personal log/forum codes etc.

For newcomers to ask questions to the other users... this section will usually answer most questions... requesting resources (naq/UUs/ATs) is not to be done here...
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personal log/forum codes etc.


simple link:

Code: Select all


linking with a title: google

Code: Select all


Practically all of it is available above (when you create a post)

personal log

creating an alliance link

Code: Select all

<a href=allianceMembers.php?id=1>   AllianceA  </a>
AllianceA will be the name shown, id=1 is the alliance ID

creating a link to a user (similar to above)

Code: Select all

<a href=stats.php?id=1>   UserA  </a>
UserA will be the name shown, id=1 is the users ID

Line break (forces code to go on a new line, multiple will add more spaces)

Code: Select all

<br> or </br>

Forcing a new tab to open when the link is clicked

Code: Select all

<a href=stats.php?id=1 target=_blank >   UserA  </a>
UserA will be the name shown, id=1 is the users ID, target=_blank forces a tab to open. Same can be applied for the alliance id deal.

Some other html codes admin has decided to mutilate to stop people from using.
Field Marshall wrote:
Sol wrote:It's not going to destroy your life :P
I think this is sig worthy in fact.
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