Galactic Log IP duplications?

Forum Grunt
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Galactic Log IP duplications?

Is it possible the random IP generated for the Galatic Logs can double up with another player?

I was filtering my farming results in the Galactic Logs to see how my average naq/turn was comparing to other players and noticed another player, id: 20870, with the same IP.

At the moment I use my phone to tether my internet, and sometimes use my uni internet (but I know these match ups are from when I'm using my phone..).

Possible scenarios I can think of at the moment are:

*Random IP generator creates duplicates
*Live in the same area and both connect wirelessly through our phones
Or... I don't really know :?

I'd be interested to know if our physical IP's are the same or just the IP's generated for the Galactic Logs?
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Re: Galactic Log IP duplications?

I believe the possibility exists that depending on how your ISP or local phone provider hardware firewalls or partitions out their data infrastructure that you could have the same IP as say, someone who lives in your same Apartments, building, or neighborhood.

Many cell phone providers segment their 2G, 3G, and now 4G data from one particular Cellular tower cellular switch traffic into one stream which has to be back-hauled to a POP (Point of Presence) Central Office phone company location through one RF wireless WiMAX type circuit point to point circuit, which could give anyone with a cell phone oriented Internet data connection the same IP to the rest of the Internet. This I know about because I am a Wireless Broadband Field Service Engineer, working for a company that does just this sort of cellular tower WiFi back-haul!!

If you are using a wireless WiFI router in your apartment/house/shack and someone unbeknownst jacks into your WiFi is another possibility.

Also, if you are coming into the Internet from a business or corporate network that is firewalled and has one point of presence to the public Internet through a Internet Appliance or Hardware Firewall device then anyone from that business/location will all have the same IP to the public Internet. Best example of this (other than you frakkin your employer and playing SGW games whilst you are SUPPOSED TO BE WORKING - HAHA we have all done this!! don't lie...) is if you are at an Internet Cafe or coffee house, Starbucks, etc. using a shared WiFI broadband that could all appear as the same IP to the public Internet from that one coffee shop or restuarant.

Anyway, if you are using a little Cell-phone "dongle" or Broadband modem card from your laptop/PC or data "tethering" your Cell phone to your Laptop or PC and using your Cell/Smart phone like a broadband modem then anyone on that same local cellular tower you are getting your signal from can potentially have the same IP address!!

Hope this helps... Now Affy must go rest, my brain is farting and having a meltdown... :twisted:
What Happened to my Siggy????

Damn it Bernie!!

Affy? or 'Bad Affy'...:
What in the H E double LL happened to the Siggy's???
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Re: Galactic Log IP duplications?

Yes, Alucard usually logs on from his phone, if its not his phone its my house as he doesn't have the net yet (sooooon)

Did think it was weird I noticed it also :)
I didn't even realise you were in Australia V, but given you both somehow go through the same exchange, and you mentioned uni, i'd say you're around Newcastle?
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Re: Galactic Log IP duplications?

Thanks Affy! :D What you explained makes a lot of sense #-o
I'm hoping that using my little dongle to tether up my laptop doesn't cause too much trouble.

So my next question is, do I need to apply for an IP exception for this or is it all okay? :?

Thanks Ace, I was guessing he was Australian as well. Although Newcastle is a little off - I'm in Brisbane :P Fair bit of distance between Brisbane and Newcastle to be on the same cell tower exchange (which is where I'm guessing Alucard and yourself are?).
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Re: Galactic Log IP duplications?

Lol well you must be on the same network...
I would think that the only drawback is that you wont be able to farm Alucard if he logged on from his phone last, and vice versa...
And to anyone else between Sydney and Brisbane :P

(Im in Syd, Alucard moved up Newcastle way awhile back, and I'll be up there soon :))
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Re: Galactic Log IP duplications?

Haha well I'm hoping there isn't too many Q players active between Brisbane and Sydney!

Seems like this issue is all sorted then 8)
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Re: Galactic Log IP duplications?

i had the same issue with a player couple waves back... ausable i think. has same internet provider. he lives about 20 hours from me :roll:

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