Game Suggestions.


Game Suggestions.

1. Based on Lord of Lords, you should be able to just click a link and be able to attack the same person the same amount of turns, by simply pressing 1 button, mabye situated right of the again button but far enough away to discourage accidentally pressing it.

2. It would be nice if you could get different kinds of spies, mabye a counter-spy specifically for destroying spies, that way you could have a (offensive/defensive) rating for spies as well, not just an intelligence rating.

3. If your bank could give loans, that you had to pay interest on... that would be useful for emergency equiping troops or hiring mercenaries, then you could pay it back + interest, and make a good profit off getting the loan. This would help alot for those people that are jsut starting out, so they can get weapons before the powerful can start using them as a Naquadah Farm...

4. Intelligence, if you have spies caught, I understand on the show that the spies were executed, but in real life (cold war and before) spies were normally traded for $$$ or other spies... my idea is a trade option, when spies are caught it tells the both the player who sent them and the player who caught them that they were caught. But it does not say if they were executed until the person who was attacked chooses to execute them... Basically if you want to stay friendly with this person, you can have a spy trade and trade so many Naquadah and/or spies for so many Naquadah and/or spies..,,

5. It may be a dog-eat-dog world, but if you are an officer and attack your commander, if the attack fails, you might have a random event where some of your "general troops(whatever the race)" go AWOL... or defect to his side... Hence it would be less profitable to attack your commander and become his superior because you could lose alot more than weapon damage and your attacking/defensive troops.

6. Mercenary lower cost for purchase, but so much of a cost per 24 hour period (not increasing in amount, allways the same per mercenary) This would help if you need alot of defensive troops fast and can't wait for the 24 hour period to be over... also added option to fire mercenaries so that you don't have to keep paying them if you have excess...
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Some Suggestions to improve your plan...

1. Great idea...

2. I don't know how great this idea is...I don't really see any real huge improvement...

3. If it gave loans than you could just stall until next wave so the loan is erased...That is unless you maybe either allowed other players to loan money or made the loan stay until account is deleted...which means they could still stall until next wave, delete account, and make a new one...

4. This has a few holes it in it...what if the person isn't would have to wait until they are on...then even if they accepted you money would either be stealable or stored in the bank where you can't use it...

5. This is a great idea, but it might take some work to get it ready and all the possible errors worked out of it...I like the defecting idea... :wink: I also think you should add a random event for some of the soldiers from the commander defect to the officers side... :D ...oh and the "general troops" or untrained troops are generically called soldiers no matter what the race...for simplicity reasons...

6. When you buy a mercenary does it actually cost you every turn...or every 24 hours or whatever...I don't think it does...though it might be a nice addition, if you could fire them as well...

1. thank you..

2. Oh For the Spies... I was thinking like real life.. you have espionage and counter-espionage... if your rating is higher in counter-espionage you would be more likely to halt attacks on your person.. if your rating is higher in espionage you would be more successful in sabotaging or getting information... it might not be a GREAT improvement but it was just an idea I had...

3. when I said loans I was thinking like real life... its not that you have a time limit to pay it back.. its permanent, but if your money drops below -(insert loan here) because of interest, then you may have to declare bancruptcy (selling weapons for $$$ or laying off some mercenaries) or you first lose mercenaries (because they want to be paid) and then you start losing soldiers because of lack of paycheck...(don't pay soldiers per 24 hour period, that would suck the life out of our Naquadah farm of idlers)

4. If you want to have safe money, this isnt the game for you lol... and, now I think more about it.. this may be unachieveable depending on the message system and if its seperate from the other system... what I mean't was that you would have a new stat under your soldiers list... (captured spies) and you could click on (captured spies) and be able to choose their fate... I didn't mean to say it like (INSTANTLY) its more of a leverage tool... like when you capture that many spies you can be like (either give that money back you took last attack, or I will kill your spies.. if you give it back I will release a prisoner...) prisoners was what I mean't and defecting like mentioned in 5....

5. Adding due to 4 in that you can GRAB a spy and make him switch sides, if your enemies counter-spies are not good enough, you can have an inside agent in the enemy base, able to sabotage things, and report back intelligence...) when you attack the player, if you click on sabotage, you can select a Checkmark for (use double agent/s) and then you have like a 25% greater chance if you use a double agent as well as a regular spy... sort of like a bonus... but if you use it you have the chance of being caught or your double-agent from being Turned once again...

