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Nyaan Cats - For The Lolz

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 2:34 am
by UberGlassOfMilk
Hi, Hello, Sup, peace, welcome.

We are currently not looking for members because our alliance is a farce and a front.. for something... maybe. Maybe forget that last bit. Sorry!

Our leadership consist of a pet rock named Gary, a odd sock that has a slight yellow colouring (it was white I think) that is yet to be named and a ominous cat staring through the window of your soul.

But we are planing some lolz.. All the lolz.. And we could use some cannon fodder... I mean recruits! Yes!!! RECRUITS! that's what we need..

So Please sign up to SandVillage via messaging (me(maybe) Cold Lazarus in game today!

And get some great supporting messages like "good job!", "outstanding" and "lol i'm an onion". From our inactive membership.

Space cats go ZOOOOOOOOOOM! (that means bai kthanks)

Re: Nyaan Cats - For The Lolz

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:17 am
by ~nyx~
an onion you say? :-k

Re: Nyaan Cats - For The Lolz

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:47 pm
by harchester
Best of luck on your alliance - recruit people with huuuugeeeeee defences that would be lovely! :-D