Covert/Anti-Covert level cap

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Eisen Feuer
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Re: Covert/Anti-Covert level cap

When I see Covert levels and AC levels I always think of WoW.

Blizzard has had a very steady following for years...and to keep the game interesting they release patches and expansions. Now it is a little hard to compare the two games but when something such as a level cap is concerned you have more people that eventually try to reach that as a goal. For ex. the Ascended levels prior-UnKnown. Everyone worked on it and so many of us have reached UnKnown. Now that there is no level progression there everyone works on getting as high as they can in personal stats. If you cap UP with the plague, you should cap the Covert and Anti Covert Levels. Then when it seems like everyone that plays actively has reached a designated area of achievement then you release an expansion that raises the Plague limit, income increases, and other new toys to play with.

So short and sweet...cap it for now but please plan an expansion.
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Re: Covert/Anti-Covert level cap

Summarized text inside the spoiler:Blah,blah blah just my funny silly opinion on caps.
[spoiler]I'll honestly say I hate caps. I remove every cap in every game I can, by modifying the code or any means neccecary. Well I'm not saying I will take my holy mission to somehow change a browser games coding, my point is I love freedom.
I don't care if it is overpowered maniacs running around with convert 60's and 20 tril motherships. It only shows that they have worked hard, just as in real life you can earn something with hard work or use capital to get the same result faster. But really, It's not like they don't work hard to earn their salary. I've soon played this game for a year now and even if I've had my inactive sessions I must say that this what we have is much better than any game I've ever played. I do admit I'm feeling a little underpowered as I can't use my stone cold capital that I've earned so far in my life as I've had trouble with paypal but I don't hate the feeling.I want to get better,ambition to rise. That is what I get. Everytime I read about high convert levels and more I get more exicted about this game.
I'd personally say that those underpowered accounts shouldn't be even allowed in main. Heck I'd say that you disable the registration to main and let them all start in newgrounds, work their way to main, but instead of getting an Unknown right off they start off as unacended with good resources on them and the experience from newgrounds to back them up. Just as warriors go trought their right to join the brotherhood they must first pass newgrounds, earn their godhood in main and join the acended.[/spoiler]

Well sorry for a long rather personal idealism rant, safest way to go with this is porbably change how the acension reset works, a silly idea would be that players would only lose half of their levels when acending making it feel "Oh my I've been away so long that my equipment has gone a bit rusty" isntead of "Who broke all of my things while I was gone?!" I mean if the SG-teams litterally stumbled on ancient tech when on missions would it be safe to say the equipment would stay pretty untouched. That way they can actually increase their convert levels while still acending. 10 turns into 5, you work hard to get it to 12 and acend and what ya know! Convert is now 6 after I acended! Of course to avoid abuse I'd say arvageing the levels harshly down instead of up when the level happens to be an odd number. And by all means it only the levels, armies should totally reset as they do now.
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Re: Covert/Anti-Covert level cap

Eisen Feuer wrote:When I see Covert levels and AC levels I always think of WoW.

Blizzard has had a very steady following for years...and to keep the game interesting they release patches and expansions. Now it is a little hard to compare the two games but when something such as a level cap is concerned you have more people that eventually try to reach that as a goal. For ex. the Ascended levels prior-UnKnown. Everyone worked on it and so many of us have reached UnKnown. Now that there is no level progression there everyone works on getting as high as they can in personal stats. If you cap UP with the plague, you should cap the Covert and Anti Covert Levels. Then when it seems like everyone that plays actively has reached a designated area of achievement then you release an expansion that raises the Plague limit, income increases, and other new toys to play with.

So short and sweet...cap it for now but please plan an expansion.
Yes, that's a good idea.
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