MaYHeM vs Colony

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Re: MaYHeM vs Colony

~Odin~ wrote:
Mathlord wrote:I will attest to Preem fighting some big boys. Rare to find an opponent with his level of conviction and determination when fighting for something he believes in.

Sad day.

Indeed Preem was by my side many wars and he did a great job. Preem is a well respected player and has taken on many people greater in size then he.

Happy day :smt101


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Re: MaYHeM vs Colony

Preem Palver wrote:Needless to say, Colony will not partake in these shenanigans. Congratulations on your brave feats, though. I'd whine moar about my lost imaginary armies, but it's been a long day with more than its share of bovine manure as it is. I'll replace everything in the morning anyway.

laughed my ass off at the bovine manure comment.
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