Glitch: Resolution of Mysterious Era - 47 (.. and 48)

quantum bugs and balance issues
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Glitch: Resolution of Mysterious Era - 47 (.. and 48)

After Era 46, Quantum has never restarted.

During the time Quantum has been closed down, the game has run an unsanctioned (and unsupported) Era - 47. The existence of 'Era 48' in the records is a consequence of a half-reset. Era 47 was a haphazard re-run of the last Era. This Era was not set up by the administration, but started due to a server glitch.
This 'Mysterious Era' as we'll call it attracted almost a handful of attentive players.

Era 48 will be removed from the annals of history - a consequence of its half-reset which did not affect stats.
Era 47 was clearly never meant to run, but did. This Era's prizes will be awarded, but limited. The number of unique players, active at any point during Era 47 was roughly 10% of the number of players meeting the same criteria in Era 46.
Consequently, the prizes for this highly irregular Era are 10% of normal.

We have a podium for Era 47:
In third place: Soundwave, winning 3 USD worth of Black Market Naq/UU/AT/Merlins (credited to an account of winner's choice, so you can sell the credit if you have no GateWars Main acc)
In second place: Bilbao Pan, winning 5 USD worth of ,,
In first place: Mataro X, winning 20 USD worth of ,,

Winners can e-mail with an ID and their desired prize distribution.
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