6. It does not cost you per turn, or every 24 hours... it would be a nice additin if you could fire them... Its a 1 time only fee and that is VERY unrealistic for mercenaries... they are MONEY men.. they only work because of the money, so if you don't pay them... they don't work

7(NEW). If you have a mercenary and are unable to pay them, you have a 48 hour GRACE period before he leaves and it appears on your...

8(NEW). Event Log... if your troops defect, the server resets, you get a new officer, your spy turns, your double agent gets caught, or your mercenary leaves it all appears on the Event log... If suddenly your Mercenary asks for money (because you couldn't afford him) that will appear in your event log "(1 new event/s)" sort of like messaging text at left, but underneath the bank would probably be idea location.... Just my thoughts... if you have and questions or comments please just post and I will reply ASAP
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Psi Kiya Trist
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mercs aren't paid, because they don't generate Naq like regular troops do...

they do the same things, they just don't give YOU any Naq they mine, they keep it as their fee for staying with you...

at least thats my thoughts about why we don't pay mercs...
buck wrote:well psi, upkeeping order in the universe does play its tricks on your mind...

Good reason... I would hate to pay someone who wasn't making me money, when I could be using the same money to get upgrades for troops and training the ones I have.

Any updates? Haven't heard a word about my suggestions for over 2 weeks...

More suggestions are like

Galaxy/Universe Map, like of the region, shows where the major area's are, and it takes turns to relocate your fighting force to certain regions, higher naq producing regions might not give you much of a defensive bonus but defensive bonus regions would keep your naq safer...

Use of ships where you have to load troops into and send them to attack

Something we can do easily would be an Auto-repair weapons check box (repairs all weapons you have automatically after attacking...)

information on the defection idea:

85% trust should be the starting amount (new number to command center stats)

as you win your trust increases, as you get attacked your trust decreases. If it decreases below 50% your general soldiers don't increase as fast, or they stop. if it decreases below 25% then your general soldiers will go back up but your attack/defending soldiers would start to defect.

I also have a question... Is there anything special about mercenaries? I have 10 but have had 10 since beginning of game, I could never figure out why have them... never seemed like they did anything except what my soldiers do. Is there a bonus or something? If not the mercenaries should do more damage (25%?) than your regular soldiers because mercenaries are supposed to be better, thats why you pay them more.
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Psi Kiya Trist
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StabbityDeath2UAll wrote:Any updates? Haven't heard a word about my suggestions for over 2 weeks...

Galaxy/Universe Map, like of the region, shows where the major area's are, and it takes turns to relocate your fighting force to certain regions, higher naq producing regions might not give you much of a defensive bonus but defensive bonus regions would keep your naq safer...

the idea of a world map has already been thrown out by Admin.

Use of ships where you have to load troops into and send them to attack

ships are already suggested,

Something we can do easily would be an Auto-repair weapons check box (repairs all weapons you have automatically after attacking...)

quite simply, not viable.

I also have a question... Is there anything special about mercenaries? I have 10 but have had 10 since beginning of game, I could never figure out why have them... never seemed like they did anything except what my soldiers do. Is there a bonus or something? If not the mercenaries should do more damage (25%?) than your regular soldiers because mercenaries are supposed to be better, thats why you pay them more.

mercs can be sent to your officers and sold as a way to transfer safe naq to your officers

~_+Psi Kiya Trist+_~
buck wrote:well psi, upkeeping order in the universe does play its tricks on your mind...

Talk about fleets, just play Star Trek Armada/Star Trek Armada 2... Ships should cost around say 335,600 (double the most powerful weapon) and take 100 to crew. the 2nd level ships should cost nearly 500,000 and take 250 to crew. This kind of ship would be a great way to force hostile negotiations :P

just my thoughts on the matter... but I wanna make a fleet yeah!!!

note to all, I don't mean that they should be called what I list them below, I mean that these are generic names that can be changed to fit the races involved...

a ship they might add would be like a spyship, which increases your intelligence rating and takes 10 spies and 40 general drones to activate. If you don't have that many then the ship will not operate until you get enough. That way the ship doesnt just dissappear if you don't have enough to use it.

2nd ship should be a fighter, like the Tauri have. except make it so that theirs only requires 2 general soldiers to operate... except now it would no longer simply be under the weapon list, it would be under the ship list...

