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NewGrounds Market Rules

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:17 am
by Juliette
NewGrounds Market Rules and Guidelines

  1. The overall Forum Rules also apply to the NewGrounds Market section. Please read them and keep them in mind.
  2. You are not allowed to post trades in other peoples trading threads. If you want to buy or sell resources, make your own thread. Spamming trade topics is also not wanted.
  3. Discussions about the Market, current prices etc. can be posted in the NewGrounds General section. Please do not use trade topics as a discussion forum.
  4. All trades that are completed need to be edited with either the tag; “Closed” so that the NewGrounds Moderators can easily spot them and 'delete' them (move to Dump), effectively bumping existing and valid trades. If you plan to use the same thread in less then the 7 day deletion then edit them to read "Closed for now".
  5. The Market will be purged of any threads that have been dormant for over 7 days. This is to make sure that you are only viewing existing and relevant trades.
  6. If you are selling more than one of the same thing, please keep them all in one thread. We do not need several of the same type of threads, by the same author.
  7. Do not trade cross game resources in the Market. Cross server trading is also not tolerated on the forum.
  8. Cash trades are allowed. As it is in the General Market, trades consisting of only non-game related things (excluding cash) or trades including one non-game related item (excluding cash) are not allowed.

Caveat emptor!

As with any Market section, there is a danger of misrepresentation of goods. The responsibility in any trade, is on the buyer to take reasonable steps to protect themselves.

* Make sure you know what you are buying. Check the Colosseum to see what alliances are currently at war or what individual vendettas are occurring which your trade might put you in the middle of.

* Make sure you know who you are buying from ; their reputation, email / paypal address, proof of account ownership. Check the General Market Information section which includes: Market Discussion, The Black Listed Traders and Trade Feedback

Remember, if a deal looks too good to be true then there is a probably a reason, so make sure you understand the risks before accepting them. The forum staff are here to help with forum matters, but it is not their responsibility to track down in-game discrepancies.
Feel free to report such discrepancies to the Game Representative at your convenience.

The onus, as always, is on the Buyer to Beware.