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i have a suggestion about pergatory

if people want to move in and out from perg, then they should use MTs. this would help alot of people, because players, that leave perg to sell uu and go back, they wouldnt be protected with ppt. people would be able to mass them, when they get out.

if you dont agree with this sugestion, then here is another one

if they leave perg and go to normal, then they wouldnt be allowed to go on ppt. if this happens, then players will be able to be massed.

i hope everyone thinks about this and add any suggestions. its time, that everyone can be massed, after all this is a game called stargateWARS
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Re: perg

it is less profitable, but perg is meant for slower game play. if someone wants to make a profit, then he can stay in normal. what about if everyone in G&R range are doesnt receive a single point
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Re: perg

I agree with both point made.

purg is abused way to much as it is.
schuesseled wrote:And Yes, If someone attacked me with a knife and I had a cannon I would shoot them with it.
Age old saying that, "Dont bring a knife to a gun fight"
Reason, youll get dead.
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Re: perg

SuperSaiyan wrote:
Masser No. 1 wrote:it is less profitable, but perg is meant for slower game play. if someone wants to make a profit, then he can stay in normal. what about if everyone in G&R range are doesnt receive a single point

that I am in favor of

perg is for slow game play, not safe ascending ;)

You cannot punish all for the actions of a few, yes perg is for slow game play, which is why no one in perg can gain more than 1 GNR point per turn regardless of rank, also why you cannot use more than 60 AT's on a single player in a 24-hour period. Just because some players abuse it does not mean you have the right to ruin it for all, maybe tougher restrictions should be put into place to prevent its abuse, like a 24-hour period of no attacking should go both ways, not only to enter, but to exit as well. As for safe ascending, people use PPT as a safe ascension process, where if they time it just right, they can have a 10-day PPT. If thats abused, maybe PPT should be removed from play. See my point?
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Re: perg

SuperSaiyan wrote:how is it ruining it?

most people in main ascend at 1 g&r per turn, I did 9 of them with that

ascending used to be earned, and with the way things are now people with under 10mil army are ascnding to AG and such, its just rediculous.

taking g&r out of perg would make it slightly more difficult as those in perg ascending would nee to come on out to do so, not sit in there with all AC units reaping the benefits of the ever so many wars going on.

its not a punishment, as its really not punishing anyone

Its the way the game has been played, people stat build and then ascend only to do it all over again, if you want to stop things like that, destroy their accounts then, make it so they have to build up according to your standards before ascending.

Ascending is still earned, people take the time to build up carefully and then gain the GNR regardless of what realm they are in. Regardless of what one might believe, its still earned, because if it wasn't, the entire server would be full of ascended players.

As far as reaping the benefits of the numerous wars going on, if they're not in them, its not really their problem. Its playing smart, taking advantage of an oppurtunity that has presented itself. Still, the fact remains, you cannot seek to punish all because of the actions of a few. Its unethical, treating the two realms differently, even though they are the same, only one seeks to slow down gameplay and that is good for people who have busy and hetic lives. Sure they build up in perg, they do what they can to avoid being kicked from it because with the way their lives are, they don't have the time to play norm. Taking away GNR is not the answer, and what you do to one group, you have to do to the other, remember that. Its only fair.
~FreeSpirit~ wrote:U can always knock at my door but remember i knock back ;)
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Re: perg

SuperSaiyan wrote:the point of perg is slow game play, you arguing not to take away g&r, then how about slowing it down, to 1 every 2 turns. I still don't see it punishing anyone as you can stay in perg, just not gain g&r, but how about halving it?

it will still have somewhat the same effect, and leave the option to ascend in perg

Okay, I can live to gaining one every 2 turns
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Re: perg

OOO better idea leave perg alone
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Re: perg

Yogi Bear wrote:OOO better idea leave perg alone

I like that idea too
~FreeSpirit~ wrote:U can always knock at my door but remember i knock back ;)
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Re: perg

Some explain to me why you should be allowed to get a single G&R point from purg?

it makes no sense, your hiding where you can't be attacked enough to harm your stats, you cant be raided, so why should you get a single GLORY & REPUTATION point?
schuesseled wrote:And Yes, If someone attacked me with a knife and I had a cannon I would shoot them with it.
Age old saying that, "Dont bring a knife to a gun fight"
Reason, youll get dead.
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Re: perg