3rd would probably be the destroyer/frigate... if you are sending resources to someone else/or soldiers then you have to load them on a frigate (makes people wanna level up so they have enough to buy a frigate)

these should cost around 720,000 and take around 250-260 general soldiers to operate.

various other small ships including a few big ones including mabye a carrier or a "worldship" that you can place your space ships inside basically a space station with docking gates for all except other worldships... basically my idea which I doubt is possible but its still something I wish was possible

last would be the Mothership, the most expensive 15 mil naq 750 general soldiers, and it will give you bonus's like 33% for level 1 and you can upgrade it to 66% for level 2 and then level 3, 100%... note that this is only for if stargate doesn't reset often... if we plan to run it for 1 year non-stop then it would be possible to have such high prices, where everyone can eventually get them if they simply play, go strong, and "bring peace to the lands" (Moses at end of The Ten Commandments) of course right after he said that they went over the river and conquered the land killing/enslaving anyone who resisted until they had conquered all of the land in the area. So eventually it was peaceful because everyone that resisted was killed.

Psi Kiya Trist wrote:
ships are already suggested,

no no no I mean that you don't just crew them, you can also add troops like a transport that takes them into battle... instead of merely a ship that has its own weapons. Boarding ships you name it. I talk alot about it in my last post and if anything needs clarifying (I am sure it does) you know what to do

on the side note: do you make any anime music videos yourself? I have made a few over time and might just post em on since I was allways too scared of what people might think about my work (quality/timing/skill/effort/anime selection)

Idea # 3,523,331

Why not make mutual allies have a naq production bonus due to "trade" and war torn states have a smaller naq production due to the state of war's effect on trade., so that they learn war is not profitable unless you fight your enemy instead of merely sitting there. :smt066

List enemies and allies in a way similar to the attack log in that you list enemies at top and allies at bottom... this would be useful for massive attacks

mabye a checkbox next to names and at the top a dropdown menu for commanders, to give their allies notification that they are going to attack (and then lists people) and that (lists allies) should help out in the attack...

This would help alot, so that the order/clan forums of different clans do not have to discuss simple massive attacks...


you should be able to attack allies, and have it auto-declare war. look at germany 1942, and its sudden attack on Russia, after a long pact. If you break an alliance, you lose a little glory, however you can catch your enemy by suprise and get up to 100% of their gold in the attacking process.


Another form of spy attack, like in Red Alert you can have someone go in and try to steal money from your bank. No money is truly safe, in games or in real life. Mabye call him either a Thief, or a fancy name "enemy income acquirer".?

Honour goes up from fighting against someone who attacked you and you win. Honour goes down if you lose a battle.

:smt067 Hire a hitman to bump off as many spies as possible, and avoid capture. His chance of success should be around 90% but his survival should be around 10% the 1st time and and increasing each time he goes on a mission, making him around 200,000 naq sounds about right...


Buy drones to send to intel the enemy, so you can fire a missile through the stargate, to destroy enemies, if the drone makes it to the target successfully your missile will be fired, taking out people as well as weapons... can only be used as a before attack move, so that you cannot simply bombard people with missiles. However you gain no naq from this process, and missile/drone costs 10,000.... once used you lose it.

Edit: please change!!! 80,100Naquadah for the defensive clone for asgard....

I believe the requirements to purchase need to be fixed...

unless you have 89,000 you cannot purchase the 80,100 cost of a defensive clone... weird... I got this message

"You do not have enough resources, or units. Trained units take untrained to make. Super units take trained units to make. Everything requires Naquadah."

however I have 163,795 naq ATM, and tried to train 2 defensive clones, for a total of 160,200, the coding for the button or the .php page where the information is sent off to, needs to be changed in order for purchasing to be correct, I cannot spend all my money, so I sit with extra due to this error.

100x 10 = 1000, I bought 30, thats 3000 that dissappeared merely because of that 100... earlier this week I got 50, thats over 5000 naq I lost.... total of allmost 10 thousand so far this week, I hate losing money over nothing... If you don't wanna change, whatever its your site... I am just commenting.

(Suicide Attack) specifically does twice as much damage, and steals a higher % of naq, however, you lose alot more than usual in your attack, even if you are just naq farming a 3 damage person... they can still kill your troops.

