Swearing: contains small use of masking as a way to prove a

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Swearing: contains small use of masking as a way to prove a

If you do not like swearing, i advise you not to read my post, or not be offended by it.


Okay, firstly, im sorry for the most intriguing start to a thread.

What was the about? well here we go. I would like to say that I think the way some people react to swearing is outrageous and confusing at best. If you look, you see that I can say the word bastard as much as i want. The reason: its in the dictionary? I dont get how society seems to be "scared" of certain words because they are grouped as swear words.

The meaning of bastard: A person without a father or born outside of marriage(not using dictionary so may be incorrect) often used to insult people.

The meaning of retard: someone who is mentally disabled(not using dictionary still) whenever used, it is used to insult nowadays.

The meaning of spam: a non sequitur...

The meaning of rose: someone who sexually pleasures oneself or others coz they can't get any :P used to insult others.

why is it that we can't use some of these words because they are swear words, but can use others despite them being just as or more offensive?
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Re: Swearing: contains small use of masking as a way to prove a

well, i never heard of clucker :?

but anyway, it mainly seems to be based on context.
and i don't really see cup being used in an non offensive way, its always come across as something bad, just look at shakespeare's King Lear, its considered bad then.
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Re: Swearing: contains small use of masking as a way to prove a

Well...some might be considered insulting in different ways,like retard...
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Re: Swearing: contains small use of masking as a way to prove a

Clucker is just hilarious. I think I'd laugh rather than cry if someone called me that.. :lol:
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Re: Swearing: contains small use of masking as a way to prove a

Q, thats my point, we are allowed to say bastard because it is deemed okay, despite it being highly offensive.

TBH, I would be more offended if somebody called me a umbrella than a clicker (7 letters starting with f) bottle " but hey. society works backwards rather a lot doesnt it

i didnt mean clucker, i was masking :P
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Re: Swearing: contains small use of masking as a way to prove a

Radiance wrote:Clucker is just hilarious. I think I'd laugh rather than cry if someone called me that.. :lol:

u damn clucker 8-[
*honestly never heard of it :O ^lol*
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Re: Swearing: contains small use of masking as a way to prove a

you're all a bunch of crazy cluckers!

Aesthetics of Hate wrote:Q, thats my point, we are allowed to say bastard because it is deemed okay, despite it being highly offensive.

TBH, I would be more offended if somebody called me a wellies than a Orange dashboard " but hey. society works backwards rather a lot doesnt it

i didnt mean clucker, i was masking :P

hmm, not sure about anyone else, but generally around where i live, curse words are almosted expected in most sentances now. especially books and the such, mostly apples though. its accepted here in ireland it seems, lol.
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Re: Swearing: contains small use of masking as a way to prove a

Judge: Today we were here to hear the case of allowing vs not allowing the swearing thread. Prosecutor...the floor is yours.

Prosecutor: Your honour! It is commonly recognised that posting within the debate section for the sake of maturity is generally given a lot more lee-way and slack on the normal rules, but this is only on a case by case basis and is something that has been run past the admins. However despite Semper's baleful presence forever ready to fall like a ton of bricks when the line is crossed I feel it prudent to point out that an entire thread dedicated to abusing this slackness is a foot too far especially when light is shone on the current issues regarding topics of questionable nature being present within the spam temple.

With all that in mind your honour I move to have this topic locked and moved to the hidden dump for the purpose of forum rules until sufficient permission can be secured from the administration as to it being permitted to continue. Of course a notification should be sent to author as to the current ruling and a 12 hour waiting period should be given to allow patrons of the thread to read this judgement. I rest my case.

Judge: Defence do you have anything to add?

Defence: Your honour. We appeal to the simple notion of the debate sections overlord himself. Semper is a radical and a free thinker continually sticking it to the man... surely it would be nothing short of typical of him to contradict that which he is preaching elsewhere and leave this topic open?

On top of that I believe at worst this thread can continue to exist.. as the point of it's discussion can continue without the use of direct examples of swear words. I rest my case.

