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Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:18 pm
by Lord Jadedog
It is my opinion if the purpose is to get New players started on newgrounds then transitioned over to main with a somewhat decent account, then it stands to reason that you would not want them (new players) spending an eternity (2-5 months) on newgrounds.

So with that being said Some of the following features should be done away with:

1.)Mothership per 100 units too expensive just do away with the unit portion and have just motherships purchased per naquadah

2.)Technology prices get to expensive just to get up to 200% Decrease price of techs

Ideas I believe are just right:

1.) The cost of unitproduction should be expensive. Fewer numbers (unit production) means simpler format. The new player can then experience the increase in numbers in main then in ascended :smt101

That's all I have for now.