SGW Chat Quotes!

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Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

Nick: Suzaku Kururugi
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Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

[01:05:57] <+LordBalor> Amec
[01:06:00] <+LordBalor> Remove that quote
[01:06:06] <+LordBalor> or I mass you on main
[01:06:09] <+LordBalor> and desnced you on ascended

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Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

-Amec- Rapes Tempo
-Amec- ;)
<EMO> omg i'm not sexually frustrated anymore!

well i thought it aws funny...
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Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

[23:09:53] (+Bastet) zesh
[23:09:57] (+Bastet) don't make me hate you
[23:10:57] (CompanionCube) Hate him as much as you love me <3
[23:11:27] (+Bastet) so don't hate him at all
[23:11:42] (CompanionCube) HATE HIM A LOT
[23:12:10] (+Bastet) but I don't love you alot
[23:12:49] (CompanionCube) Yes you do
[23:12:51] (CompanionCube) Dont lie!
[23:13:03] (CompanionCube) I even have a PM from you
[23:13:17] (CompanionCube) Subject: LOVE!
[23:13:17] (CompanionCube) Message text:
[23:13:17] (CompanionCube) I love you CC!
[23:13:28] (zesh) rofl
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Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

8:52pm] <&homer> boo ps3
[8:52pm] <+Shinobi_Vaizard> i'll boo you!
[8:52pm] * +Shinobi_Vaizard boos homer
[8:52pm] <+Shinobi_Vaizard> BOO! See. I r teh scary.
[8:52pm] * &homer ass rapes shini to make up for it
[8:52pm] <+Shinobi_Vaizard> :o
[8:52pm] <+Shinobi_Vaizard> yay
[8:53pm] <+Shinobi_Vaizard> i mean....
[8:53pm] <+Shinobi_Vaizard> YOU SAW NOTHING!
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Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

13:13] <CompanionCube> Rawn
[13:13] <CompanionCube> rawn*
[13:13] <CompanionCube> ranr*
[13:13] <CompanionCube> raw*
[13:13] <CompanionCube> rawr*
[13:13] * Merlyn2040 (Merlyn2040@8734F54F.94BF55E4.A9961178.IP) Quit (Quit: Can't help but try to distract cait. With her agelic lick qualities (even if they be fallen angel) Merlyn enjoys basking in her prescence)
[13:13] <CompanionCube> Whoa
[13:14] <Shini> that was bad CC.
[13:14] <CompanionCube> NOONE SAW THAT
[13:14] <JosephMG> lol fail
[13:14] <Angelos> WTH?!!?!?
[13:14] <Shini> Epic Failure.
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Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

Where did you drag that from?
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Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

<Bez> all guys are cross dressers at heart
<+Angelos> lol
<+Angelos> no comment
<+Angelos> xD
<TimeGap> omw
<Bez> most just dont have the nuts to do it publically
<TimeGap> thats almost as bad as some dude telling us last night how he slept with a 63yr old woman in the US
<Bez> or admit it
<%Anonymous> he won't comment but I will
<%Anonymous> it takes a special kind of guy to do those publically or privatly
<Bez> please, do
<Bez> lol
<%Anonymous> and they all go to the same bar
<TimeGap> lol
<TimeGap> called "Ramp Divas"
<TimeGap> LOLOLOL!
<Bez> Anon, dont try and deny that if it was publically exceptable to dress in drag you would do it at least once
<%Anonymous> not in the least
<+Angelos> TimeGap
<+Angelos> that's bad
<%Anonymous> I don't like drafty clothing
<Feri> Theres was so little left too give
<Bez> and Anon: im straight, i just like messing around
<%Anonymous> hell I havne't worn shorts since I was like 10
<+Angelos> lol
<%Anonymous> been wearing $80 dress pants since I was 14
<TimeGap> lol Angelos i agree
<Feri> I pray you learn to trust
<Feri> have faith in both of us
<Bez> pants suck!
<Bez> as if you'd wear pants
<Bez> i hate pants
<%Anonymous> I love dress pants
* TimeGap buys a new cigar snipper just in case.....
* ze ( has joined #stargatewars
* ze ( Quit (Quit: ze)
* Feri takes advantage of Bez having no pants
<%Anonymous> much better than jeans
* ze ( has joined #stargatewars
<Bez> they get too hot, get in the way, you have lots of issues if they get wet, etc
<%Anonymous> they have both stain and water resistant
<%Anonymous> i've got a few that if you shot them with a hose it'd just trickle off
<%Anonymous> if you soakem thats a differnt story
<Bez> try jumping in a pool with them and tell me that they're water resistant
<Bez> now, no pants FTW
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Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

