Simple Newgrounds Calculator by _Qba

Specific to server: "GateWars: New Grounds"
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Re: Simple Newgrounds Calculator by _Qba

fix it, i cant ascend :(
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Re: Simple Newgrounds Calculator by _Qba

PM QBA for a working link to the calc.
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Re: Simple Newgrounds Calculator by _Qba

:smt017 calc i don.t need :-D
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Re: Simple Newgrounds Calculator by _Qba

So the opening post(s) have been removed because the calc by Qba is no more? :(
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Re: Simple Newgrounds Calculator by _Qba

Dubby_CompGamerGeek2 wrote:So the opening post(s) have been removed because the calc by Qba is no more? :(
Nothing was removed. This was always a thread by Field Marshall about something made by _Qba. The trollface is something FM did. ;)

Not sure if it works, but this was _Qba's post.
_Qba wrote:Uploaded to another hosting so at least 1 should be always running:

*link removed - outdated*

As for now:
- UP works (it should work up to about 100k where cost was change after last update)
- DMC and Shield tech working but at some lvls calc starts doubling values (was working fine before so maybe there was some cost change?)
- weapon, cov, a-cov, inc, ms techs not working ATM.

Right now I'll try to correct DMC & shield, and to find a formula for other techs.
It would help if few people could PM me with current tech costs for different asc (don't forget to include your ASC lvl and ID drive ;) )
Also I would need UP cost for ~ 10k, 25k, 50k, 75k and everything > 100k (also with asc LVL of course)
Last edited by Support on Thu Jun 21, 2018 3:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Simple Newgrounds Calculator by _Qba

nope, that server domain is for sale. :(

what's the original?
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Re: Simple Newgrounds Calculator by _Qba

Dubby_CompGamerGeek2 wrote:nope, that server domain is for sale. :(

what's the original?
i use this:
*link removed - outdated*
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Re: Simple Newgrounds Calculator by _Qba

omg it does load! :shock:

eventually. on a broadband connection. :smt081
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Re: Simple Newgrounds Calculator by _Qba

Dubby_CompGamerGeek2 wrote:omg it does load! :shock:

eventually. on a broadband connection. :smt081
Dubzzz!!! HAHA :smt047

Yes, it does load just takes a few extra seconds/patience (something I have little of...) ](*,)
What Happened to my Siggy????

Damn it Bernie!!

Affy? or 'Bad Affy'...:
What in the H E double LL happened to the Siggy's???
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Re: Simple Newgrounds Calculator by _Qba

fallen angel wrote: Tue May 21, 2013 6:19 am
Dubby_CompGamerGeek2 wrote:nope, that server domain is for sale. :(

what's the original?
i use this:
*link removed - outdated*
loads to online casino game for me :/

Anyone know of a working cal please :)
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