Rank Mods need to go.

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Re: Rank Mods need to go.

I am ranked 29, I can hit people ranked in the 1000s with 130% rank mod because i understand how it works like many other players.

The rank mod does not protect those who need it, it is just being used by those who don't need it to attack those both stronger and weaker then them selfs. If anything it hinders it because it means people that don't know how to adjust their ranking mods will just be hit more to collect all the left over resources or will be declared war on (which also creates more losses) to get all the resources in 1 hit.

RebornRaider please edit your post because more people may be able to work out how to do this from what you have said even if you don't fully understand it yourself.

I think the rank mods should go, they are being abused and are not required after the latest update.

I say smart things so people don't realize how dumb i am.
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Re: Rank Mods need to go.

I agree rank mods should go... so should those on ascended attacks...

and speaking of ascended attacks your strike having to be 10x's the defence is a crazy amount...before your ascended being can kick theirs in the teeth...

Rank mods should go on attack, assasins, covert etc...

the ability for people to not attack past a certain range is silly... I was rank 900 after getting massed lots on ascension bought some DMU off someone for naq... they were lower/higher than rank 40 and I couldn't hit them... got to 895 and I could... thats pointless... but I know if he wanted to he couldn't hit me because I was rank 895... if YOU can hit them... THEY should be able to hit you... its simple and fair...

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Re: Rank Mods need to go.

I will leave my post as written. If the post points out a blatant flaw in the current game mechanics, then I want to keep it intact. Pointing out such a blatant flaw should encourage the powers that be to fix it either by using the overall "Cosmos Rank" instead of the Offense/Defense rank, or by removing it entirely -- since it is simply being abused and doesn't make any sense.

Also, the more people who understand it, the better. Once explained clearly, it is obviously a stupid rule and will have broader support for being removed.
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Re: Rank Mods need to go.

oh ya I can get that 130% to hit if I wanted to do so as well, all it would take is selling off hrmm 50m weps and untraining about 60-70m planets.

I can really see the justice in that.
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Re: Rank Mods need to go.

Don't need to untrain planets. Selling the weps is sufficient.
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Re: Rank Mods need to go.

It makes perfectly good sense! If you sell off all your weapons and drop your offense to zero, then you deserve a 130% bonus to help you get back on your feet!

I'm sure whoever you farmed would be happy to be helping out with your recovery! It is Christmas time after all! And that is the spirit of the ascended server -- we are enlightened selfless giving beings, right?

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