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Upgrade Prices Mod *REJECTED*

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 8:47 pm
by Ritalin
I think there should be a tech that allows you to make everything cheaper to upgrade as everything is soooo damn expensive for those who havent got much... for example:

In Newgrounds there is a button "Upgrade Improbability Drive" Which makes all your Techs cheaper to buy. I think it would be a good idea if this was implemented in Main and used for Covert, AC Levels, Mothership, Up and Mobile Defences. There could be an additional section for these upgrades underneath the exsisting techs on the technology page.
each upgrade should have its own button and rather than pay gor these upgrades with naq, you would have to donate a percentage of either your Turn income or Daily UP per upgrade. the greater the percentage = the greater the reduction in price of the chosen stat type for example:

-1% Turn Income to Covert Level = covert lvl cost * 0.99
-1% Turn Income to AC Levels = AC lvl cost * 0.99
-1% Turn Income to Mothership = MS Weps cost * 0.99
-1% Turn Income to Raw Up = Raw UP cost * 0.99
-1% Turn Income to Mobile Defences = Mob Defs * 0.99

make it so you can only allocate a maximum of 50% of income or UP or a combination of both and have the choice to either spread it evenly or all in one slot.

also make it so once you have chosen, you can not change for 2 weeks and have to wait 2 weeks for the affects of these reductions to fully take place (To stop quick switching for those who would take advantage) making the reduction gradually appear over the 2 weeks.

This should make it easier for those who do not spend cash to catch up!!

or maybe i havent thought about it properly :smt017

Re: Upgrade Prices Mod

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:59 pm
by Richard B Riddick
uhh, sure, allow small players to grow quicker, but can you imagine how fast the $$ spender like me would grow at that point, it would just increase the gap even more (a lot more)

Re: Upgrade Prices Mod

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 10:15 pm
by Ritalin
~Guerrero~ wrote:uhh, sure, allow small players to grow quicker, but can you imagine how fast the $$ spender like me would grow at that point, it would just increase the gap even more (a lot more)
i see your point but there arnt that may $$ spenders really and as covert levels are capped it would make the gap closer than you think, all that would really have a noticable difference would be MS and that gap already exists concidering none $$ spenders are around 12tril ms max and $$ spenders are at like 25tril MS, plus if we could get higher raw UP faster we would be able to rebuild quicker too.

Just my opinion and thanks for the feedback mate

Re: Upgrade Prices Mod

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 10:34 pm
by Richard B Riddick
its not so much as capped as harder

if there was that cap all they need to do is boost their NG which in turn would boost their bank cap

using that combo they can go up 1 more

those with very close friends can use their banks to hold their naq, or using their ng acc they can perma hold naq in brokers til they have enough

so this would just make the cov levels cheaper

and there are already up's of 10 to 12 mill , this would just make them bigger

and as to motherships, do you really want us growing ours bigger than they already are ;)

Re: Upgrade Prices Mod

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:53 pm
by Caprila
01[22:54] <Caprila> Technology that decreases income/up, but also decreases cost of buying a specific thing, like covert/ac/ms. Would only be able to change every few weeks/months
[22:56] <~Support> No. Costs are pretty balanced as they are, no sense in mucking that up by adding something to cheapify things.
01[22:57] <Caprila> He liked your techs in NG, he wanted something like that in main
[22:57] <~Support> Techs are one of the worst things of NG.

[22:57] <~Support> But the compliment is well received.