New round of race bounses .


Do u think a new set of third level race bounses should be implmented?

Total votes: 20
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New round of race bounses .

I was just wondering what the majority of people though of the idea a new round of race bonuses a tertiary set of upgrades unique to each race they made the game more exciting last time and it will go on to improve the distinction between races which makes the game far more playable and exciting feedback I’m not suggesting what these upgrades should be cuz I have no imagination but it should be along the lines of their unique bonus go auld get something income oriented , reps get something covert oriented , asgard get something defense originated and tauri get something strike based .
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Re: New round of race bounses .

Amon Ra wrote:I was just wondering what the majority of people though of the idea a new round of race bonuses a tertiary set of upgrades unique to each race they made the game more exciting last time and it will go on to improve the distinction between races which makes the game far more playable and exciting feedback I’m not suggesting what these upgrades should be cuz I have no imagination but it should be along the lines of their unique bonus go auld get something income oriented , reps get something covert oriented , asgard get something defense originated and tauri get something strike based .

If it's possible to keep the game balanced, why wouldn't you want more bonuses implemeted? Just need to figure out some possibilities. Unit production is always thrown around, but what about a larger bank for the go'uald? More attack turns? (There could be several ways to implement, you could raise the maximum allowed for a race, i.e. Tauri could attack for a maximum of 20 instead of 15, or you could raise the effect, so while a Tauri uses 10 turns in attack it has the result of 15 <This is raising the gains of an attack as opposed to the success of an attack, the current Tauri bonus, right?>, you could plain just give them more attack turns, like 60 a day instead of 48.) And to cover all the races, what about further reduced casulauties for the asgard?
I doubt there's too many dissenters about there being more bonuses as long as they're balanced, we just need ideas.
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Yeah ideas i have no immagination Plus i don't wanna get this post stuck in the benifts this or that section i'am all for new benifts so long as asgard/tarui disdvantages stay the same :P
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Yeah, more randomness!!!!!!!!!

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Actually, I think that the Tauri and the Asguard bonuses need to be flipped. The Tauri have the Irus (where nothing can get through the gate but wave length signal) and the Asguard have the ship that vanishes Gua'uld off the face of the plannet
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NO the tauri and asgard disadvantages muist remain the new upgrades should move in the direct the race has alread taken Giving any attack bouns to the asgard or a defense bouns to the tauri is just a bad idea .
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I think it would be cool if you could have a small potion of your income auto banked every turn it would cost you to upgrade to do this or maybe in the mercenary section there could be extra attack turns for sale to everyone the higher your attack level the higher the price

I think thats deffinatly a good idea. On of the things i think should be added is a new level of fortification and seige. This could make it so tauri could buy an iris, the gould could buy one of those ancient stargate destroyer thingys,can't think of anything cool for reps and asgard right now. but something like that.
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Why do we have to keep things as they are now... We switch the Asguard and the Tauri bonuses, and give them a 1 week perioad where they can switch races if they wish with out loosing anything. I'm just trying to make the game more like the show
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I suggested this a while back: what about a bonus to replicator unit production? A discount on levels? Cuz I stopped and though to myself:
If they have a percent increase: they would be gods by the time they got a high unit pro! Good for them, but not for me. Cuz I aint replicator. Just trying to porpose that they get something too.

Whenever the Motherships are implemented the Tauri should have the ability to steal ships. We all know they do this best in the series, cuz they make bad ones on their own!! (HA HA a lil goa'uld RPG humor for ya!!)

Perhaps the asgard should get the some form of wild unit bonus too. Cuz theyre whole culture is built around cloning.

The Goauld should have gotten the enslavement bonus! (perhaps make it should've been like the commander bonus: you do not get the real troops, just technical copies of the troops) But forum has said it will never return to the main server, so we cant argue with the man!! Or for the goa'uld a rank bonus for the officers, which would have different rewards for the naquadah handed out:
First prime
primtah (for the lower ranks only, maybe more of a reward for this officer.
Officer (the usual)
Fellow system lord

The rewards could vary between naq, untrained troops, attack turns, a percent to weapons bonus (all would be a carbon copy of the officers. These are of course a few examples of their ranking system. Perhaps a bad one?
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Races are not imbalanced...

Whatever problems the game has lie elsewhere. Like, the unbelievable escalation of covert levels. It's funny that the Replicators, the ones who supposedly have the advantage there, are NOT the worst offenders.
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Chris M
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yeah, new race bonuses would be cool!!!

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