Alliance Kitty?

This is a good idea?

Maybe it can be perfectened...
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Good suggestions Icer :D

IcER wrote:Heh, sorry I was typing that message in a hurry (gotta be strict on my revision breaks ;))

The alliance kitty gets spent on your alliance weapons used in part 3. You could *maybe* get some sort of special upgrades for example (I stress this is just an example, Im sure you guys can brainstorm some much better ideas thatn this)...your alliance can buy a mothership fleet, or maybe a special military base planet or something else...for a huge some like 1 billion naq, which in turn could give some sort of bonus, possibly:

1. Fortifaction/seige equivalent for the entire alliance fleet
2. a +% modifer on all the members weapons, of covert (edit: of all individual the members)
3. Naq havesting (maybe for a special designated mining planet was the upgrade) that either slowly increases your alliance bank each turn, or a small increase for each member.

But to be honest these at the moment are minor details that have to be sorted later anyway. I am more interested to find out if there are any potential exploits in the whole alliance bank thing, and what people think of it :)
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Re: Alliance Kitty?

_Apophis__ wrote:hmm, i just was thinking of this idea: how about somthing called a clan kitty ( alliance storage area ), the leader of the alliance can choose wich members have acces to the kitty and if a member of ur alliance deposits naq , turns, soldiers etc, the leader will get a message orsomthing and the leader will be notified what happend. this will be very usefull for the members of an alliance ( the leader has limited acces to the kitty so the leader can only take somthing once per 24 hours orsomthing and its limited what the leader can take but he can deposit recourses in it as much as he wants. ) the members how ever have more options to take stuff of it ( members can withdraw - deposit, 5-20 times per 24 hours orsomthing. what do you guys think?

adding up somthing , hmm, how about somthing like, making this idea against multi account, uhm, you can register your OWN IP adress and your name in it so when u try to acces the kitty you have to login to use the kitty, you can only use your own login stats to get into the kitty and when a multi account gets in it ( with same ip orsomthing) it will be blocked and it cannot get acces, even if the leader of an alliance gives acces , it still cannot get acces cuz the same ip was allready registered with the register person orsomthing...

Brilliant idea!!!
kkep them coming ;)
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This has been suggested in the past - and although we now have in-game alliances, they do not significantly change gameplay, so why should it be implemented now??

That aside, it is a good idea - but how do you control access to the kitty?
Severian wrote:So I say as a last resort, splice Semper & Wolf359 for a good balance, Clone said unholy abomination a hundred times, let loose on forums and problem solved.
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Like a group bank with loans and stuff. We can limit the amount a person can withdraw, by having the alliance leaders set the amount.
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I like IcER's idea on this. It should be a deposit only function, with the leader having the option to spend the naq. It becomes sort of a separate account on a higher level. An alliance fleet that can only do battle with other alliance fleets. You can attack another alliance to get their naq and reduce their profit. The problem with this is that you'll see the big alliances bullying the little ones. How would a 10 member alliance defend themselves from a 100 member alliance with much more support. And on another note, how do you prevent an alliance from enlisting a bunch of weaklings to provide the turns while the big guys provide the guns, making an unstoppable force?

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Well the good thing about sharing profits equally among members is that a large alliance with many many members will mean each player player gets less naq, because your alliance will only produce a certain amount that will have to be shared.

I do agree that you might get alliance bullying. If it is a major issue, there is always the possiblity of limiting alliance size, but thinking about it that still wont stop the bigger alliances stealing all the small alliances' naq hmm...

Thanks slep, you got me thinking :-D

Edit: Ok my intial thoughts on the matter...

Make alliance warfare have a fairly hefty turns cost, so it isnt worth picking off the smaller alliances. This could also be used to curb large alliances a bit, by saying to attack another alliance, you need 15 turns/member (and maybe in -1 turns per member in the opposing alliance - with a minimum limit of course).

Any other ideas?

Edit 2: I just remember another idea from another thread...we could set an attack range, where you can only attack alliances either with half your alliance's naq or more.

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