Lords, you're gonna need it ;)

Re: Where'd you all go?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 1:58 pm
by Thoth
~Vix~ wrote:Good luck, with the rise of the NanoTi Lords, you're gonna need it ;)

I don't do the game so much. I mean all I literary am is a farm for some people, I just checked someone stole over 400 thousand naq of me xD. But encase I ever DO want to go back I always have my secret stash. Maybe the NanoTi Lords will go RP and we'll meet on the battlefield... who knows anythings possible.

Re: Where'd you all go?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:15 pm
by ~Odin~
The teleportation rings fire of and Odin was instantly transport from his mothership to the meeting area that Thoth had set up for all system lords that might grant his request at an audience.

Odin looks around the room for any other system lords that might be within the area, Odin noticed a mid level goa'uld standing there bowing in front of him. Odin stared at the goa'uld and Odin's eyes glowed a bright white, He then turned around to the two jaffa that came with him.

Odin - Jaffa! Kree yo! throne!

Re: Where'd you all go?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:23 pm
by Egeria
A single chair with a woman seated in it decloaks. Her clothes are simple, yet speak of power without the opulence of the Goa'uld, their cut Alteran in origin. Her eyes glow brightly for a moment.

They are dead and gone. I killed most of them. Like all Goa'uld who will not repent, they deserved to die.

Re: Where'd you all go?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:39 pm
by ~Odin~
Egeria wrote:A single chair with a woman seated in it decloaks. Her clothes are simple, yet speak of power without the opulence of the Goa'uld, their cut Alteran in origin. Her eyes glow brightly for a moment.

They are dead and gone. I killed most of them. Like all Goa'uld who will not repent, they deserved to die.

Odin looks over at the tok'ra and flashes his eyes white and stands from his throne

Odin: - Woman Tok'ra Kegalo! This is no place for filth like yourself!

Odin activates his motherships teleport rings and the tok'ra is then teleported to his mothership, he then uses a small communication device to speak with his first prime and orders the first prime to jettison the tok'ra into space before the teleportation rings places her on the mothership.

Re: Where'd you all go?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:01 pm
by ƒëmmë ƒatalë
Egeria wrote:A single chair with a woman seated in it decloaks. Her clothes are simple, yet speak of power without the opulence of the Goa'uld, their cut Alteran in origin. Her eyes glow brightly for a moment.

They are dead and gone. I killed most of them. Like all Goa'uld who will not repent, they deserved to die.

foolish woman, we have nothing to repent.. :twisted:

Re: Where'd you all go?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:05 pm
by harchester
The Supreme System Lord Council still is very much active...some of us have moved onwards and upwards in the Ascention realm and we dont intervene but we offer our guidence and our ruling is still the final say...

Your GODs are still here

Harch - One of the Supreme System Lords Council members

Re: Where'd you all go?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:09 pm
by ƒëmmë ƒatalë
you would do well to heed my Lords :smt060 words

Re: Where'd you all go?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:03 am
by Thoth
Don't worry "Lord" harch I won't interfere into your game realms. I stay away from that so much and stick to the forums really (RP junkie :-D ).

Re: Where'd you all go?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:01 am
by Egeria
In a flash of light, the as of yet unnamed woman reappears, milliseconds after the attempt to teleport her away.

The only filth here is you and yours, child. You did not think you could hurt me, did you?

Re: Where'd you all go?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:04 am
by Thoth
Thoth walks down into the room. "Now now children. Don't squabble we're all parasites here. Why can't we just get along?" He stood there smirking at the two waiting for a response to this un-expected interruption.

Re: Where'd you all go?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:05 am
by Egeria
You were expected. Have you come to repent your sins?

Re: Where'd you all go?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:09 am
by Thoth
"Repent? I actually haven't had enough time to cause anything to repent. I have done but one deed for Ba'al before I was put away for safe keeping, I awoke did some inventing then got my own planet and was ELECTED leader. Now I find us hunted no matter our deeds, even yourselves are hunted, Im not saying we should rule by fear, but we should work together."

Re: Where'd you all go?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:39 am
by semper
*Once again the Supreme System Lord appears before the amassed host, his penetrating gaze fixating upon Thoth*

"You dare summon me?"

*Semper glides across the room, his earie presence ushering a chill into the slowly darkening room. With a slight gesture of his hooded robe Semper acknowledged Lord Harchester and Lord Odin and then with a wave of his hand he threw a shockwave out from his wrist device, the blast flooring the Tok'ra in their presence. His hood turns back to Thoth.*

"You. Are a disgrace."

*Semper waves a servant in with a seat, the same gesture signalling a pair of kull to grasp the arms of the striken Tok'ra, holding her firmly in place. Semper was sure she'd escape when he left, he was please about this as life would be boring without a worthy opponent. Without moving his gaze Semper sat down.*

"You treat your servants and cattle like they're anything more than worthless scum beneath my finger nails, I should order the destruction of your empire and have you stripped of you territory permamently for this outrage."

*Semper falls silent for a moment. him mind wandering. With a slow pace he turns and looks out the view hole before snapping his head back to Thoth and raising his hand into a halt position to cut the infant Goa'uld off before he can even begin*

"You will be spared for now, but I will send my servant Momus back into the Milky Way as an emassary. Though the System Lords have all but collapsed in that galaxy remember that your true gods live on in the great beyond and void, our powers limitless, our anger endless and our armies inexhaustible. Momus will be left to his own devices so he can make effect an efficient system by which to monitor the remaining System Lords in the Milky Way. Act like a God, or you'll die like the parasite you act as."

*Tapping the top of his wrist device Semper engages an asgard teleportation device and removes himself and the Kull warriors from the room, making sure to bid his fellow council members farewell with another respectful wave*