Judge: This seems a very clear cut decision to me. The thread is to be edited of swear words and is allowed to proceed under the pretence no swear words are to be used as the point of this discussion can clearly continue without any such examples. However.. it is only necessary to stress that should this rule be broken the thread will be confined to the flames for all eternity and that I will be pointing it out to the admins one way or another.

Proceed.. but remember.. i'll be watching.

If you have any objections, pm me... don't post here to argue the point. Ignore this warning and i'll just lock the topic..pursue it further and i'll warn you.

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Re: Swearing: contains small use of masking as a way to prove a

I thank you semper for you leniance on this matter, many a hheavy handed mod would reject the threa and ban me for the masking :P

Rather than discussing what words i used to mask what *stares at some individuals* I would like to see what other people think on the use of swear words.

Has society become scared of swear words?
Why are some words allowed, and others not?

Also, i would like to divulge into hand gestures if i may your honour. *glances at the judge*.

The use of "the two fingers" actually goes back a long time to when bow and arrows were a new invention and war was rife simply because we could. Opposition forces would cut of the fingers of one another in order to prevent them being able to fire their weapon. Those still with their fingers, would stick them up accross the battlefield to taunt their opponent. Now in what way in modern day society should someone be offended by this?

I believe that people are becoming too sensitive to swearing.
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Re: Swearing: contains small use of masking as a way to prove a

bugger < now look up the real meaning :oops:
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Re: Swearing: contains small use of masking as a way to prove a

Actually the whole two fingers things & bows and the brits doing it to rub it into the french etc is all made up. thats not where it originated & it can be reasonabley proven that the french werent in the habit of cutting off fingers from captured troops of the time.

As for swearing, in a nutshell its not nice. People would prefer not to have to hear it and not to have to have such meanings thrown at them (either original meanings or those now ascribed to the words by modern times)

Besides theres plenty of ways to say the same thing without swearing (take a good look around your dictionary/thesaurus, you'll be amazed at some of the words) that people wont pick up on so much, if they even understand you ;)
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Re: Swearing: contains small use of masking as a way to prove a

Kit-Fox wrote:[...]People would prefer not to have to hear it and not to have to have such meanings thrown at them (either original meanings or those now ascribed to the words by modern times)

Besides theres plenty of ways to say the same thing [...]

A pretty hypocritical stance to take, no? "Don't cuss at me because I don't like the meaning, but you can say the exact samething else-wise."
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Re: Swearing: contains small use of masking as a way to prove a

i just find this whole thing stupid i mean swearing is something everyone do. and masking is just a gentle way to saying it if u ask me. and that some words are masking and some aren't that's just stupid. i mean got warned for one! letter.... we need to get a fair system that not effected by if the mod is in a bad mood or are friends with the one who deserves the warning..
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Re: Swearing: contains small use of masking as a way to prove a

Normally I don't use retard or anything like that,there's no reason why i should use less fortunate people in life to insult and idiot...
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Re: Swearing: contains small use of masking as a way to prove a

Aesthetics of Hate wrote:The use of "the two fingers" actually goes back a long time to when bow and arrows were a new invention and war was rife simply because we could. Opposition forces would cut of the fingers of one another in order to prevent them being able to fire their weapon. Those still with their fingers, would stick them up accross the battlefield to taunt their opponent. Now in what way in modern day society should someone be offended by this?

Kit-Fox wrote:Actually the whole two fingers things & bows and the brits doing it to rub it into the french etc is all made up. thats not where it originated & it can be reasonabley proven that the french werent in the habit of cutting off fingers from captured troops of the time.

I'm pretty sure the 100-Year War is predated by the time AoH describes.. I mean, quoting Wikipedia:
Stone points which have been identified as arrowheads were being used in Africa by about 60,000 years ago.

So let's say the first actual battles using groups of bows and arrows was prevalent around Babylon and Egypt's expansionist stages. Given the Egyptian tendency to cut off body parts, I think it's a pretty sound thought.
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