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For Currency trades the same as feeding?

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:27 am
by Abhi
But what about the Warlords? They are going about massing people who buy from in-game trades

Re: Selling naq for $$ - 8 quint for sale

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:40 pm
by Abhi
Neimenljivi wrote:I do not know about this but if someone does get massed (even though I doubt it) he or she will get a discount the next time :)


Well, since Akhal (and possibly Kikaz) did in game trades, Kikaz got massed along with people in their alliance (me and maninho)

Anyways, the following message is from Teyla (trouble with accessing forum acc, hence the proxy)

Teyla wrote:TO CLARIFY
buyng naq from another player is no different from feeding and opens doors to others claiming theyre buying/selling naq and feeding.
there is NO DOUBT youll be massed.
repeatedly. this round next round and the round after that
if you want 2 spend cash spend it ingame on supporter packs otherwise get owned.

Re: Selling naq for $$ - 8 quint for sale

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:49 pm
by Neimenljivi
Well no matter what Teyla says, I'll make your buying naq, even if you do get massed, still (along with all the losses you might have) A LOT cheaper than buying USS.
If Teyla's got a problem, she's welcome to take it with me.


Re: Selling naq for $$ - 8 quint for sale

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:17 pm
by Abhi
Neimenljivi wrote:Well no matter what Teyla says, I'll make your buying naq, even if you do get massed, still (along with all the losses you might have) A LOT cheaper than buying USS.
If Teyla's got a problem, she's welcome to take it with me.


An addendum from Teyla:

Teyla wrote:problems will be taken up with the person who benifits from naq
not just me saying it many players will take action
might be cheaper than support packs but wont be worth 2 years of having no stats
if sum1 buys then they buy at own risk
that is all

Re: Selling naq for $$ - 8 quint for sale

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:50 pm
by SÅTÅN 666
Not to spam. Just to answer Abhi's question.
Your right, Because of Akhal and Kikaz being fed(buying naq with $$ lulz) Kikaz's defence that last week was big went poof. Hippyfools big defence of over 1500Q went poof also the other day.
I think the warlords are massing anyone who buys naq with $. So just watch your self out there if you plan on buying naq from Jack. Because galatic logs tell all, YOU WILL BE KNOWN. lol!!

Re: Selling naq for $$ - 8 quint for sale

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:06 am
by Neimenljivi
I might then, just for the fun of it, farm large amounts of naq and leave it out for people to farm me, those who didn't even buy, and watch you mass them.

Teyla if you've got a problem with me, you're welcome to take it to me.

Buyers will benefit much more, if they do intend to buy, to buy from me than from ingame market, even if they do get massed. Eventually Teyla and others will run out of resources to do it.
PS: If I were spending money on game, I would never consider paying admin seeing how poor job he's been doing lately, even if I'd benefit the same. Buying something like 5x cheaper AND considering the above, well it's no brainer for me ;)


Re: Selling naq for $$ - 8 quint for sale

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 1:34 pm
by GeIveI2aL
I dont think it matters with Teyla wether you buy in-game naq or not.

I've only bought SS this era but I got massed.

Teyla's excuse was to mass anyone in top ranks, quite abusive to me as well but thats Teyla's problem if she/he doesnt have some respect.

So Teyla's isn't playing the game but is very willing to mess it up, man if it was footbal she/he'd get a red card -_-

Re: Selling naq for $$ - 8 quint for sale

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:33 pm
by Teyla
when exactly did I give you the excuse it was top ranks im massing? and how am I not playing the game, are you blind? I played the last 3 rounds straight and smashed evry fat fed account into the ground just for fun, changing alot, u disagree? blow me, i should mass you again for your pointless comment
oh and this isnt football its a war game so hold up a red card and we blow it to tiny little pieces, simples, im not out to make friends i respect those i like and i couldnt care less about any1 else, plenty of people i show respect 2 but your message isnt a scratch on abusive compared to some of my ingame convos, just another way at getting at the enemy, oh and if you just asked youd find out u were massed by mistake, trivium or whatever his name is is the one i meant to do for over farming, well if its any consolationhe was massed too just after you

2 messages exchanged and no excuses given unless you thought spelling mistake meant im massing top again it suppose to say "were only out to kill units nub"

You wont achieve anything now.

