A Different Trade Suggestion. (The Trading Page)

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A Different Trade Suggestion. (The Trading Page)

How about a another page just for trading in-game.

On the left side of the page shows your name and the stuff you can trade and on the other side is the name of the player you will be trading with and the items/troops/naquadah he has put up for trade.

The trade system would have a chatroom type thing where you can freely chat with the player so you can have a better trading system. Once you decided what you want from the player your trading with. You just select the amount and press the trade button then after that the player your trading with will place his offerings and press the trade button. After both players got the trade button pressed a screen will appear asking both players trading to accept the trades. (Accept or Decline)

By pressing Accept the transaction is final.
When pressing decline the offer is dropped and you simply go back to the command center page.

This suggestion would make trading less complicated and maybe even cheat free since both players must place an offer in-order to trade. All offers would be visible, so if I wanted 200 ut for naquadah I would see on the screen the offering of 200 ut that I can put a price on for trade.

Now this trading system will have another option on the top of the screen which would show "Give Player Stuff" or something like that where you can give a player or players free stuff. (For Alliances who wants to give its members free stuff.)

Finally this new trading system would only be available to Site Supporters. As an incentive to make more people become supporters.
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Not a bad idea - but there are already trade sites around and people generally do their own thing when it comes to trade.

I suppose what it might do, since it would be linked into the actual game, is stop people getting ripped of by others not sending what they promised.
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The main part of my idea is basically stopping all of the cheats. By making that all who are trading with each other can only trade if they have the items they are going to trade it basically stops the cheating of the game.
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i like this idea - would probably take a lot of work to implement though

i somewhat like this...
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For a good sample of an experinced in game trading system.
See gaiaonline.com the sight has been running since febuary 2003 and there are very few kinks. They even have an ebay like market place.
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i like the idea.
Writing as a mod. But i am currently testing colors. So if you want to claim one as yours or its not the best to read give me a call please :-)
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i quite like this idea aswell, and off-topic but in your sig Lord_Olokun you say 99.9% building you defense and 1% talking but it should be 0.01% :wink:
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i like this idea.
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hntrchan wrote:For a good sample of an experinced in game trading system.
See gaiaonline.com the sight has been running since febuary 2003 and there are very few kinks. They even have an ebay like market place.
Cool Site.

The ebay trading system is complicated because people could put out false bid or wrong bids.

I think it would be nice if all trading were done at this site instead of going to other sites because it would be much safer and with this system you won't be getting ripped off.
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not a good idea.....then no one would have to spy to find out stuff. sure, lets limit ppl from posting others stats, but we'll post them ourselves.


and if you want to take away spying from a replicator, then there is nothing else for us
same name in game. if PM-ing, i dont check forum messages, only in game mail.

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They are making trading in game I think. The ascended server seems to gonna have something like that soon.

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