Genesis: Primary Ignition

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The Queen
Posts: 31802
Joined: Sun Feb 06, 2005 6:57 pm
Race: Royalty
ID: 4323
Alternate name(s): Cersei Lannister
Location: Ultima Thule

Genesis: Primary Ignition

<</ Scene starts with a completely black view. />>
<</ Not a sound is heard, for at least 20 seconds. />>
<</ The silence is broken by a clear, resolute, but melodious female voice, citing a poem: />>

In the beginning : A blackness, deeper than the darkest black.
The Earth was without form, and void : A voice, clearer than the sun in the morning skies.
But the sun shone upon the sleeping Earth, : A spark, brighter than the sparkles of a starting fire.
And deep inside the brittle crust, massive forces waited beyond reach. : Change.

<</ Gradually, a planet becomes visible, desert landscapes on one side, where we touch down on the surface after completing our orbiting descent into the atmosphere. />>
<</ We zoom onwards, across the land, until an ocean appears, where we can see the distinct features of a familiar City-Ship. />>
<</ The Balcony of Evenor zooms into view, and once again, we can discern Hermocrates, Auriel and Timaeus, in what appears to be a heated conversation. />>

Auriel: "All things must have a beginning, Hermo. All things. Even us, even though they now call us 'Ancients'."

Hermocrates: "But this cannot be. You describe an emptiness, and fill it with voices and light.. How can that be the Beginning? There has to be a bigger story to it."

Timaeus: "I heard a different story.. one that sounds scientifically correct, except that it isn't the actual beginning, but a situation where planets have formed around a star."

A: "All of these stories.. they are all one. The story of the Universe, folded together in itself."

T: "See.. now you're just making things complicated. Even Hermo doesn't go that far when he's conjuring some technological witchcraft of his own design.

A: "The story.. it needs to be told."

H: "You keep saying that, but I haven't heard more than these few words. Over and over again. I can't make them change, I can't use them. They are dead.."

T: "But you heard something else.. you heard blackness, and voices.. all I heard was a planet, laying bare under a shining sun, massive forces waiting to be unleashed."

H: "That is strange in itself.. how can we listen to the same, yet hear different things?"

A: "Natural selection. Nature picks her favourites. It is why we would have perished, had we not overcome her and joined her."

H: "If you ask me, this whole Ascension deal has taken far too much time. Even for us, time isn't infinite. We cannot linger on such poems as the one you recited, Auriel."

T: "How dare you.."

A: "Of course he dares, Timaeus.. to Hermo, things need to be clear. It is the nature of things. The natural order.."

T: "But it is blasphemous! He should.."

A: "He should do nothing, nor should anything be done to him. It is his opinion, and he is entitled to it. Purity of heart can be accompanied by sharpness of mind and voice, dear."

T: "Still.."

H: "Are you done yet? Auriel says it's fine. Why question her? Anyway, I am afraid I must cut this conversation short. I apologise. We received word about a NanoTiMaster preparing to attack Evenor."

<</ Shocked faces, as the three of them are seen from the side. />>

H: "I'd prefer the Heraklion armed and battleready Timaeus. Can you arrange that? Auriel, I need you with me, working on a containment plan."

A: "Excellent, sir. I will call the staff together. We need to brief them on this."

<</ Scene ends as everyone exits the balcony.. />>

((Now.. anyone willing to play a role, pick one. No use of other players' names, and no influencing major events. Pick your roles, as you've seen them fulfilled on the CityShip Atlantis. Feel free to be creative.. canon is not obligatory, nor practical, but might add a certain flair.))

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