I Did It My Way...

for all the 'I quit' threads....
worry not - if you come back, you are not punished :)
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I Did It My Way...

Well, the time has come to finally retire from SGW altogether. I've been threatening to do it for awhile and have drastically cut back on how much I play in the last several months and now I am finally making the final leap and turning the account over to a friend of mine to have fun with.

There are a lot of morons in this game and I'm surprised at times that the game has lasted as long as it has, but indeed, it has mainly due to the communal aspect. I will say this though...for all of you who think this is only a game and that your behavior in game does not reflect on you as a person, you are wrong. How we play games reflects upon who we are as a person. If you play like a tyrant then one of two things is true: either you are one or you are over compensating for something in RL. So, the next time someone is being a tyrant and an idiot, try to put yourselves in their shoes and pity them because they actually have to live deal with themselves all day. I put no names on this....just a general statement. Oh, and it got real old dealing with politics as well.

I would like to thank several people who helped me along the way:

Joder ~ The boy who got me started. Although my wife still hates you for getting me involved, I did enjoy the chase. And for the record, I would have caught you in uu had I not given you almost 10 million!

Hollywood ~ Keep up the good work of not giving a rat's rear what happens! It was a pleasure playing with you.

Hellfire ~ My best new friend in game and one of the most sane ones here! It has been a pure pleasure getting to know you and I know that our friendship will continue. No person in game save perhaps Joder has had as much to do with my advancement as a player as you have. Whether it was through resources or advice or protection, you were there. All of that should make us even for you know what. ;) But seriously, it is an honour (sp) meeting you and I'll still be on MSN.

Ptollemy ~ One of my closest friends in game...it has been an honor doing battle with you. Keep up the search for Truth. I've enjoyed our talks and hope to continue them in the future.

Maia ~ Although I could include all of this in Pface's section since your just his multi, I will refrain. :-D (for the record, that's an inside joke for all of you anal retentive people out there...which is a lot of you). It has been a pleasure talking with you and getting to know you and doing battle with you ingame.

Beaker ~ My RL mate and the guy taking over for me. Keep up the honorable way and fight for truth and justice. Also, I'll see you around, tell J and M hi for me.

Bad Wolf and the rest of BWP ~ Thanks for taking a chance on me and for learning to trust me so quickly. I hope that your trust was not in vain. It was a pleasure serving as a BWP HC member and it was a shame that I had to leave when I did.

SGW Alliances ~ No empire, no matter how strong, has ever survived through fear. EVER! Empires based on fear don't last because people will eventually either rise up, or people will come to their senses and leave. It's true...even in game.

Oh, and for the record....Boober is the name of a character on the show Fraggle Rock.....some of you should keep your minds out of the gutter.

This last year has been a pleasure.....goodbye.

Mene Mene Tekel Parsin
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Re: I Did It My Way...

I was really upset when u left the BWE + now u go + leave the game altogether! Good luck with wotever u do next + just remember that if u ever decide to come bac u know where we r. Take care + send our love to ur family they have one very special guy there xx
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Re: I Did It My Way...

No way Mathew.......This sucks......This game is as dull as dishwater most of the time....Tis the people that make it.....Now we are loosing one of the best......

Well....It has been a pleasure gaming with you and dont forget that Lisa and me are around on MSN most of the time....

Spk soon mate.
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Re: I Did It My Way...

hope you return to SGW someday, hope you have fun in your now spare time!

cheers! :-D
I have sold my account after a year or two of inactivity on the 31st of March, 2010. Thanks to everyone who was there with me in the BWP and the Ancient Brethren.
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Re: I Did It My Way...

Goodbye and goodluck mate.
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Re: I Did It My Way...

"We few. We happy few. We band of brothers.
For those who shed their blood with me today
will always be my brother."
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Re: I Did It My Way...

I spoke to you few times on MSN...I think it was 'bout joining BWP or something,but shame that you're going,best of luck in everything mate.

Hope you made a right decision.

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Re: I Did It My Way...

best wishes in RL, shame i got never got to know you better!

"Every man dies, not every man really lives"

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