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Re: Gay Marriage? in THE UK? WHAT IS THIS

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:09 pm
by Master Rahl
Remedy™ wrote:Iowa, in most places, is hardly liberal. But, you tend to see more liberal people in bigger cities. So, they take over massive parts of the population. Any rural areas are the exact opposite.

Ive been in both the extremes and I have to tell you both are blind to the whole situation. But I was in a extremely conservative town that actually supported same sex marriage, just to get it out of the news and courts faster (they knew it would pass eventually) I for one am very glad they did that, to fight it makes it into such a mess in the end only prolongs issues.

It was in the news for about a month leading up to the decision, passed and died within a week after passing.

Re: Gay Marriage? in THE UK? WHAT IS THIS

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:43 pm
by GrizzZzzly
Marriage was defined in a time where gay relationships were taboo and if im not mistaken against the law. I dont see why you hold such great value to the definition of marriage. Right now the marriage we are talking about is a legal contract between 2 people. Having a different name for gay/lesbian relationships is just unnessessary. Why can we not redefine marriage? Unless we have an issue and wish to control with whome people choose to live their lives with. Which frankly is absurd.

Re: Gay Marriage? in THE UK? WHAT IS THIS

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:46 am
by Legendary Apophis
It's not worth the trouble further. Let's hate the people. Cuz it's much more fun to have stuff that others can't, without having to work for it.

I will tell next time I see an homosexual against these laws that he's a "hater". Do you suggest me I go as extreme as an LGBT would go against such homosexuals and say he's a "traitor to the community"? :-k (I won't, but see what I'm saying to make your point)

I'll leave on the point that you're owing yourself something that others can't have because of who they love... and that's wrong. I don't find that opinion-based. You're not allowing the same rights to someone for something they can't control. I find it hard to believe that people with your beliefs haven't been evolved out yet.
Hmm I read somewhere something like that that "when the time will come that things considered "right" will become "wrong" and those considered "wrong" will become "right", it will be the start of the end when values become the exact opposite of what they used to be".

"haven't been evolved out yet" The presence of "been" is quite interesting. Would imply something else would have pushed "evolution" on us. Ah well, lobbying and brainwashing I suppose. But no, it doesn't work. Just as people like Avenger do resist mainstream media propaganda (because every media does its own propaganda) I do resist "progressism" propaganda.

Psyko wrote:
Legendary Apophis wrote:
Remedy™ wrote:
Legendary Apophis wrote:
Remedy™ wrote:
Juliette wrote:Either agree with one of the parties involved, or provide arguments why the other is wrong. Being an ass does not get you anywhere, and that is coming from someone who disagrees with the person whose comments you just marginalised. [-X Extremely poor form, sir.

Hardly, if you care to read above, I did agree, with Psyko.
He said it wasn't worth the argument with me, I said it's not worth reading what he has to say.

I replied to your argument of "loling hard about marriage and children", but the rest, it wasn't arguments. This time, you provided arguments...

Fact is, I live in a Christian area and grew up Catholic and now I live in one of the states in the US that allows Gay Marriage. I don't have to read some situation in France to know how it's affecting people.

Trying to define marriage as a union between man and woman is simply outdated. I love how we pick things out of religion that condemn people, even though it was for a much different time.

It's not "outdated" it's the way marriage is. That's where I strongly disagree. "Progress" for the sake of "progress" isn't something I would defend. Because common good goes beyond particular groups demands. If society was to follow each group's demands, it would be impossible to follow...which happens in countries led by "progressists", it becomes impossible to manage as it goes chaotic as you cannot find the limit then (offer the hand, they ask for the arm, my country is particularly good at it). Same as offering vote for foreigners (non-EU foreigners in EU case), it's nonsense... It's hardly progress for the sake of progress. It's not some random group of people. It's not the female librarians that live on the 4th block of 3rd street. These are legitimate concerns from a large portion of the population. It's not at all like a foreign voter as most of these people were in fact born here and they aren't trying to vote for president (US case), they are fighting for equal rights with their heterosexual counter-parts.

