Can someone please write a help and rules section of ascende

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Can someone please write a help and rules section of ascende

Hey i just got an ascended account and am very confused. lol

In main there was an excellent help and rules section which explains everything.

Can a similar thing be written for ascended?

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Re: Can someone please write a help and rules section of ascende

actually, it's all pretty logical.

If, offcourse, you take the time to read all of it.
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Re: Can someone please write a help and rules section of ascende

i get bits, its just the god quest and stuff which you dont get on main which is confusing

dunno what it does
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Re: Can someone please write a help and rules section of ascende

God Quest is spying on the ascended being not the physical realm like Recon. Any other specific questions?
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Re: Can someone please write a help and rules section of ascende

thanks for your help and yeh and a few

how do i stop myself being descended?

does the ascended account influance main in any way?

and why do i keep getting hit for 650 mil dmu or something in ascended every few days or something whilst i sleep, when my income is about 15000 dmu?

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Re: Can someone please write a help and rules section of ascende

Informer wrote:how do i stop myself being descended?

First off, don't get anyone mad at you (in ascended or main) and keep to yourself, that will keep most of the strong people away from you for a while. Keep a large amout of LF (Life Force) on hand. If someone ascended attacks you and you have no LF, you get descended.

Informer wrote:does the ascended account influance main in any way?

In and of itself no, unless you get descended then it does not. What does benefit main is the number of times you ascend. You get a 5% bonus (instead of your basic race bonus) to all your stats in main for each time you ascend...

1st Ascension, Prior, +5%
2nd Ascension, Prophet, +10%
3rd Ascension, Messiah, +15%
4th Ascension, Incarnate, +20%
5th Ascension, Living God, +25%
6th Ascension, Living God(+1), +30%
7th Ascension, Living God(+2), +31%
8th Ascension, Living God(+3), +32%
9th Ascension, Living God(+4), +33%
10th Ascension, Ancient God, +34%

Informer wrote:why do i keep getting hit for 650 mil dmu or something in ascended every few days or something whilst i sleep, when my income is about 15000 dmu?

That is probably due to the sale of the Super Weapon, every couple of days the auction for it is over and some of the DMU is spread to active players throughout the server, look around the ascended section if you want more info regarding the Super Weapon.

Hope this helped. 8)
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Re: Can someone please write a help and rules section of ascende

Crash course in how this server works (Noobs guide written by my noobish self)

1) Be can have your account reset very quickly
2) On your first ascention its important to get your Max LF as high as possible. This may change depending on how the new update goes. Generally a max life force of over 20000 is ok, though this will be a cake walk soon and there'll be no excuse not to have at least 40000.
3) Your Energy Flow level dictates how fast you generate life force (as a % of your max LF each turn), Channeling dictates how fast your Life force grows above max. Production levels multiply your income.
4) In main you get stat bonuses for ascending. In Ascention you pay for stat bonuses with life force (the 4 upgrades at the bototm of the skills upgrade screen). They get more expensive in much the same way as spy levels in main.
5) Your Cosmic Expansion Rate is the most important stat. You increase this by incresing your Cosmic Expansion Fleets (UP) and your charisma which multiplies your UP. Your charisma multiplys your influence power too. Everything can be multiplied here, except for your star which operates like an MS.
6) Every hostile attack costs attack turns. There are no spy turns. Recon gives you info on attack/def/covert stats. God quest gives you info on the personal stats of someone, useful to know when trying to work out how much its going to take to descend someone.
7) Assasin and covert missions tend to get people fired up, just like on main. Except here you can do a lot more damage by actually destroying planets (including strike planets) and not just weapons.
8 )You need 3x and 5x covert to see someones planets and dmu. You need 15x covert to see someones total military planets (in brackets)
9) Increasing constitution, repulsion, and personal defence skill decrease the LF damage you take when someone assaults you. Increasing your assault skills increase the damage you do when trying to descend someone.
10) max turns you can have is 2000, there is no market (but one is under consideration?)
11) Your rank used to be determined on influence, soon it will be solely on the # of planets you have, which infuriates me cos I will go a long way down now

I don't really understand what this LF cache thing in the new update is going to be about. Can anyone explain it to me?
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Re: Can someone please write a help and rules section of ascende

Your tips are somewhat flawed, but I dont have the time to go through and nitpick.

Anyhow, the LF cache is...When your LF and LF reserves are full, all LF will go to your cache. You can transfer from your cache to your "regular" LF to be used in battle, you can transfer from your cache to your reserve LF to help with defense, and you can make purchases of powerups via your cache. You can only transfer LF from your cache to your "regular" or reserve if your under the max. This basicly makes it so someone cant get hundreds of millions of LF, never log in, and be undescendable. Now they have to log in and transfer LF from their cache to their reserve. Therefore making it so people have to be somewhat more active.
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Re: Can someone please write a help and rules section of ascende

Thank you both very much for your help.

this has certainly helped clear up a few things

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Re: Can someone please write a help and rules section of ascende

Informer wrote:Thank you both very much for your help.

this has certainly helped clear up a few things


Glad I could help. :D
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Re: Can someone please write a help and rules section of ascende

Rule 1: Don't Quick Ascend
Rule 2: Take up lots of APP (UP is the best way to do this)
Rule 3: Don't raid/attack anyone unless you are sure that they (or their associated alliance) will not break you.
Rule 4: Up until recently, charisma and production enhancements were the two most important stats. With the new update coming, Max LF might be a good one to invest in as well
Rule 5: What do I know? Every update to date in ascension has benefitted the quick ascenders, so maybe ask them to write a guide.
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Re: Can someone please write a help and rules section of ascende

the best guide ever(for those who are ascending for bonuses only)

ascend , choose ORI or TOLAH (max energy level 0) , change your name,convert APP to LF. Do NOT buy any energy level. stay ranked 4000+. Do not spend LF. In the future you will have to send LF to cache(pending update).

Ascend quickly to LG+1 ... check your account at least 1 time per day .. if some starts descending wait till your LF is low, and after that convert APP again. That way you will piss off the attacker. If your LF amount is low but no APP small amount of DMU and buy LF. etc

PS: All writen above is how ppl who are ascending only for bonuses should play. But if you want to get to know better this magnificent server , read Mojo's guide again and follow it to the letter.
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Re: Can someone please write a help and rules section of ascende

once again thanks all for the help
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Re: Can someone please write a help and rules section of ascende

Mojo Rising wrote:Rule 5: What do I know? Every update to date in ascension has benefitted the quick ascenders, so maybe ask them to write a guide.

Glad to see you're not feeling bitter or anything. ;) :lol:

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