I have enough in the bank to recover well beyond wot I had and recover the troops with my UP.

Besides, your own fault for hittin ppl you cant see when their online for less then 20k trill, pointless again.


oh u r such a d!ck, were only out top kill units nub

pointless LMAO

not really[/spoiler2]
have a nice day :)

I dont intend to comment on this whole selling amd bying naq crap further i made things crystal clear, we know what to look for and we will stick by our stance, we can take any1 down and keep them down and u better belive it, contary to anybodys beliefs, so buy at own risk

general riv ya nub it better b an expensive ring or you know where to go! :-D

Re: Selling naq for $$ - 8 quint for sale

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:00 pm
by Quina Quen
I'm saving Teyla, I really am. I know it's going to take something special to capture your heart.

As for the rest of you nubs, from a completely unbiased point of view - if Teyla wants to smash things up then all the best to her. Don't come moaning because you've tried to buy your way to 'glory' and had it ripped apart. You're an absolute fool for even spending money to try to win.

What really grinds my gears (to quote Peter Griffin) is how the hell the games' (apparent) system of morality can incorporate people being allowed to BUY naq for cash from other players and not be deemed technical feeders (which is a cheater) and yet someone who creates an account to feed another without actually receiving a monetary (CASH) benefit is instantly deemed a cheat/feeder and subsequently banned.

Hell, Teyla is the best thing in Quantum right now. At least she's busting her ass to stop people from rigging their way to the top ranks come the end-game.

Part and parcel of the reason I stopped playing GW all together, because it's full of double standards. That said, I might just start an account and start massing the hell out of people who do feed, as Teyla is doing.

Re: Selling naq for $$ - 8 quint for sale

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:12 pm
by Teyla
General Riviera wrote:That said, I might just start an account and start massing the hell out of people who do feed, as Teyla is doing.

if u do make sure u msg me ingame nub :smt060

Re: Selling naq for $$ - 8 quint for sale

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:16 pm
by Neimenljivi
Lol Teyla I was like you all those years ago, so I almost see me when I look at you. Almost. I never massed someone by mistake, it's a luxury one shouldn't afford. ;)

GR - how is this any different from main or basically any other online game which allows selling resources and buying resources with money? Creating account with the sole purpose to feed someone else is bannable (in some cases of course) because it basically means one has the resources of more accounts whereas buying and selling naq is completely different on accounts that both accounts haven't been either made, or puppet-ed, by the same person and that the selling account is not there to feed a specific account making that account pretty much untouchable, but anyone can buy the resources, much like anyone can buy naq or UUs on main server.
I tried to persuade admin into making an era in which an account would have to survive on its own, no money involved, but of course admin didn't want to lose all the money he gets from USSs and stuff like that. Until that changes and the game can not be played with money, I will continue doing what I do.

Just for the kicks, and to troll you lot, I will probably farm a substantiate amount of naq when I have the time in the next few days and leave it out in the open for you to mass the wrong person. Heck if I find you fall for that, I'll probably even do it more often. Good luck with distinguishing who buys and who's the (un)lucky finder now ;)

PS: 20 quint available now, USS only gets you 4


Re: Selling naq for $$ - 20 quint for sale

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:44 pm
by Teyla
last post in teh spoiler cos its longish but this is last word on matter
[spoiler2=]lololol belive me massing costs nothing the way we're organized and prepared its hardly a luxury more an everyday thing, u seem to misjudge and underestimate us dont u, u do that u obviously think Im stupid from your comments about leaving naq out and massing the wrong people, u dont know how wrong u r, well mabey this is becos u havent noticed things changing around u due 2 the fact u dont actually play quanty do u, u only come 2 the server 2 make a bit of $, well i play this game and i think alot of ppl will agree buying naq in a large amount gives just the same unfair advantage as a feed, no? not to mention it opens doors to non cash feeds, no? supporter packs are there, they dont give such a massive amount as a feed but what u expect, atleast a supporter pack isn making a massive bridge between cash player and normal, yea it giving a advantage, nothing wrong with that it is admins game with a server he pays for so support keeps it running
try 2 make us look insignificant all u want, we're not bothered 1 bit, ur pushing to make some $ good 4 u
but to those thinking of buying cold hard facts of day are whoever buys naq in this way or feeds will get completely and utterly smashed into the ground scraped off our boots and stomped on again this round next round 4 as long as they build stats dnt matter how big u build or how safe u think u r, and yes ppl i like massing, others might get massed by me sry bou that but if you try to pull some **Filtered** your definatly getting massed no question about it and nuby grieval can have a go about me trying to mess the game up but whos the one trying to get ppl hit becos he cant get his own way and line his pockets :-#[/spoiler2]