I'm obviously for gay marriage, and not changing it to Gay Civil Agreement. Why should we have to change the name for the same thing?
Because marriage is an institution regarding an union between a man and a woman. It doesn't have to do only with Christianity. Sure that in Roman republic they divorced as often as one nowadays changes house location, but it was still a man and a woman. Both the roots being Romans and Christianity, both had marriage man+woman. Everyone can marry, as long as it's with a person from the different sex. There's no such thing as "second class citizens" in our countries.
You keep going here. That marriage is between a man and a woman. Because why exactly? Religion and the Romans? That obviously makes sense. Should it also be okay to have slaves and mass murder trying to take over the world? You only proved my point that those thoughts are indeed Outdated. "Yes, EVERYONE can marry, BUT...." is my issue. You put stipulations on it that you hardly have the right to.

Limiting what someone can do based no the gender they prefer is ignorant in my opinion and much easier to agree with when you're from the opposite side.

I'm sorry I didn't understand this... Not surprised. I'm simply saying that it's easy to say Gay marriage is wrong when you aren't gay. Would you find it okay if you France suddenly decided people named Jim couldn't drive cars? Changing marriage for certain people IS taking away rights. What about felons? Should we take away their right to marry, like we do others of their rights? Apparently not, just the gays.

I've never seen a legitimate argument against Gay marriage that didn't bring religion into the situation.

It's a matter of subjectivity I suppose. Let's hear something that isn't based on religion here. Give me something that says gays can't marry that isn't based on the idea that marriage is between a man and a woman, which is truly based on nothing. Separation from church and state my man. We should never let religion make its way into politics, as it only helps those that are part of it. Next... it'll be that you can only marry if you believe in God. Ya know, cuz it's against the 10 commandments to feel otherwise.

Forgive me, as sometimes I begin to ramble.

1. It is a group trying to change the way the marriage is, and in marriage there is the Filiation. It's from a law point of view that what enables marriage and what is marriage is changed when you enable changes. The way LGBT works, if you allow same-sex marriage, you will also have to accept same-sex adoption ect...meaning the filiation will be changed. Children not anymore coming from a mother and a father but now having two fathers and no mother, or two mothers and no father. Which definitely is a thing one needs during teenage, to have the mother and the father considering each has their role and particularities.
2. Because it is the way our societies defined marriage. It's part of the civilization, of the culture, ect...I don't see what slavery has to do with it considering slavery means someone is not free and property of someone else. As far as I know homosexuals can have a salary for their work, vote, don't have to ask their master to go there or here, ect...
3. As I said, some of the front opponents to the same-sex marriage/adoption law happen to be homosexuals in my country. I also did a long paragraph to precise difference between an homosexual and a LGBT to explain why homosexuals could be against it.
4. As I said already, because when marriage come, adoption comes, and the question of children and filiation too. Don't say I am obsessed, it is NOT me who asked for this law to be both marriage-adoption, it is not me who asks for both marriage/adoption "equality". If you want to know why it's not just a matter of marriage but also a matter of adoption and children, ask LGBT lobbies why they want all and not just marriage. They will tell you equality for marriage isn't sufficient and that adoption and right to have children follows. Even though technically a same-sex couple cannot have children...Some of the people who oppose that law said "they didn't care about same-sex marriage" but cared a lot more for same-sex adoption against which they disagreed. But considering one "equality" is asking for another and my country is a good example to prove it, if you agree for one, it will be hard to disagree for the others would be considered as "hypocrite" and half-equalizer or whatever.

Now sorry but my Timezone asks me to go to bed...

Children come from single-parent households now, and there are quite a few who already have same-sex couples as "parents" whether from their mom/dad legal guardian finding a same-sex partner, or any number of other possibilities. So far they seem just as damaged as the rest of us, if not less-so, because they have parents who love each other and support them; their sex shouldn't matter as parents. If anything kids hate the idea of their parents actually sleeping together and prefer to think of them as sex-less entities who provide for and support them.

