Prolly doesnt happen a lot

Forum Elite
Posts: 1916
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:49 am
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Alternate name(s): Nostradamus,Nostra,NanoBite,Drought,Darkwing Duck,Duck Dodgers,Medusa,Star Nova,System Mistress,*The Exile,ingolfúr,Belle,Lagertha.
Location: gone

Prolly doesnt happen a lot

Was in my inbox on ascened, page been open for some time, then clicked a link in the menu and got :

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare querydb() (previously declared in /game/stargame/ in /game/stargame/ on line 22

I think I should have gotten the page where I had the log in again notification, but instead it showed me the error.

When refreshing the page with the error I got to the page with the notification about needing to log in again.

Frist time I saw it ...

I know these bugs only show up very rarely and generally arent a problem ... but figured I throw it in anyway.


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