Paying well for alliance sig.

A record of past signatures, avatars, and any other graphics.

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Paying well for alliance sig.

Hello folks.

I need an alliance sig with some motion graphics, 3-4 frames.

Should be based on my current sig, only without the current words in the sig. Size should be 500x125

A jumper and x302 fighter, with the promethius, or other "good guy" capitol ship, preferably with something blowing up in the background, and the ship moving very fast and away.

Then 2 sets of words. First, "Honor Guard" then "Gouald Empire" both shaking back and forth.

And then it all loops agian.

Pay is with UU only, and is negotiable via the forums. If you want my msn pm me please.
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Re: Paying well for alliance sig.

contact me on our forums so we can chat about it

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