Just because France has linked marriage to the ability to adopt does not mean that is the case everywhere. Americans are fighting for the right to same-sex marriage, and some of those who've won that fight have moved on to adoption, but it is a much smaller portion of the population. Honestly, I find your country to be a bad example for a lot of things. You're thinking of this issue on a limited scale which only affects your country with the law currently being lobbied for, which I believe clouds your judgement; I'm considering the people the laws against gay marriage directly affect on a generalized scale.

I'll go through and reply to your counterarguments to my post when I have a chance.

I never understood how this argument could be seriously used " if not less-so, because they have parents who love each other and support theme" as if 1- gay couples couldn't have same problems as straight couples (ie: perfect couples exempt of anything wrong) 2- straight couples would be least likely to love each others and their children.. :-k

Well my country might be a "bad example for a lot of things" (lol, I wonder how, considering it's also a republic) but the fact remains that the ones pushing for this law are LGBT lobbyists. Sure it might be different in the US, but ten years ago they asked for civil contract, and "NO marriage wasn't the goal". Ten years later it was, and adoption was too. That example of no then yes led Poland to reject recently civil contract to avoid the same path as we did, quoting our example to NOT follow it. Even if in the US "for now" it's a "minority", it doesn't mean it will remain that way...

Marriage was defined in a time where gay relationships were taboo and if im not mistaken against the law. I dont see why you hold such great value to the definition of marriage. Right now the marriage we are talking about is a legal contract between 2 people. Having a different name for gay/lesbian relationships is just unnessessary. Why can we not redefine marriage? Unless we have an issue and wish to control with whome people choose to live their lives with. Which frankly is absurd.

If I'm not mistaken UK is the worst case currently because it is forcing this marriage to religious marriage considering UK isn't secular state contrary to most other EU states. Thus this law will be directed to religious marriages. And if a gay couple asks for the EU civil rights commission, these could force even the Anglican Church which is currently strongly opposed to it, to celebrate marriages. Which is just purely unacceptable.

Re: Gay Marriage? in THE UK? WHAT IS THIS

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:51 am
by Dexter Morgan™
Apophis, this is just the start of how the NWO works.
First they demonize, then flip flop, get things changed so noone thinks its bad, they think, "Hey we are making progress.

I call BS on EU and on the US. I have a lesbian mother, and numerous other people in RL I know who are gay, my opinion is, they should have the right to be just as miserable as us straight couples that marry.

But twisting bible verses, hell even using them in government agenda for lawmaking is WRONG on sooooo many levels. It is why we left in the first derned place. That and we didn't like being owned by Lords who considered us what I now call the uninformed on purpose, SHEEPLE.

It is not my RIGHT to impose religious views on inaliable rights given that all men were created equal. Sure I am not religious, neither Islam, nor Christian, nor Jewish. I like a lot of what Budhah said, but am in no way a Budhist. And would not follow "laws" passed from his writings. Just as I don't recognize laws used in Islam from their holy scriptures. We are our own masters. No longer are we shackled by labels and poll numbers only to be smeared before broadcast. NO MORE TYRANNICAL laws forcing government's role in our lives and now even belief systems.

Re: Gay Marriage? in THE UK? WHAT IS THIS

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:36 am
by jedi~tank
Dr. Walter Bishop™ wrote:Apophis, this is just the start of how the NWO works.
First they demonize, then flip flop, get things changed so noone thinks its bad, they think, "Hey we are making progress.

I call BS on EU and on the US. I have a lesbian mother, and numerous other people in RL I know who are gay, my opinion is, they should have the right to be just as miserable as us straight couples that marry.

But twisting bible verses, hell even using them in government agenda for lawmaking is WRONG on sooooo many levels. It is why we left in the first derned place. That and we didn't like being owned by Lords who considered us what I now call the uninformed on purpose, SHEEPLE.

It is not my RIGHT to impose religious views on inaliable rights given that all men were created equal. Sure I am not religious, neither Islam, nor Christian, nor Jewish. I like a lot of what Budhah said, but am in no way a Budhist. And would no follow "laws" passed from his writings. Just as I don't recognize laws used in Islam from their holy scriptures. We are our own masters. No longer are we shackled by labels and poll numbers only to be smeared before broadcast. NO MORE TYRANNICAL laws forcing government's role in our lives and now even belief systems.