byee nubs

Re: Selling naq for $$ - 20 quint for sale

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:57 pm
by Jimbo 5.3
1) I like this comment:
General Riviera wrote:I'm saving Teyla, I really am. I know it's going to take something special to capture your heart.

As for the rest of you nubs, from a completely unbiased point of view - if Teyla wants to smash things up then all the best to her. Don't come moaning because you've tried to buy your way to 'glory' and had it ripped apart. You're an absolute fool for even spending money to try to win.

Hell, Teyla is the best thing in Quantum right now. At least she's busting her ass to stop people from rigging their way to the top ranks come the end-game.

Part and parcel of the reason I stopped playing GW all together, because it's full of double standards. That said, I might just start an account and start massing the hell out of people who do feed, as Teyla is doing.

2) What's a Nub? Is it a different way of saying "noob"?
Teyla wrote:last post in teh spoiler cos its longish but this is last word on matter
[spoiler2=]lololol belive me massing costs nothing the way we're organized and prepared its hardly a luxury more an everyday thing, u seem to misjudge and underestimate us dont u, u do that u obviously think Im stupid from your comments about leaving naq out and massing the wrong people, u dont know how wrong u r, well mabey this is becos u havent noticed things changing around u due 2 the fact u dont actually play quanty do u, u only come 2 the server 2 make a bit of $, well i play this game and i think alot of ppl will agree buying naq in a large amount gives just the same unfair advantage as a feed, no? not to mention it opens doors to non cash feeds, no? supporter packs are there, they dont give such a massive amount as a feed but what u expect, atleast a supporter pack isn making a massive bridge between cash player and normal, yea it giving a advantage, nothing wrong with that it is admins game with a server he pays for so support keeps it running
try 2 make us look insignificant all u want, we're not bothered 1 bit, ur pushing to make some $ good 4 u
but to those thinking of buying cold hard facts of day are whoever buys naq in this way or feeds will get completely and utterly smashed into the ground scraped off our boots and stomped on again this round next round 4 as long as they build stats dnt matter how big u build or how safe u think u r, and yes ppl i like massing, others might get massed by me sry bou that but if you try to pull some **Filtered** your definatly getting massed no question about it and nuby grieval can have a go about me trying to mess the game up but whos the one trying to get ppl hit becos he cant get his own way and line his pockets :-#[/spoiler2]

byee nubs

3) I want 20 quint naq, but I don't want to pay for it. Any way around it? Could I "nub" you for it?

Neimenljivi wrote:

PS: 20 quint available now, USS only gets you 4


Re: Selling naq for $$ - 20 quint for sale

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:40 am
by Quina Quen
Jack, let's look at this very simply.

Jack has an account. He farms and stores naq. He sells it. - not banned.

Jack 2 has an account. He farms and stores naq. He gives it to someone for nothing. - banned.

Now what the farp is going on there?

Both accounts are technically feeding someone else, the only difference is that Jack is making money. I don't know about the rest of you but my moral compass tells me that Jack 2 should be able to sleep better at night than Jack.

Re: Selling naq for $$ - 20 quint for sale

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 2:03 am
by Neimenljivi
It's not the same GR as my account isn't there to feed one person so high others can't catch that person, anyone can buy my resources. You always seem to fail to include this in your way of thinking. You also keep leaving out the important bits, for instance, how is that different than any other SGW server.

Teyla believe me no one loses that naq so easily in stats. If you do intend on sitting on those people for era after era - well good luck. Nobody gives a horse **Filtered** as you'll forget anyway, otherwise you'll soon have whole server to mass. And if you don't believe me, well as you said I don't really play. So why should I not leave naq out? :)

Jimbo - either you pay to get them or you are extremely lucky ;) If you do decide to pay - it costs very little money :)
