I call out Jippa

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Re: I call out Jippa

You know that perg has a 60 at limit from 1 individual to another, right?

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Re: I call out Jippa

dastupy wrote:You know that perg has a 60 at limit from 1 individual to another, right?

even with 60 x 1 AT attacks you can make a dent....that simply wasn`t what I was trying to point out ;)

the fact remains Jippa called his friends to do the dirty job for him
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Re: I call out Jippa

lol you would simply hav to be able to be active 1'ce a day to hold of losing a defence :P so its not an easy task . just turns out he has friends who are up to sed task :D
Retired but still on a rampage
Rudy Peña wrote:Yea, OE is the the next FS in terms of snipers. We proud ourselves on it to the point we give out awards and see who can mass the most with a 0 def.
Drahazar wrote:Im happy to snipe anyone i want, why should i build any defences for you people
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You haven't truly made it to manhood until you've slept with the town prostitute.
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Re: I call out Jippa

Nitro S wrote:And by the massing I assume you refer to the 45 bill defence which is still standing :-s
I dare you to show me the logs where I actually massed that defence :-$
Calling out friends to a dirty job for you is bad enough but lying...???? I see you took it to a whole new level

I included in my post that I checked the logs and you had taken two planets, and he massed himself on your defence. So there's no lies, and many consider 2x planet thefts a worse transgression than massing.

Nitro S wrote:The big deal is that I had hit Jippa first time when I started playing this game, I was warned back then...fair enough
After I ascended all my "enemies" so to speak, well to be fair people I find worthy to farm were deleted and so by a mistake I accidentally added Jippa there again...
And what did I receive this time???....out of the blue hammer`s MS appeared in my logs....you guys are worse than the "1 hit policy" alliances...congratz on that achievement ;)

Again, it wasn't simple farming that got Hammer's attention, you stole two planets. Defend that point, and I'll have a civil discussion with you. So don't cry wolf and say it was simple farming that got you in trouble. And as CO I've checked the logs so I know how it started ;)

Nitro S wrote:You brought this upon yourselves thinking I was just another random noob who would get scared.....you were wrong btw ;)

Are you referring to Maelstrom? I'm having trouble reading your replies with clarity.

Nitro S wrote:you want to tell me that with over 1 trill strike with 1AT attacks it is impossible to break a 150 bill defence??? :shock:
I find that hard to believe....I just spoke with my bro and his 1.1 trill def was massed with 300 x 1AT attacks....that`s 300 AT for 1,1 trill def....you wanna tell me that perg defences are by some miracle xxx times stronger than in normal plain???
the reason that many showed up in my logs is to make it cheap for all of them.
I have nothing against you but those are simple the facts

...I wrote a big response to this, but I decided that if you want to play the game in perg in complete ignorance, and go around spouting these sort of crap as fact, then you go right ahead Sir. Good luck to you.

Nitro S wrote:so I can assume that was another lie what hammer said about your "many friends in Fuall" coming to mass me...is it??? keeps getting better and better

It wasn't a lie, Jorgenson is Hammer's older brother. Get off your high horse. I'm here giving you the benefit of the doubt and look how you respond.

And I lost all patience with the rest of your post. More than planet theft, do you know what will get you in trouble, that mouth of yours, most players would be envious of the warnings you were given, saying lay off, but I can make a fair assumption on what sort of PM's you'd have written to the parties involved based entirely on how you respond to this thread. Honestly you've done a fair job of swaying me from being diplomatic and neutral here.

@ Tetris, I know you hate us, and perg, but you know that if he keeps mouthing off, he will be a lone player in perg vs maelstrom. You might want to reign him in, or get him to norm, because he's doing a good job of getting me offside here, and if pushed, Maelstrom will keep him zeroed indefinitely. Not a threat, just saying that's where this will lead if he keeps harping on about things.
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Re: I call out Jippa

wow lots to read in a simple 1vs 1 vendetta topic.
so whats the cause of this vendetta ? (I read all the stuff about the Maelstrom attacking you) So if I got you right you accidentally added Jippa and you took 2 planets. (Hm sound like random act of war to me woundering what tetrismonkey thinks about thing likew this). So out of the blue a friend of Jippa attacked you. (Wow surprise never heard about things like this before). And then you are saying "politely pm me I would be more than glad to sort it out and even declare peace". Did you ever tried it yourself. I mean you are talking about Maelstrom but if I am right you didn't talked to Hammer why it happened and even now you never explained why you were attacking Jippa. Instead you insisted on you don't care and Hammer should mass you. ( Looks like a sign mass me, However I even respect you for that.) So haven't we just done what you demanded? You got yourself into it with open eyes and now you pretend to be unhappy how Maelstrom reacted? Anyways why don't you state any cause Jippa gives you for this vendetta and then you'll both have fun fighting because of that?
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Re: I call out Jippa


tbh, I don`t really care what you think about me and frankly, I wasn`t lying in this thread
you want to turn it against me???...go ahead

You are saying I have a big mouth although I didn`t use any rude word at all to personally insult you or anyone else.....

This is a text based game where you can be whoever you want and tbh I am being myself and it`s not my fault you are taking a simple post a bit more than seriously...

It`s obvious that both sides will be talking about something completely different...the difference between me and you is that I don`t make a big deal out of it and need to prove myself to others...

I don`t need yours or anyone elses acceptance, particaluray from people which are on the other side of the world....

Badmouth me how much you want, I told you that I have still some friends around here too if you want to take it to that level :-$

and what concerns maelstrom "sitting" on me and leveling my stats to 0...well go ahead and enjoy yourselves and the wasted AT`s, there are enough resources in perg for me to grow even with a 0 defence

they say " never argue with a noob, he will drag you down and beat you with years of experience" so I`m gonna stick to that....

I`m not gonna have this discussion with you and as far as this thread goes I`m sticking to it`s name and the fact I have an issue with Jippa, not you....
You are making assumptions on few non-insulting posts about what kinda a guy I am, yet you barely know me and you already try to badmouth me....well it doesn`t take a great Seer to deduce what kinda person you are yourself based on your assumptions about other people :neutral:

I`m not sure what kinda outcome are you wishing for but it definately won`t be something you expect ;)

Ohh and btw, there was only one warning like a month ago whe I first crossed pathes with Jippa, next time it was a 900 bill MS attack running through my acount, get your facts straight and second of all I stand behind my argument that you are worse than the "1 hit policy alliances"....the first warning and massing at the second encounter are a living exam of it....good day to you too Sir. 8)

I wish you the best of luck on your crusade/ campaign or whatever you are on about to make me the bad guy or whatever your goal is :-"

with regards

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Re: I call out Jippa


since this conflict is between me and Jippa an Jippa himself is not planing to respond in this thread I don`t see any reason to keep it going

I have no intention to discuss this matter with maelstrom members.

The need for another topic will be the time when maelstrom stops appearing in my logs and Jippa officially surrenders, until we get to that point the war continues


with regards

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