Who twists bible verses? And which ones?

Re: Gay Marriage? in THE UK? WHAT IS THIS

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:43 am
by Juliette
Jedi~Tank wrote:Who twists bible verses? And which ones?
'The LGBT-lobby'.. :P

Re: Gay Marriage? in THE UK? WHAT IS THIS

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:44 am
by Remedy™
Dr. Walter Bishop™ wrote:I call BS on EU and on the US. I have a lesbian mother, and numerous other people in RL I know who are gay, my opinion is, they should have the right to be just as miserable as us straight couples that marry.

It is not my RIGHT to impose religious views on inaliable rights given that all men were created equal.

Thank you very much. A lot of the points that I try to make. Glad to see more people feeling the same way :)

@Apophis - What about all the straight people fighting for LGBT stuff? Isn't that the counter to a few lobbyists for LGBT? Also, since you use that as one of the main principles for argument, care to share a link of all of the people in that group that don't want equal rights for themselves?

Re: Gay Marriage? in THE UK? WHAT IS THIS

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:36 am
by jedi~tank
Juliette wrote:
Jedi~Tank wrote:Who twists bible verses? And which ones?
'The LGBT-lobby'.. :P

Is that really the case? I mean are the bible versus being quoted at face value amd conveyed, or are the special interest groups trying to insist the bible versus say something other than what they mean?

Give me an exmple please.

Re: Gay Marriage? in THE UK? WHAT IS THIS

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:54 am
by Juliette
Jedi~Tank wrote:
Juliette wrote:
Jedi~Tank wrote:Who twists bible verses? And which ones?
'The LGBT-lobby'.. :P
Is that really the case? I mean are the bible versus being quoted at face value amd conveyed, or are the special interest groups trying to insist the bible versus say something other than what they mean?

Give me an exmple please.
I do not know. That is the thing with Scripture, it can be interpreted one way, or the other.. I have seen some pretty mad things 'supported' by bible verses. :)
I do not know whether the same holds true here, but in all situations, the use of Bible verses to support your arguments tends to become tenuous; many things are not read or interpreted the way people or tradition dictate. :?

Hence my point about keeping the religious aspect of marriage separate from the legal aspect. Marriage has - indeed - migrated from a religious to a legal (state) matter.

Re: Gay Marriage? in THE UK? WHAT IS THIS

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:06 pm
by jedi~tank
Juliette wrote:
Jedi~Tank wrote:
Juliette wrote:
Jedi~Tank wrote:Who twists bible verses? And which ones?
'The LGBT-lobby'.. :P
Is that really the case? I mean are the bible versus being quoted at face value amd conveyed, or are the special interest groups trying to insist the bible versus say something other than what they mean?

Give me an exmple please.
I do not know. That is the thing with Scripture, it can be interpreted one way, or the other.. I have seen some pretty mad things 'supported' by bible verses. :)
I do not know whether the same holds true here, but in all situations, the use of Bible verses to support your arguments tends to become tenuous; many things are not read or interpreted the way people or tradition dictate. :?

Hence my point about keeping the religious aspect of marriage separate from the legal aspect. Marriage has - indeed - migrated from a religious to a legal (state) matter.

I dunno, the english language is an in-exact language. But the originals being Hebrew and the koine greek ate very exact languages, the hebrew being numerical and most exact, so if there is ever a question regarding a specific verse or vetses defer to the corrosponding dictionary for verification..often people dont, but there it is anyways.

Re: Gay Marriage? in THE UK? WHAT IS THIS

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:37 pm
by Remedy™
Juliette wrote:Marriage has - indeed - migrated from a religious to a legal (state) matter.

Just like Christmas. :P
Cept from Religious to a non-religious holiday.

Re: Gay Marriage? in THE UK? WHAT IS THIS

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:23 am
by GrizzZzzly
are you questioning the validity of Father Christmas? :smt104

Re: Gay Marriage? in THE UK? WHAT IS THIS

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:46 am
by Field Marshall
Jedi~Tank wrote:Hebrew and the koine greek ate very exact languages
