Tauri vs. Goa'uld roles.

Tauri and Goa'uld roles should be reversed!

Reverse them!
Keep them the same!
Yer stoopid and yer little dog too!
Total votes: 14

Weston wrote:It appears you chose to miss my point completely.
My point being this isn't the TV show.
The bonuses aren't completely accurate.
Everyone had previously agreed that the bonuses, although according to some not entirely fair, were good, and well implimented.

Therfore, changing the game to fit your sugegstion would completely ruin the strategy of many long time players, just for the sake of a little more accuracy.

I'm actually not concerned so much about the TV show, honestly I haven't even seen a full episode. I do know who is evil and who isn't. This would not , however, change strategies because it would only change the name of their race. The bonuses and gameplay for each person would remain exactly the same.

The point is moot because obviously most everybody disagrees or doesn't care.

It's a little annoying though to see alliances shouting "kill the evil goa'uld!" and invoking within themselves "righteous anger" when in actuality I feel that their side embodies the traits that they are supposedly fighting against.

I appreciate your taking the time to voice your opinion, it's what I was asking for, however, I didn't appreciate the rude way you chose express them. Maybe you enjoy that kind of thing, but I think that most people would rather not be insulted, and your communication with others will be greatly improved if you will take that into consideration and think a little more before shooting off a sarcastic message.

You might have just said something like this:

"I strongly disagree, I think the balance is great and everybody agreed to it at the beginning of the game. Thanks for the idea, but it's not practical."

Weston wrote:What stopped you?
The reason I didn't put this in the suggestions forum is because I wasn't trying to make an official suggestion. Just a simple post to see what people thought. I was wrong and should be flogged by a dozen burly black men armed with glass-inlaid whips.

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