<+Angelos> oh and..
* +Angelos slaps Rift around a bit with a smelly salmon
* Rift steals the smelly salmon from Angelos and force feeds it to him
<+Angelos> :o
* +Angelos cooks it first
* +Angelos also smokes it
* +Angelos then eats it
<+Angelos> nothing like smoked salmon
* Rift is Jealos of Angelos' meal
<+Angelos> heh
* Ish[KDE4|Absent] force-feeds Rift a smoked salmon
<Ish[KDE4|Absent]> :P
<+Angelos> "smoked salmon"
<Ish[KDE4|Absent]> right, I'm off now because I hate you and you're all boring.
<Ish[KDE4|Absent]> Angelos no quotes.
<Rift> my salmon wasnt cooked :(
<+Angelos> lol
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Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

* Neimenljivi has joined #stargatewars
* Neimenljivi has quit IRC (Quit: Neimenljivi)
<immature> ^ Angelos's fault
<Angelos> lol
<Angel_F1re> lol
<Angelos> always is
<Angelos> hell if it's omegas and tle's fault on sgw
<Angelos> then it's my fault on chat
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Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

(11:36:13) (&homer) i have a woody ...does that count too /
Formerly known as Haz

Nine out of ten doctors recommend going to an amusement park this weekend.
The Tenth Doctor doesn't want to go.
CC Leader: n haz thsi time it wasnt ur fault
Bralor wrote:hey haz how long do you estimate until someone blames you and masses HVE again?
Field Marshall wrote:On a seperate issue - where is Haz? He's the glue we really need right now!
SuperSaiyan wrote:I'm a staff member so naturally I'm used to unjustified abusive commentary, so really I don't mind ;)
Zeratul wrote:
Ĕɱƿŷ wrote:So I heard that when becoming a moderator you are subjected to hours and hours of "The Forum is good, the Forum is great, we surrender our will as of this date".

that is incorrect... nothing resembling prostration...

Forced labor on the other hand........ :sge
SuperSaiyan says (2:04 PM):
*that was kernal potter
*wow I just made that typo

SuperSaiyan says (2:05 PM):
*no one will speak of this
*or I take muff's veggies away
*and he starves
Hope says (2:59 AM):
*hypothetically, how bad would it be if i descended someone... but forgot to Godquest them first, and they're active, and in an active alliance...
Hope says (3:00 AM):
Murris says (3:00 AM):
*ah **Filtered** why am i descended....
Angnoch Freddie says:
i hate being a mod...
i just wanted the blue color XD
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Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

* Angelos is a little bit drunk
<Angelos> xD
<Angelos> 2 bottles of wine
<Angelos> and 3 beers
<Angelos> god i'm a lightweight
<JOS> lol
<Angelos> wacky...punish me
<Angelos> !!!!
<Angelos> :D
<JOS> Angelos
<Angelos> or JOS...
<EMO> lol
<wacky> still sober!
<JOS> dont worry
<Angelos> either one
<Angelos> ;)

angelos like's it, it seem's.
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Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

[14:23:48] * &bot ( Quit (User has been permanently banned from GamesAdvantage (bye bye now have safe trip when your fixed we migth let u back in))

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Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

<Replicationist> i'll catch you guys tommorow
<&homer> nn
<+LordBalor> I should follow him
* Replicationist ( Quit (Quit: Balor you spin me right round baby right round like a record baby round round right round)
<&homer> well u guys are no fun
<+LordBalor> okies
<+Angelos> lol
<+LordBalor> maybe i shouldn't
<&homer> lmao
<+Angelos> pmsl
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Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

After Replicationist read this thread...


[23:26:12] (Replicationist) now i'm confused
[23:26:16] (Replicationist) wth is a flamingo down south
[23:26:24] (+quickshot84) lmao
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