(Hit and Run Attack) Attacking quickly, and losing less people you don't take as much naq from them, however you stand a reasonable chance (depending on their covert level) that they won't know who attacked them, and therefore if you merely have a large amount of naq, and an upper level attacks you merely to get naq, there is no resentment merely because of playing the game.

(Prep before attack) Send spies before an attack, in a combined attack, the spies try to lower the enemies readiness and cause your enemy to have a lower defensive power, of course this depends entirely on if your spys are caught and killed. The chance of losing spies in this endeavor is very high, however the result is much more naq (allmost all) being taken from the defender, and them losing more troops...

The covert level uprgades = crap... it is impossible to get a high enough level to where your spies do enough damage to destroy an enemy merely by covert activities. I have watched time and time again, spies getting killed left and right even more than soldiers (which doesn't make any sense) and yet they don't even do the same amount of damage or produce naq... its allmost pointless now, unless they make covert levels, to where they cost 10% more per level... as it is, it looks like 50% more per level... THAT IS INSANE... heres an example taken from an old chess story I have heard

"A king was taught chess, by one of the world's leaders in mathmatics. After the king mastered the game under his council, the king said "What can I give you to repay your good service to my nation?" the wise man replied "starting with 1 grain of rice, and doubling every step... for all of the squares on the chessboard!" The King, who was not the best at math, agreed instantly to his proposal... this is how much rice he received, because it doubled each time Twisted Evil

1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 48, 96 (first row)
192, 384, 768, 1536, 3072, 6144, 12288, 24576 (second row)
On the third row, people started to complain a little about how much this chestmaster deserved, but they kept on going
49152, 98304, 196608, 393216, 786342, 1572864 (before the row was completed, there was a small rebellion against the king but he put it down)
3145728, 6291456 (third row)
After the third row, the number had gone so high, it was impossible for the king to keep up the pace, and he finally got the wise old man, to relax the deal, so that the king's country could get its food.) The moral of this story, is that any number, duplicated 64 times of ANYTHING is too high to reach..."

We know about this first hand with stargatewars....

just F.Y.I the number that would have been reached had the king finished the deal would have been 9,223,372,036,854,775,808

which is a higher number than stars in the sky, or molecules in the entire galaxy.
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StabbityDeath2UAll wrote:just F.Y.I the number that would have been reached had the king finished the deal would have been 9,223,372,036,854,775,808

which is a higher number than stars in the sky, or molecules in the entire galaxy.

Not that it's very important, but I think you underestimate the number of molecules in the universe.

The number of molecules in 1 mol of any substance is about 6,02 x 10^23. For water, the weight of 1 mol is about 18 gr. So 1 litre of water contains about 33,333,333,333,333,333,333,333,333 molecules. Go figure how many molecules you are made of.

F.Y.I. The cost of covert levels doubles every level, not increases 50%. The effect also doubles. The problem is that in order to protect yourself from an insane spylevel, all you have to do is get a spylevel a little lower than theirs and a good amount of spies. This makes it too costly to sabotage you effectively. This can easily be adjusted by making it possible to do more than 1 weapon of damage on a succesful covert strike. I've mentioned this before. It should be possible to deal someone a maximum of 1% of their total weapons in sabotage damage, with a minimum of 1 top level weapon.

Player a has 1000 top level weapons. He can be sabbed for 10 weapons per strike, thats 80 per day, with the limit of 8 strikes per day. With that amount of weapons, they should have enough income to buy them back.
Player b has 100 top level weapons. He can be sabbed for 1 weapon per strike, up to a maximum of 8 per day. Just like it is now.
Player c has 10 top level weapons, and a bit of little scrap. He can be sabbed for 1 top level weapon's worth of damage (the minimum limit) so lets say 3000 (that covers the asgard and tauri toplevels). So the 3000 go into the scrap first, and what's leftover goes to the toplevels.

This system would make sure that covert is no longer as worthless as it is now, and would also make sure that it doesn't become too powerful against the weaker players. Plus, it makes sense doesn't it? If someone has 1000 weapons, there's a bigger chance you'll find 10 that aren't being closely watched. If they only have 10, they're probably being watched non stop, and you're lucky to find an opportunity to take 1 out.

As soon as you build an idiot proof system, somebody else builds a better idiot.

If it moves, kill it. If it doesn't move, kick it until it does move, and then kill it.

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