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GOP lawmaker: You will ‘rethink everything’ when........

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 3:07 am
by [KMA]Avenger
when full 9/11 report is released.

I know this is still a sensitive subject for many people so this posting is made with the utmost respect. i also will not be engaging in any debate about the 9/11 event itself or posting any "theories" and ask that everyone else refrain from doing the same. i would greatly appreciate it if the discussion is limited to these 28 pages of "new evidence". i've put the words "new evidence" in quotation marks because at this point only a select few have seen the 28 pages and weather or not these pages qualify as new evidence is yet to be determined in the open. i won't be pointing fingers at "guilty" parties, or looking to lay blame for the event at any person/s.

With that said, these pages MUST be released to the world. if i were an American i'd be on the phone to my congressman demanding he sign the bill to have these pages released. at this point i really don't care who is to blame for 9/11, or any of the intelligence and militarys shortcomings. i just want to read those 28 pages.

At the bottom of that below source link is the video of the GOP lawmaker who made the statement.

A Republican lawmaker renewed his call for the release of 28 redacted pages from the investigative report into the 9/11 terrorist attacks — which a left-wing fringe group claims implicates the British monarchy.
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) appeared Wednesday on the Glenn Beck Program to discuss the excerpt, which he and two other current lawmakers and one former lawmaker were permitted to read earlier this year.
The Tea Party-backed freshman lawmaker, who was one of five House Republicans who voted against authorizing Speaker John Boehner to sue President Barack Obama, posted video earlier this month from a news conference on those classified portions of the “Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001.”
“It is sort of shocking when you read it,” Massie told reporters. “As I read it, we all had our own experience, I had to stop every couple of pages and absorb and try to rearrange my understanding of history for the past 13 years and the years leading up to that. It challenges you to rethink everything.”
Massie appeared alongside Reps. Walter Jones (R-NC) and Stephen Lynch (D-MA), who cosponsored legislation to release the classified pages after being allowed to read them – but not to publicly discuss their contents.
Although the news conference was held in March, the newly posted video prompted renewed online coverage – and an invitation to appear on Beck’s syndicated radio program.
Massie told Beck the revelations would not “tear our country apart,” although he said there would be “anger, frustration, and embarrassment when these 28 pages finally come out.”
“If we’re going to use 9/11 as a motivation to get involved in these civil wars in the Middle East, (lawmakers and the public) need to read these pages and understand what truly caused 9/11 and who our friends are and who our enemies are,” Massie said.
According to Jones’ friends in the Lyndon LaRouche movement, which has claimed knowledge of some contents of those 28 pages since at least 2009, those duplicitous friends are Great Britain and Saudi Arabia.
“We know exactly who did it: It was done by the British monarchy,” said LaRouche, the conspiracy theorist and perennial candidate for president. “The British monarchy set the whole thing up. That’s the guilty party, and that’s what the cover-up is all about.”
LaRouche has suggested for years that Britain controls the world’s political economy and international drug trade using strategies – such as funding terrorists to destabilize nation-states – developed by medieval Venice.
Jones and Lynch pressed for months to gain access to the redacted documents – which are left blank in the published report.
Jones has appeared on the LaRouche PAC’s radio program and has addressed the LaRouche movement’s Schiller Institute.
LaRouche’s website contains a number of links to documents suggesting 9/11 – as well as the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya – was funded as part of the ongoing Al Yamamah weapons-for-oil deal set up by the British aerospace company BAE Systems and the Saudi government.
LaRouche’s “Executive Intelligence Review” publication claims to have evidence about the findings provided by former Sen. Bob Graham (D-FL), who has seen the 28 redacted pages and has called for additional investigation into the Saudis’ role in 9/11.
“Despite the carefully orchestrated campaign to protect our Saudi ‘friends,’ ample evidence of Saudi Arabia’s intimate ties to al-Qaeda and the 9/11 attacks has come to light,” Graham said.
Bob Kerrey, a former U.S. senator who served on the 9/11 Commission, has also suggested the role of Saudi Arabia needs to be further investigated. A U.S. counter-terrorism report released in 2008 concluded Saudi Arabia was the leading source of money for Al Qaeda.

Source. ... -released/

Thoughts please.

Re: GOP lawmaker: You will ‘rethink everything’ when........

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 3:33 pm
by Sol
Page not found bro. Your copy and paste must have been dodgy :P.

In all, I have a feeling this will be one of those 'do more harm then good' things, if it does get released then I would imagine many more theories will erupt and many more assumptions will be undertaken by the public. No thanks to your media, a giant ball of theories and assumptions will rush across the US :P.
Your intelligence agencies do keep things a secret for genuine reasons though, regardless of 'in the best interest'.

Speaking of terrorism...
I was reading an article in New Scientist last night, suggesting the US intelligence agencies release transcripts of interviews, interrogations and the like for psychologists (among others) to better understand the psyche of terrorists. Given the sort of mess currently at hand.
Was an interesting read, used a few research papers to strongly suggest indoctrination of terrorists (i.e recruitment in the Western world) is, essentially, bullcrap made up by the media. They are pretty much 'home grown'.

Point is there is some things the public need, and some things the public don't. And we all know a haze of wild theories and lies will surge through the country (hell, will even reach here and spread like crazy) as soon as it's released. Given it's a 28 page document and based on one event at one point in time, I'll stake a lot of money it implicates someone or something with very little backup evidence and context, and as soon as it's released everyone will be crying for more information of which...well...will probably be far more sensitive and will never be released.
So it will open a wound with no remedy, corrupt a few key ties with some countries, and simultaneously kill off your economy, kill off trust within and to the government, probably cause a few riots and bla bla bla.

If it really did fully implicate another country, I guarantee the government would have rubbed it in the faces of the general populace and went to war, or demanded something, or both.

Re: GOP lawmaker: You will ‘rethink everything’ when........

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:51 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
Sorry about that Sol. link is working now :)