Regarding the loss of untrained and new updates bugs

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I have lost alot of stuff. I lost all the guys I trained and my UP has gone down by like 900-1000. I had made some major progress over the last few days as well as I bought some NAQ yesterday for my UP. I didn't get compensated like the note says that we were supposed to.

I'm missing about 30-40k in troops as well and I believe a covert level, also one of my officers bought me SSeven though I already had it) a few days ago for a gift and I'm missing the benefits(the uu's, the bank increase, the turns,...) of that purchase as well.

Are you going to be able to check the logs for all of the changes? Please say that you can. I love the game, but I'm pretty irritated that all of my work and money has now gone bye bye. I want my stuff.

*I respect the admins and am not slanderng in any way*

7200 minutes of PPT is not enough to satisfy my anger.
Feedback Thread: ... p?p=866199

Rather small because I keep forgetting about it.
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i lost 200K uu and 2 bil and i was wondering if admin could send it or will i be compensated or wat is going to happen i am slightly annoyed but happy that you fixed the bug so thank you for that if you could help me out i would be really appreciative

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this bug i dont like

i have lost between 40 and 60k of super weapons though i dont believe any uu as for turns i dont use them

i have also lost my rank i was ranked about 204 to 209 getting glory points now im ranked in the thousands
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ok think of it this way, i sell 100k uu and put the naq towards my UP + some lifers (are u still with me) so if the uu are still missing then why is the extra UP i bought not there?
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comander zao
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not lik u hav ever replyed to any of my pms. "forum" so now ive just quit msging u.
some of u may remember me of Comander Zao.
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forum has had 1400 e-mails sent to him he wont and i think its imposible to get through all of them in one day

now unless you payed cash for your lifers/anything else off the market you aint going to get anything back

we went back in time by 3 days anything you bought in that 3 days will not be replaced (unless bought with cash) why? because those three days never happend stop moaning and get on with it i lost alot to but i aint botherd its a game crpa things happen like bugs and if i knew it would cause as much trouble for admin that it has i would'nt have played around with the bug.

if you used your market turns to buy lifers you have your market turns back and you can use them again to buy lifers
Apadamek (goo is life) wrote:Jix cannot be banned, all fear his marijuana and Alcohol induced fits of massing and raiding

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if you do some reading 1 of the forum admin/mod's basicly gave permission to mess about with the excess that was available at the time.

anyhow i was not online at the time so i missed it.

i have also sent an email to admin but i dont mind he he reads it last coz i know how much work he has to do, ok 100k uu is a fair amount to loose but i can wait, as long as the game gets sorted out i dont mind :-)

I lost 7 bill out of my bank, 30k attack soldiers (normal not super trained) and about 112k miners. Also I lost covert 21 and 2.7k attack turns, i would be grateful to get these back but I know how busy you are trying to put a lot of things back in order
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Anonymous wrote:I lost 7 bill out of my bank, 30k attack soldiers (normal not super trained) and about 112k miners. Also I lost covert 21 and 2.7k attack turns, i would be grateful to get these back but I know how busy you are trying to put a lot of things back in order

Or equal value in attack turns if possible

My ingame link is

I forgot to login when posting the last time sorry all
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messiah wrote:if you do some reading 1 of the forum admin/mod's basicly gave permission to mess about with the excess that was available at the time.

anyhow i was not online at the time so i missed it.

i have also sent an email to admin but i dont mind he he reads it last coz i know how much work he has to do, ok 100k uu is a fair amount to loose but i can wait, as long as the game gets sorted out i dont mind :-)
that was a "FORUM" admin nothing to do with the game apart from helping admin test some new stuff now and again

forum has already stated that unless you payed cash for the goods within those 3 days you wont be getting them back

the 3 days never happend so anything you did in those 3 days is'nt in your account now you can either do it all over again or not its up to you

i personal lost 100k lifers one ppt and an alliance member of mine lost 100k lifers (which i payed for) i have re-bought the 100k lifers and i am about to re-buy my alliance members lifers that he lost

get over it move on people
Apadamek (goo is life) wrote:Jix cannot be banned, all fear his marijuana and Alcohol induced fits of massing and raiding

Dark Bahamut
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i payed with $ for 100K of my uu that i lost

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Dark Bahamut wrote:i payed with $ for 100K of my uu that i lost
send an e-mail to admin and sit back and wait

you will get it back if you used cash on the market
Apadamek (goo is life) wrote:Jix cannot be banned, all fear his marijuana and Alcohol induced fits of massing and raiding

Dark Bahamut
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ok i did thank you

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