You used to be able to be massed in perg, and there are people that mass using the 60 AT's plus a combination of sabotage to do damage, but its not hiding. People hiding on PPT all the time are those that hide, with the new perg requirements, no one can hide really, because it takes 24 hours of no attacking, no vac and no PPT to enter perg now (if you meet the size requirement), so if someone masses or takes a planet from someone else, they can't enter perg which gives the massed time to exact revenge, however its the opposite for those in perg because if you have the turns, you could steal a planet and return to normal and there would be nothing the other could do about it. So technically, you have it a bit backwards, those in perg hide in normal.
~FreeSpirit~ wrote:U can always knock at my door but remember i knock back ;)
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Re: perg

Pergatory Realm is biggest fault in this game.
Players get there 24/7 free PPT+MT's+G'n'R
Players are completely safe ~ safe area.
I take a look on page 1 few times in last 3 weeks. Player called Mightymidget holding rank 1 all the time. He can hold it forever without any single hit on him.
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Re: perg

There is nothing "glorious" or "reputational" about being in perg.

Therefore accounts should not get Glory and Reputation.

Mightymidget has done nothing to be proud of to get to rank 1. In fact he's only at rank 1 (besides the fact u can't mass in perg) because of the 10 month war still going on.
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Re: perg

I Am Thor wrote:You used to be able to be massed in perg, and there are people that mass using the 60 AT's plus a combination of sabotage to do damage, but its not hiding. People hiding on PPT all the time are those that hide, with the new perg requirements, no one can hide really, because it takes 24 hours of no attacking, no vac and no PPT to enter perg now (if you meet the size requirement), so if someone masses or takes a planet from someone else, they can't enter perg which gives the massed time to exact revenge, however its the opposite for those in perg because if you have the turns, you could steal a planet and return to normal and there would be nothing the other could do about it. So technically, you have it a bit backwards, those in perg hide in normal.

OK, I agree there is a problem with people jumping from purg to normal. I'll help you address it with Admin if you want. But you completely bypass my point and answered none of them.You said
You used to be able to be massed in perg, and there are people that mass using the 60 AT's plus a combination of sabotage to do damage, but its not hiding.
"You use to be able to be massed" proves even you agree you can not be massed in purg. Secondly, if I can fend off attacks all day long and keep my def and MS due to phasing from crit/nox, then how in the world can you justify ONLY 60 attacks and some sabbs? Point blank, if your active in purg you CAN NOT be taken down faster then you can recover. My crit/nox kicks in at 600AT, you can only take 60AT, so that means it takes 10 people working together to do to you what is done to me by 1 person.

Now how can you say purg is not hiding? honestly? if its not hiding then why does it even exist?

And my original question still stands, WHY should you get a single G&R point in purg? What are you doing to recieve any GLORY or REPUTATION for? Take MM for example. I have no ill will against him, but he just happens to be showing the flaws in the system. If his DEF is higher then the rank 1 STRIKE then he is infact "untouchable" as it means it takes 10 account to build massive strikes just to give him the same massing an account in normal gets from 1 person. Plus if hes online and repairing then he still wont get massed completely and will repair.

The raiding is fatter, the farming much better, you can't be mased, so how can anyone say its not hiding?

why not just make purg the "ascending realm" instead. you sit there 21 days and ascend till your done them come to main, thats basicly all it is anyway.
schuesseled wrote:And Yes, If someone attacked me with a knife and I had a cannon I would shoot them with it.
Age old saying that, "Dont bring a knife to a gun fight"
Reason, youll get dead.
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Re: perg

How about we make it so you can only ascend in normal? Make it so the door swings both ways, have the requirements for entering also apply for exiting.
[MegaTron] wrote:Players get there 24/7 free PPT+MT's+G'n'R

Wrong, in pergatory, you can't trade for PPT, so it's not even applicable. MT's are all free, 3 per week same as normal. GNR is one per turn regardless of rank.
[MegaTron] wrote:Player called Mightymidget holding rank 1 all the time. He can hold it forever without any single hit on him.

Clarkey wrote:Mightymidget has done nothing to be proud of to get to rank 1. In fact he's only at rank 1 (besides the fact u can't mass in perg) because of the 10 month war still going on.

I agree with both of you there. He has seriously exploited the perg system in that regard, and personally, depending on the rank someone stands at, I believe there should be a timetable on the amount of time one can spend in perg.

