Possible Asgard Bug

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Possible Asgard Bug

Not that I care since it has taken me this long to post it.
They seem to lose politicians when their Special Tech activates.
I would think if I hit a Hologram that I would not kill any politicians.

THE HORROR, THE HORROR...: ***, having no defensive army to protect their realm, was forced (by the local populations) to send out their Politicians to negotiate with the invading forces!! But not all Politicians have silvery (or is it slithery?) tongues...
The negotiations ended with DrDread getting everything they wanted, and the 100 of DrDread's forces permanently silencing of ***'s Politicians.

Your attacking efforts seem not to have an effect... no effect at all save a slight shimmering of the scene in front of you. IT IS A HOLOGRAM!! Your efforts are wasted, your ammunition spent. You curse your wasted efforts.

For whatever it's worth...lol
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Re: Possible Asgard Bug

its similar with ACing i beleive. Kill spies even if you hit hollogram.

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