Ancient Anubis I miss you
Johauna Firali/Teal'auc I miss you
Lord Apophis One I miss you
Esker I miss you
RepliJake I miss you
GhostyGoo I miss you
JUAN I miss you
ETL I miss you
Psi Kiya Trist I miss you
Kjarkur I miss you
buck I really miss you
Pianomutt(BILL!!!) i miss you
Zeratul I miss you
REK I miss you
Jason the OG, I miss you
Shoutout to my longtime officer VampYre who I played Kings of Chaos with in Phoenix Rising(remember the clickbots? lol) that I lost contact with like 10 years ago
Shoutout to Ishmayeck
Semper I miss you
Nicholai Brocov, I miss you
Robe, I miss you
Flavar, I miss you
DaDigi, I miss you
raistlin majere, I miss you
Zarakai Kenpachi, I miss youuuuu
Visentinel, I miss uuu

JediMasterX I miss u
CJayC, I miss u
There are just too many to name. I hope you're all doing well!
Eternally Your God,