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Concerns about Unit Production

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 6:02 am
by Mercury Rising
So far in this wave I think perhaps Unit production is fairly well not important. people seem to have massive stats low soldiers, massive coverts/anti coverts with barely any units trained and when you train miners your income doesn't budge, it just goes up on its own or ever so slightly. so i was wondering if this was intended? UP has always been such a foundation but it seems no matter your army size, you still have the same chance of winning?

any thoughts on this?

Re: Concerns about Unit Production

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 6:24 am
by XaoC
You train miners and average lvl down, but income doesn't budge ( lvl distributed for new miners numbers ), but every turn you get +2 lvl free and income big growth.

For example:
start : 100 miners with 100lvl income = 100,000 naq
before train anorher 100miners: 200 miners with 50,5 lvl income = 100,500 naq (small growth)
but next turn you get 2 free lvl for 200 miners instead 100 and income = 110,000 naq (big growth for turn)

My income growth 10b per day and now-
Net Turn Resource Production: 45,616,380,792 Naquadah this is very big for start game week.
and I have 3rd Naquadah Efficiency.

Small army can upgrade average lvl so cheap and this too live winning policy but if you lost units- you lost and average lvl before retrain.