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Jason this is just silly!

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:20 pm
by Shooting Star
OMG! 5% of the auction price goes to the seller and the rest gets spread out amongst active accounts? What the hell is that all about? That is HORSES**T!!!! At least give them 50% of the money for God's sake. They did get hit by the weapon after all. If it isn't possible to rebuild after the weapon is used on you, then you are going to need to rethink the weapon. I told you this was going to happen in development server. I came straight out and told you what was going to happen if you put the super weapon in. You said, that's fine. Go for it. I said, cool! Now, not only are you forcing us to hit people with the weapon once we buy it. you are not even allowing them to be able to recover from being hit by the weapon by selling the damn thing. Either change the percentage or get rid of the damn thing. Otherwise, the weapon is designed for one thing and one thing only. To F**K up the big accounts. You cannot leave this update as is, otherwise you are going to screw the very small and the very large accounts.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:23 pm
by Teal'auc of the Void
Jason changed it because people used it on friends... hell, these people lost stuff as if they were enemies. So why to bother? If the big players are willing to sacrifice the DMU, and these, who are being hit willingly to lose stuff... hell, what's the problem? I mean, if you did not know the way people were using it, it would be the same as it was originally - why to change it?

I say it's really silly update as well. The recent game updates kind of disappointed a lot of players and I do hope to see that Jason gets reasonable and will change it to something more reasonable.


Re: Jason this is just silly!

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:37 pm
by RobinInDaHood
Shooting Star wrote: Now, not only are you forcing us to hit people with the weapon once we buy it. you are not even allowing them to be able to recover from being hit by the weapon by selling the damn thing.

Can't you simply avoid purchasing the weapon?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:39 pm
by Forum
the idea is to stop the weapon from being a proxy 'ss give dmu' function :)
if i had a 'if the weapon was really used on you in earnest, then get 100, else get x%' option, i'd use that ... but since i don't/can't..
is 5% right? maybe not...
can i accept some compromise? yup...
did i expect a 'loophole free' release on putting SW into play? no... but that is not to say i would not, over time, try to make it as hole-less as possible...

i am really not trying to mess with anyone here - just ensure things are not misused or that the ability to misuse is limited...

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:44 pm
by Teal'auc of the Void
If people are forced to play the game in such way, even tho they did find a way how to use another way how to use that thing, note - the way it was being used did not break any rules. Just because few crybabies complained they can't outbid the weapon it got changed...

It's simply punishing both big players, who pay damn big numbers of DMU and also the one, who was hit by the weapon. For goodness sake, if you want to tell people how they are supposed to use that damn thing, get rid of it. I personally liked the smart way it was used...

When players stop being punished for putting efforts into their accounts, Jason? I always thought that when you put effort and time into doing something, you should be rewarded, so why does it work in complete opposite way on ascension server...?

No update satisfies everyone, and I am aware of the fact you can never satisfy everyone, but this update satisfies minority. That's bad, don't you think?


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:56 pm
by Forum
ok. 25% ?? with teh big bids, this seems stilla lot of DMU (especially if used on a low level alliance member, etc...)

and the hit once /30days is in effect, yes? so its not like the big guys get continually hammered...

or am i missing something?

(and on 'how its used' - it is not meant to be an alliance tool... smart? yes. fair to non-allied players? no...this is why i want to curb this method of use... did anyone break rules? no...)

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:01 pm
by Teal'auc of the Void
Honestly, if the alliance put the effort into that, why they could not use it in way it suits them? The members, who did think of using the weapon in such way DID pay a lot to do it - and as to it's not meant to be used in such way... again, we are at forcing people to play in way you expected. No offence intended...but people like to decide what to do...and I agree with that, as long as it's correct with game rules. At least it gives some sences to alliances up in the ascension... ah well. :roll:


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:41 pm
by Sinath
then just take out the damn weapon. It was a foolish and idiotic idea to begin with.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:51 pm
by Hensenshi
The weapon is stupid and foolish at best. What's the point in playing a server where some random n00b can get a hold of this superweapon and splatter the bigger players across the board. What are we supposed to do, hit them back? Chances are they'll have nothing anyway, so all we'd do is give them the weapon back to hit us again. By that time, someone would have raided us down to nothing. To quote RahL: "If you wanted me to quit you could have just said so."

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:53 pm
by RobinInDaHood

How could some random noob get the weapon? I've only seen it up for auction twice so far and both times the bid price has been like 400 billion DMU. What noob can afford that?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:57 pm
by Teal'auc of the Void
RobinInDaHood wrote:Curious:

How could some random noob get the weapon? I've only seen it up for auction twice so far and both times the bid price has been like 400 billion DMU. What noob can afford that?

Why to bother with bidding on the weapon such high price at the first place, except to not allow "n00bs" to not acquire it? If the weapon bidding is going to be in such way, yes, I agree, take that thing out completelly.

Also, I don't think admin wanted this weapon to be in hands of "n00bs", who did not put effort into ascension account, right? Or maybe I am wrong?


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:59 pm
by Hensenshi
RobinInDaHood wrote:Curious:

How could some random noob get the weapon? I've only seen it up for auction twice so far and both times the bid price has been like 400 billion DMU. What noob can afford that?

It's been up for bit a few more times than that. But let's say someone uses the weapon on say... Freman. He's not exactly a favorite of many people. So then, he takes and uses it on a friend of his, who has next to nothing. Then his friend hits, oh lets say Sinister. What's Sinister supposed to do? Sit and take it?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:01 pm
by RobinInDaHood
Teal'auc [Tok'ra] wrote:Why to bother with bidding on the weapon such high price at the first place, except to not allow "n00bs" to not acquire it? If the weapon bidding is going to be in such way, yes, I agree, take that thing out completelly.

Ok but for reference, 100 million would put it out of range of this noob. Maybe the bid doesn't need to go as high as you think.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:02 pm
by Teal'auc of the Void
RobinInDaHood wrote:Ok but for reference, 100 million would put it out of range of this noob. Maybe the bid doesn't need to go as high as you think.

Oh really? I am quite weak on ascended and I can make 100 million in two turns....


Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:03 pm
by Sinath
to begin with do you think that the auction price will remain at 400b now that the seller only gets 5% of it.

Lets just say we take player X as an example.

This player has spent longer than most anyone building and grooming his ascended acount. If he were hit by the SW by a rough guess he would lose the following.

5m planets,750-800B in Weapons loss another 5-700B to retrain planets.

As it stands now when you are hit by the SW you are put on a 48 hr ppt. 5% of your planets are destroyed and ALL planets are untrained. 10% of your planets remain as income planets.

MEaning that even the very best and strongest player in ascention there is no way they would have a hope in hell of rebuilding before that ppt is over. The entire purpose of the auction was to give the seller the DMU from it to help with the rebuild process.

Now with this current update and the dispersiion of DMU from the auction crap how in the hell would it be fair in any slight of the word if this person was hit.