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Ingame chat

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:35 pm
by Sol
Giving it a test run for public use, top left 'ingame chat', php simple and nice.
Don't abuse it, it's why it's only being test run.

It's fairly primitive, but any suggestions? Yes, it has to have a little flash when it refreshes because it needs to retrieve the post data, ideally I don't want to code it to save info to peoples computers, just makes things difficult, and it needs to check back anyway for mods removing naughty posts.

Auto refresh rate is at about 8 secs, I could probably change it to give people a choice of when they want it to happen. Would you care or not?

Re: Ingame chat

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:00 pm
by Drought
suggestion for better refreshes:

When retrieving the messages, have a span or input field in the last message indicating last message timestamp according to table.
Usesome javascript to fetch a php page in the background and sent along the timestamp from last message. (I build several of these, hit me up for tips if you need some)

The fetch page simply checks the messages table for a newer timestamp, if there are, only send messages with newer timestamps.

The data sent back should be prepended on the div holding the chat messages.

This way the shoutbox updates become minimal in bandwidth, and will only transmit new data if there actually is.

The active session from php should still work, so you can usethe regular security.

The white flashing from the reload will dissappear.

edit: chat works fine, seems I hit tab enter and refreshed a couple times instead of shout.

suggestion: change tab order, when in the text box, when you hit tab, have it land on shout. (tab > enter and message posted)

Re: Ingame chat

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:49 am
by ƒëmmë
on option to not have it at all..

it was ok in the tourney as most were working together and not flaming etc, BUT I don't want to see the same type of nastiness and crap that goes on in GC in my shoutbox

Re: Ingame chat

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:17 am
by Sol
fem fatale wrote:on option to not have it at all..

it was ok in the tourney as most were working together and not flaming etc, BUT I don't want to see the same type of nastiness and crap that goes on in GC in my shoutbox
What do you expect :P. It's a war game...the IRC is there as well don't forget.
I assume some mods are over looking it as well, if you don't want to be involved then don't talk in it :P