Saving PMs doesn't work

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Saving PMs doesn't work

As per subject: I can't seem to save any of the hate-mail I receive. It's obviously not a huge concern, but some of them are quite funny, and I would like to keep them without cluttering my inbox.

Sorry if this is a duplicate - if so, please mod it away. :-D
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Re: Saving PMs doesn't work

I dont think it will let you save PM's in the game. I always just cut-paste the messages I want to save and place them into a simple text file on my PC (like if I challenge my officers to get to certain levels, etc.).

I can see where you would get lots of messages though, I do admire the boldness of your Alliance!! Omega typically doesn't respond well to challenges, they are so powerful every wave but still seem a little sensitive when anyone dares to oppose their superiority, makes for interesting play though!! HAHAHA
My commander last wave, Azed, challenged them early and he took quite a verbal barrage... We (his officers) just held on for the ride and took our beatings along with him! LOL
Lord Khnum
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Re: Saving PMs doesn't work


It is not much of a challenge, I know. But it really is fun to farm them. There are only about 3/4 who's defences are up to scratch yet. The rest are excellent farms. :lol:
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Re: Saving PMs doesn't work

I was coming here to comment on the no saving messages bug too. there's a save button, but it just doesn't actually do anything.
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Re: Saving PMs doesn't work

Saving PMs hasn't worked on Q ever, since forum introduced the save PM feature to main a year or two ago.

I know cause I wanted it to work since wave 9 but it didn't :(

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