Clarkey wrote:There is nothing "glorious" or "reputational" about being in perg.

Nothing real "glorious" or "reputational" about stat building, but thats how you get the rank required to gain GNR. Nothing real glorious about sitting on PPT all the time to do it either.

Clarkey wrote:Therefore accounts should not get Glory and Reputation.

Under that statement, the GNR system needs a complete overhaul. Starting with new requirements for gaining Glory and Reputation points. Because as I metioned above, there is nothing too glorious or reputational about stat building or sitting on PPT to build up GNR points.

Lore wrote:
I Am Thor wrote:You used to be able to be massed in perg, and there are people that mass using the 60 AT's plus a combination of sabotage to do damage, but its not hiding. People hiding on PPT all the time are those that hide, with the new perg requirements, no one can hide really, because it takes 24 hours of no attacking, no vac and no PPT to enter perg now (if you meet the size requirement), so if someone masses or takes a planet from someone else, they can't enter perg which gives the massed time to exact revenge, however its the opposite for those in perg because if you have the turns, you could steal a planet and return to normal and there would be nothing the other could do about it. So technically, you have it a bit backwards, those in perg hide in normal.

Lore wrote:OK, I agree there is a problem with people jumping from purg to normal. I'll help you address it with Admin if you want.

That would be good, because right now, the door only swings one way and gives those in perg an unfair advantage in hiding in normal if the other doesn't have the turns to follow them into normal.

Lore wrote:But you completely bypass my point and answered none of them.You said
You used to be able to be massed in perg, and there are people that mass using the 60 AT's plus a combination of sabotage to do damage, but its not hiding.
"You use to be able to be massed" proves even you agree you can not be massed in purg. Secondly, if I can fend off attacks all day long and keep my def and MS due to phasing from crit/nox, then how in the world can you justify ONLY 60 attacks and some sabbs? Point blank, if your active in purg you CAN NOT be taken down faster then you can recover. My crit/nox kicks in at 600AT, you can only take 60AT, so that means it takes 10 people working together to do to you what is done to me by 1 person.

Then this is another issue that should be taken up with admin, I can understand limiting the attacks to a point, however, that being said, it should be reconsidered for the more active players or limiting the number of attacks based on rank. For example, the higher the rank, the more AT's to be used against them, granting the massing of MightyMidget to remove him from rank 1 since he is hiding in the pergatory realm. That fact cannot be denied, some do use perg to hide, while others, such as myself, use it to build up. Because as you mention later on, pergatory is a great place for raids and farming, there is no denying that aspect. That is why I am in perg, simply for the raids and the farming, where I can typically farm 1-2tril in a day, along with a couple hundred thousand UU's if I choose to stay on longer to do so.

Lore wrote:Now how can you say purg is not hiding? honestly? if its not hiding then why does it even exist?

And my original question still stands, WHY should you get a single G&R point in purg? What are you doing to recieve any GLORY or REPUTATION for? Take MM for example. I have no ill will against him, but he just happens to be showing the flaws in the system. If his DEF is higher then the rank 1 STRIKE then he is infact "untouchable" as it means it takes 10 account to build massive strikes just to give him the same massing an account in normal gets from 1 person. Plus if hes online and repairing then he still wont get massed completely and will repair.

The raiding is fatter, the farming much better, you can't be mased, so how can anyone say its not hiding?

why not just make purg the "ascending realm" instead. you sit there 21 days and ascend till your done them come to main, thats basicly all it is anyway.

See above. ADDING ON: MM has indeed revealed a flaw in the system, adding for more measures needed to bring perg back to its original purpose. Limiting the attacks does not make that much of a dent to be honest, because if you get enough people and all mass one person, you can eventually wipe out said persons def back to its starting state: 0. Therefore, I proposed the limiting of attacks based on rank, also adding in a timetable for how long one can remain in the realm depending on their rank. By increasing the number of AT's used on a target depending on the rank, it does bring back the ability to mass an individual. The timetable idea would kick MM out of perg and into normal where most if not everyone would tear him into shreads for hiding for so long. With the timetable idea, it would have to work both ways so if you were kicked out of perg by the time limit, you could not re-enter perg until an undisclosed amount of time which would vary depending on how long your timetable was for perg.
~FreeSpirit~ wrote:U can always knock at my door but remember i knock back ;)
Tridentkilla wrote:Bush was about as Communist has Lenin was Capitalist...

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