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Ba Bow, Calling all army x's to the ground floor

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 12:57 am
by Führer
So wyatt_earp/army x is becoming quite the spammer on the forum here.
He was found to have multiple accounts once before but got deleted all bar one to give him a chance. (Army x the sole remaining of those multi's).

Have come across these 2 accounts, one of them is his army x account which is well known & the other has the same name as his forum account which is a funny coincidence to say the least. (both main acccounts)
Wonder how many others he has floating about :-k

ID: 1948287 (wyatt_earp99)
ID: 1995814 (army x)

Enjoy :smt117

Re: Ba Bow, Calling all army x's to the ground floor

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 2:07 pm
by Kikaz
Not really a funny coincidence, Wyatt Earp is a very famous and well known name, at least in the U.S.

He was a Lawman in the OK Corral gunfight in 1881.

In Tombstone, Arizona, which is nowadays world famous for being extremely haunted.

Several movies and TV shows made about it infact.

Doc Holliday was also involved in this gunfight and there's someone in TAF with that name.

But yeah who knows, maybe someone is that dumb.